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zixi last won the day on July 17

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About zixi

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    ...anything that will work on Linux!
  • Favourite Game
    Baldur's Gate I & II and Morrowind

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Community Answers

  1. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    Banned. George obviously subscribes to the view that conversation (and banning) is like ping pong. He pings. You have to pong. You didn't pong to his ping. Banned.
  2. A: Probably anything. A reasonable question must be something that someone somewhere could give some kind of reasonable reason for asking it in the first place. Since 'reasonable' is likely highly subjective then anything that anyone labels reasonable in the first place is quite difficult to discount as unreasonable... even by unreasonable standards. Sometimes there is nothing quite so unreasonable as reason anyway... Q: Where does time go? (when you've finished with it)...
  3. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    George - Banned! For being simplistic about the results of the shout. The Fus roh dah seems to have blown away a load of junk and some very irritating cold callers trying to sell double glazing.
  4. Out: A very, very, very, very, very, very, very (you've got the idea) large pile of pennies... In: A staff - Echo of the Fiend +3 from Baldur's Gate (I&2) - Siege of Dragonspear . I won this fair and square by solving a riddle. However, as it seems incapable of travelling to BG2 with me, I may as well stick it in the MVM. It's an unremarkable weapon to look at - Thrix (the fiend I got it from) thinks it's just a bit of old wood.
  5. Fate leads him who follows it... Plutarch
  6. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    No need to shout. Banned.
  7. Baldur's Gate I - Enhanced Edition via Steam (and Linux). I've modded it and it's behaving a little strangely... Somehow that adds to the excitement as I know it so well...
  8. I started listening as a child. Tull was my fave group. I still listen and admire now. Thick as a Brick was amazing as was Passion Play... I gave my vinyl away and re-bought on CD many many years ago though not everything. Somehow Thick as a Brick would be strange on CD without the newspaper... There's an instrumental version of some of Tull's work with Anderson playing with the orchestra. It's really interesting. You'll recognise his playing immediately as it is very distinctive. There's also an acoustic album which is very very nice indeed... I listen to those two a lot - still...
  9. Out: The Dragonborn in person with a copy of The Dragon Breeders's Guide by Sybil Vimes (of Discworld fame). The Dragonborn herds up said stray dragon intent of taking the waif and stray to Sybil who is always on the look out for dragons to rescue. In: 'A sigh of relief' ( from the amassed crowds afraid of both the dragon and the Dragonborn.)
  10. A: Only if you want to listen to Steely Dan or Steeleye Span. Q: Why is a flute called a woodwind instrument when it isn't made of wood?
  11. Ohhh! I'm sorry! That must be awful.
  12. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    George is banned because it's International Ban George Day! I hope you've all got your flags and stickers and kazoos.
  13. Out: An original 45rpm record (vinyl for the younger ones) of Sweet Dream by Jethro Tull. Everyone old enough to remember JT and thus Anderson starts disco dancing... careful now JT was never particularly easy to dance to. In: A Jethro Tull t-shirt. The one with Stand Up on the back. I must be missing a couple of components if I'm daft enough to part with that!
  14. Ummm... am I allowed to ask why are cedars on your hit list?
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