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  1. Hi, I'm pretty new to doing this for New Vegas so I could use some help. I'm trying to replace the default texture for the male underwear. I am using Breeze's body already in underwear mode, but it is drawing the texture, I think, from the main game files. I just want to replace that texture with one from a different mod because I hate those grey nothings. Obviously this is just for personal use, not reupload since I didn't make any of the textures, models,etc. I just want this texture as the default instead of something I have to put on.
  2. So, myself and a lewdish friend were discussing the fun we had with knives in the game, with their wonderful kill cameras, and then we got to thinking...why not have a texture replacer for all available knives that turned them into dildos? Mind you, this is quite dirty, as one would be ramming their, erm...toys directly into their target and somehow cutting them with them. If there is any modder good with textures and is just as lewd as us, go right ahead and make this mod! If not, then I thank you for reading this mildly amusing topic.
  3. what i mean that you can customize any armor ingame, stock to DLC, to any size you want like some mesh body mods, it may involve replacing all the stock armor, but it can make it like that it's more real instead of getting some stupid skimpy armors for the size of breasts you want for your toon, either reflects the toon's body config or can be customed on it's own cause i DO like the female vanilla armors, but they lack the sizing that the replacers have!
  4. Just installed the Daedric Corset Armor mod. For some reason it has a weird hip texture problem, like there's missing texture or the mesh doesn't fit correctly. It's especially noticeable around the right side of the hip and also right side of upper chest, also when walking the leg can sometimes clip through a bit when viewing on angles. http://i.imgur.com/Pvc3hyc.jpg This is what it looks when I take the Armour off. http://i.imgur.com/q68EQS6.jpg I'm using CBBE BBP for the body. I tried correcting it with the CBBE hips texture that the mod maker has on the Nexus, but when I take the armor off, I have missing textures around the hips and kidney area. If anyone else has had experience with this, help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
  5. So I installed Schlongs of Skyrim with Mod Organiser and it seemed to install just fine, until I took off my characters armour. Instant crash to desktop, every time. I tried reinstalling, changing the load order etc. and nothing seemed to work. I was able to test this out of other npcs by using the iresistable spell and sure enough the old farmer ahead of me got his dick out and jacked it as a bear wailed on him. So it seems to be just my own character that's causing the problem. I haven't used any other body mods at this time, he's argonian which shouldn't make a difference, though he was edited with RaceMenu so he's light blue in colour (unsure if this is relevant). I've been at this for a while and can't seem to find anyone with the same issue. Thanks!
  6. A unique statue of Dibella inspired by the beautiful painting "The birth of Venus" by William Adolphe Bouguereau (1879) (not the one by Botticelli) (google it)​ (i.e, just Venus on the sea shell while excluding the people surrounding her & also a better body (cbbe, sevenbase or unpb) with a better face) Have both small & large statues (sold by various merchants & found in certain chests across Skyrim) A larger version of the golden dibella statue (sold by merchants) Thank you :smile:
  7. I have been moddind for about 24 hours, and I finally had worked out so many glitches, I then added a few extra mods to round eachother out and make my game enjoyable, give it a real era feel as it's suppose to. somewhat amoral, along with pillaging there's raping, all that such. I've included a list of the mods I currently have installed, my issue is, though everything is working well technically, all the hold guards (and most likely the stormcloaks and companions as they count as hold guards in the programing of the game,) are all running around in bulging underwear. not sure if it's constricted to make guards, as I only saw male ones in whiterun after this happened. They are wearing gloves, boots, helms, shields, and swords. but their armor was replaced... they aren't fully naked but I can't seeem to find a setting if there is one to change them back... and though it's of no real consiquence, maybe even enjoyable to watch them like this, I'd rather have the normal feel returned to skyrim. Can anyone help a mod noob?
  8. WARNING: Links to mods with nudity in this thread! Okay, so basically I use this body type: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44979/? Because I like my character actually looking strong. BUT I'm also really interested in the topless version of this armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35148/? I think it would be fantastic for a strong Nord warrior woman! But of course it's not made for the body type I have. :( If someone would be willing to convert it, just for me personally, that'd be great. I mean if you got permission from the mod author to convert it and uploaded it, that'd be even better! Or heck, so I'm just doing it for personal use, I could even have somebody walk me through the process of converting it myself. Thank you!
  9. Really simple concept but one I haven't seen on the nexus yet. A power armor set and frame mod that turns the specific power armor into an exoskeleton. Think Elysium, CoD, Iron man 2(whiplash), etc... In practice you could say that the armor defends its user with energy projection on impact but its really just an excuse to be slutty in power armor. Idk whether or not any of this requires the FO4 G.E.C.K. or not but for the first version you could just replace the PA model, for future versions it could be a standalone and not affect the base power armor. As long as it looks good and works I'll be happy. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would want something like this.
  10. Since people are starting to make costume edits now, I was wondering if anyone could make an edited, very skimpy replacer (As in bottomless, topless) and/or craftable vault suit that consists of only a cropped vest that covers just the shoulders and the back slightly? A gun holster on the hip would also be a nice touch, along with a bandolier version. (Edit was done to comply with forum rules, previous version contained a picture w/ nudity).
  11. Seeing as everyone else is steadfastly avoiding asking for it, Let's get it out of the way now. A nude and/or Lingerie mesh and texture mod please. These are always among the most popular downloads on all Nexus sites, so no-one can say that it's not wanted, I guess others a simply trying to avoid being stereotyped, but from what I've see nand read, the body meshes in FO4 are in serious need of improvement. (Yes I know we already have a "nude patch" but sadly that is just a retex of the undergarments)
  12. And here comes the best mod request on history of Nexus! (G̶o̶,̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ ̶b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶i̶t̶) I would like to request, a mod where, instead of making the Females, (wich are overrated) have bigger boobs and butt, I wanted to request a mod to makes Male Characters have a bigger butt and if possible, boobs. Fallout Character Creation is so well done, that I'm looking forward for make Girly looking males, if no transgenders too! And since I can wear female outflits. :3 Just a thing really, plus, it would be some hillarious material for some people, as well as serious material for people looking to RP as one character that is either a Trans or likes to look Girly. Please don't comment being an asshole because of this request, I'm serious, and I'm sure many people would love it too! (I'm not asking for a Nude mod, I'm asking for bigger males butts as well as if possible, males with boobs.) Thanks, and have a very productive day!
  13. I thought I had this figured out but I don't. For some reason my females characters are topless during character creation. Even though, this kind answers another question I had. How can I have a nude Player character my friend did.. yeah my friend... that's it. This was however unintentional. I need to fix it. This is a NSFW screenshot. Please be aware of that before opening it. NSFW This is my load list.
  14. I'm bored and I'm in the mood for some gay action. Kinda hard to look for mods relating to the subject as they either don't exist, or I'm not searching for the right tags, or I need to read more forum posts. Mind helping? also if you could find some skyrim ones that'd be cool too
  15. so like the title says im having ui issues with OSEX, its like the UI is moved very far to the left when I start a scene the left options are covered up and the right options are in the middle of my screen, I cannot for the life of me figure out whats causing.
  16. Might have already been made but I can't find it - I'm not looking for an invisible armour so they are still protected, I'm looking for something similar to CHSBHC: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27415/? However unlike CHSBHC where the armour is on every NPC and cannot be removed, an armour that can be put on a single NPC without others being affected. This is just as I find it annoying that some custom followers have clothes textured into their skin and therefore cannot be removed, meanwhile CHSBHC can remove clothes textured into the skin but cannot be removed. EDIT - Pretty much this but for Skyrim instead of fallout: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10233/?
  17. There was a mod for OG Skyrim called Phallus Arrows. I simply wish to live my dream and shoot giant pink dicks at people on the Special Edition of Skyrim. Can somebody please take 5 minutes of their time to do this for me I have been trying for hours to recreate it but I am a complete n00b when it comes to modding. Somebody please help!!
  18. Hello, I wish to have a bottomless knight armor set mod inspired by the design of Nisetanaka's character Kardia. I'd put some reference images but they'd obviously be nsfw, but here's a link to an example from a Skyrim mod based on what I'm looking for: (NSFW Warning) https://www.patreon.com/posts/sse-kardia-armor-30305902 I'd totally be content with just modifying an existing knight set to not have any pants too lol! Thank you for your time!
  19. Are there MHW NSFW mod to make all characters nude? NPC too? Not just the main playable character. Note: I know nude mods are made for sexual gratification, but I'm a nudist and thought it'll be interesting to play a game where everyone is nudists too.
  20. You know when someone posts a new mod, and the first comment on it goes "Great work! Now make her futa cater to my specific fetish!" It's a bit of a jerk move? Instead of doing that (again, because I'm pretty sure I've done that jerk move in the past), I thought I'd post a request here. Sure, it'll probably be read by more people making mod requests more than people making mods. But it's less of a jerk move. This is a request for boots mostly. Maybe gloves or armguards too if it's doable. If someone could take the original body nude mod (currently downloadable from https://nudepatch.net/horizon-zero-dawn-nude-aloy/ and installable with Decima from https://github.com/Jayveer/Decima-Explorer/releases/tag/2.7) and stick some in-game boots on her, it would be awesome. Edit: Fixing tags.
  21. Hello, this is a repost of a mod request from Dark Souls 3. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/11034348-mod-request-nsfw-kardia-armor-set-from-nisetanaka/ Basically I just want a full knight armor with boots/greaves but no bottoms, maybe just a mod that removes the pants from any equipment for the legs but keeps the shoes? Thank you for your time!
  22. The idea sounds simple enough but unfortunately I have no modding experience. Basically the mod would make New Vegas a nudist colony by either deleting all vanilla armor meshes or editing every NPC's inventory to not include any clothing. Obviously it would require a body replacer mod for the full effect. Anyone have any suggestions on how this could easily be done? I'm looking to start a modded TTW play-through soon, so bonus points if it also effects Fallout 3 NPCs.
  23. First of all, this only works on a new game unfortunally! So do not ask me to make it work on an existing save, cause i have tried, and i couldnt make it work!, so again, this ONLY works on a new save. Step 0: You need to have enabled hidden files and folders, if you dont have them enabled, do step 12a first, then continue with step 1. Step 1: Make sure that cheat engine is working. Step 2: If Cheat engine is working skip to step 16. If you have not installed it yet, and need to download it, continue with step 3. Step 3: Make an exclusion for folders in your AV for C:\users\your user name\appdata\local\temp. If you know how to do this, do it, and go to step 16, if not, then continue to step 4. Step 4: This is for windows 10, I use the virus protection thing that comes included for windows 10. If you have another AV, then i dont know how to make exclusions, you have to google then how to do it. Step 5: Click on the windows button, and then click the cogwheel. Step 6: Click on update and security. Step 7: Click on the left on windows security Step 8: On the right, click on the first entry. Mine is dutch, but it should translate to something like virus and threat attacks Step 9: A new window opens, in this window on the right click on something that translate to manage settings thats underneath something that translates to settings for virus and threat attacks. Step 10: Scroll down a bit, and locate exceptions, and click on add or remove exception Step 11: Click on + Add an exclusion and in the drop down menu select folder Step 12: On the new window that opens up, on the right, click on this pc, then click the c drive (or where you have installed windows and your user folders) and then click users, then click your username, then click app data (if you dont see it, you need to make hidden folders visible, this will be explained in step 12a) then click local, then click temp, then click add folder on the bottom right. Step 12a: If you need to make hidden folders visible: on the my pc screen on the top click the 4th option which should translate to something called view. In the drop down menu, click on the arrow pointing downwards underneath options and click manage something that translates to manage folder and search options. A new window opens up, and in this window click the middle tab, and scroll down at the advanced settings untill you see something called hidden files and folders, and place a checkmark in; view hidden files and folders. Then click ok apply, then ok, then close everything and then navigate to this pc > c (or wherever you have installed windows) > users (or something that translates in your language) > your username > and see if there is a folder called appdata. If there is not such a folder, then repeat step 12a and follow it to the letter! Step 13: Close everything Step 14: Download and install cheat engine (google for it, and get it from its official site) Step 15: In the setup, click on skip all, and install it, then run cheat engine. Step 16: With cheat engine fired up, fire up saints row, and make sure to create a new game. Step 17: If you dont wanna watch the intro, hold enter to be able to go to the boss creator. Step 18: Alt tab back out of the game and go to cheat engine, and on the top left click the tiny blue screen thingy that says select a process to open, and then highlight your saints row exe, and then click open. Step 19: With the exe loaded, on the top right notice the value drop down box, click it and select float. Step 20: In saints row, go to the second tab and at chest size set the chest size exactly to 60. Step 20: alt tab back out to cheat engine, and in the bar on the right side of the checkbox hex, type 0.6 and hit enter and let cheat engine find it. You will notice that it have found a lot of entries, so we need to tighthen down the search! Step 21: Go back to saints row, and make the chest size 10, then go to cheat engine again, type 0.1 in the search bar and hit enter. You see less results compared to your previous search, but still quite a lot. Step 22: Do the same thing for chest sizes 20 (ce 0.2), 30 (ce 0.3), 40 (ce 0.4), 50 (ce 0.5) and 70 (ce 0.7) Step 23: Eventually you see 3 search results, and this is what we want. I hit these 3 at 0.7, but maybe its possible to have these 3 search results a bit earlier, that i dont know. Step 24: Highlight all 3 search results, and click the red arrow thats located on the bottom right of the search results window, this makes 3 checkboxes become visible with some text and numbers after it below the results window. Step 25: Double click the numbers underneat value of the first entry, and then type 1.8 and hit ok Step 26: Do the same for the remaining 2 entries. Step 27: Go back to saints row, and click the first entry on the left to save your boss, then move back to another preset, then back to your boss, and you see you have bigger boobs. Step 28: Optional, go back to cheat engine, and play with the values, to set the boob size to what you want. Remember tho, 100 is 1.0, 180 is 1.8, etc etc. Step 29: Enjoy your bigger boobs ingame! Hope this all helps, but if not, and if you have questions, then feel free to write me a PM. Cheers!
  24. Could someone make a mod to replace the Platemail Scales on a dragonborns nude form with something more akin to Argonians and their Mods in Skyrim? If they give us a bra, then the plates shouldn't imply nothings there anyway.
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