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  1. I was out in Armadillo, noticed this fellow and immediately took note of the hilarious opportunity here. Any.... Takers?
  2. Can someone help me make spinning weapon ash of war into a channel ability or a toggle like ash of war so that you can hold it and let go when you want but it consumes mana or stamina till you let go bonus - also to make it block projectiles too
  3. I had a thought recently about a potential mod concept that might be interesting -- Robocop as a mod over Finn. He has a lot of resources to draw from in Mortal Kombat 11 and Rogue City, so if that sounds interesting to anyone, food for thought. Just a generally big fan of Robocop so I felt it would be a fun concept.
  4. Description: A mod that allows me to not pick up duplicate armor, weapon, or other things that i would want not to pick up. I am mainly seeking a way to stop my character from getting duplicate armor or weapon. Thank you.
  5. The Armaros Drone is one of the best features in the game, in my opinion. I love the tactical feel and blowing up enemies from the sky, and from a distance, but it needs a buff. You aren't given much time to use the Armaros Drone, and the payloads it delivers are not even as good as the rocket launcher, and slower (cooldown), and also very limited. I am hoping someone on this forum could make a mod or hack or knows of a mod or hack that would buff the Armaros Drone ability. I am sure there are others here that would love to have such a mod too.
  6. Hello guys. I saved Halsin, killed the goblin leaders, but before having the long rest to talk to him in camp, I've gone to act 1.5 in the creche. I read the quest log and it says Halsin is dead, I'm at act 2 now, haven't found his body neither in act 1, 1.5, camp, act 2. I wanted to know if there's a command to make his body appear close to my character? Even if it's only his dead body
  7. Asking for a friend Can someone make a mod where you can see a character's affinity with you without having to add them to your party? Like in the camp menu? It's just annoying and I'd like to be able to quickly see
  8. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  9. please make a mod that will allow you to capture change build any place you like where there are buildings? an existing outpost or launch pad and enemies have been destroyed
  10. Hey, I'm in wolvenkit, but I search and only see low blurry textures like the pic. I'm looking for the silver or yellow version main textures. Does anyone know what folder they are in?
  11. ATCHUNG! For those who have downloaded the cbbe knee fix for the Animated Mannequins mod (can someone please port it and its armed mannequins addon to Skyrim for f*#@ sake) and are experiencing CTDs when selecting female or armed mannequins take note: The reason is because the female mesh is missing. (I found that out by going into the CK and seeing that instead of the mesh there was that red diamond exclamation point thingy.) It turns out the culprit is the cbbe knee fix, which requires the Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix - Legs for Days - 3BBB mod. Now what the knee fix does is redirect the mesh path to that of the skeletal adjustments mod. However, neither the game nor the CK are aware of this and try to look for it in the original directory. When I actually took the time to read the knee fix description I knew that would explain why the female mesh was missing, so I uninstalled the knee fix and the skeletal adjustments and PRESTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The female mesh shows up in the CK and no more CTDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Only asking for a couple off bosses from vinilla terraria to be ported over to 3ds maybe even some weapons and the shimmer too Ik the graphics for some modding would most likely need to be scaled down but be fun to be able to progress more and do more at a big push if anyone could make a mini calamity that runs on 3ds it would be mega but I know it’s a hard and big ask as it’s for 3ds but if someone is able to get it I’d greatly appreciate it
  13. i would like medieval mod have some images on my account. would like to bring ark building to palworld. mod is for game pass.pc. would like to build to on water, in air .free building. all stone and wood foundations. mod is add on with lots of new ideas and building foundations etc and triangular. along with stone, wood, dirt, and can build outside of build circle. mod also has armor. armourstand, statues.jail,door bars, bars, long and short gothic midevil windows, doors .drawbridge. wagons. wheel barrals. hay bails. different style roofs high low, pointed angeled. etc. and people in multiplayer can put there guild banners up. on builds or as flags. have like 10 different ones. im not a modder im a builder player this is a epic mod add on keep all other items in game. add also midevil items etc.extra items open after level 50 and adds to build wheel in game. just want to build epic medieval and gothic castle builds all bells and etc. lol more item added later after i build and decorate,
  14. I updated one of my mod (ValdacilsItemSorting) and as I did this i might have changed a few settings... I dont really care about that but since then I get this message when I try to load my game and I at this point I can't do press yes to accept and continue, my game just becomes unresponsive (background music still running though), I don't know what to do, i've try reinstallign this particular mod with every setting possible It just won't work.. Ty for your help !
  15. Just a simple idea, that I personally hope is also simply done, to add some kind of spell or item that will completely reset all vendor inventories. I know this would cause issues with duplicating items you've already bought, unless there was a way to only remove things sold to them but no idea. However it would dramatically help people who are suffering from memory issues like I am. Unneeded personal s#*! - I'm having some memory issues with my RAM and in ACT II this has caused complete failure in moonrise with the vendors. I have been trying to figure out how to fix this issue for 12 hours to no avail, going to get new RAM and hopefully that'll give me a much bigger safety net for this issue.
  16. Please make a mod that stops the bubbles from depleteing.
  17. Hello, I'll tell you in advance that I'm stupid and I don't understand anything, so please be kind I downloaded everything I need for the mod (including the UI), but when I transfer the zip archive with the mol to the racemenu I get this...this
  18. Hi, I'm making a personal mod with a custom tree, and I wanted it to produce fruit in two different seasons (I.E Summer and Winter). But I literally can't figure out why it keeps giving me errors when adding another season. Is it just not possible with trees, or am I just doing things wrong?
  19. Hello, so title, i've been making a mod which contains an "Aid-N-Go" Vending Machine, it dispenses stimpacks, radx, antivenoms, etc. I have been trying to get it to work forever now, nobody just wants to help nowadays it seems. Anyways, i have all the files ready to go and the mod is basically already complete, i just cant get it to appear in-game. If anyone would please PLEASE help me, please respond here, shoot me a dm, or ask for my discord. This mod should honestly take an hour or so to complete because i already have every asset. If anyone is interested, id love to work with you! PS: The texture is updated to fit properly and has emissive textures too- i just can't figure out how it all works
  20. Can someone replace the hard landing animation with a PK Roll that doesn't stall your movement? I play as a cyber ninja and it just makes me look like an amateur when it takes so long to recover from a high fall.
  21. Ive been playing this game for a very long time, started countless times and tried many mods so far. However i never got rid of the stupid fallout "spawn XYZ stuff in containers every 3 days". Like which idiots idea was it over there at Bugesda to spawn stuff in containers magically? It is HORRIBLE! What i would love to see is a mod which : disables this feature. Ive tried the mods that disable cell reset, ive tried the mods (5 of them) that reduce loot, set loot to 0% in all of them, tried 5 of those mods at the same time or all of them one by one and i still get these spawns. Imagine this : im settled in a house with my stuff in containers, every few days when i come in there are new items in various containers (the same everywhere else i go ofc ) . Like cmon seriously now? Please someone fix this game.
  22. hello all. Is there a mod which changes raiders' clothes to casual outfit? hat, pants, shirt and etc? In vanilla i can to change outfit for some npcs via npc trade/inventory menu. I tried to search, but not found something similar.
  23. So there is a mod that gives many NPCs such as Elder Lyons new dialogue, however all the dialogue is unvoiced, so they don't move their lips or make any sound, what they say just appears as subtitles at the bottom of the screen. I know how to make audio files for their voices, I just don't know how I can add them into the mod so that the NPCs actually talk. Any and all help is appreciated.
  24. Manbuns are for pussies, need Shonin-like ronin hairstyles.
  25. Who can, please make a mod that will replace the ghost armor with the main scorpion costume from Mortal Kombat 11
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