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AaronOfMpls last won the day on June 29

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About AaronOfMpls

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Second Life (hangouts and RPs), Skyrim LE, House Flipper, Kenshi, other things I can get working on Linux
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, SimCity 2000

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  1. In SE/AE, each character's saves have their own save numbering, and those other long strings after (between the save number and the location name) tell the game which saves go with that character. And yah, I've never seen it partly reset to all zeroes like that before. Does it continue/happen again if you load an earlier save from before the change? And in the Load menu, are the zeroed saves showing up under the same character as the earlier saves? Or does the game think they're from a different character with the same name? (Also, what happened to Save98? I see its .skse file there, but not the actual .ess.)
  2. Try running the port's models and textures through Cathedral Assets Optimizer. And keep a backup of the originals in case it doesn't work. EDIT: Also, make sure the models and textures are in the correct folders relative to each other, so the game can find them.
  3. Do you have a picture of the problem? If I remember right, you can see the occasional subtle neck seam in an unmodded game. But it's been a while since I've looked for them.
  4. Or the first five, if it starts with FE. It'll be an esl-flagged mod, and the 3rd through 5th digits -- FExxx -- will tell you which mod it is.
  5. No, he should be with your Legion unit for The Jagged Crown, especially if you followed him into the Helgen keep during the dragon attack. Ditto if you're using Alternate Start - Live Another Life and rescue him from the Helgen cave. And apparently he should still show up if you followed Ralof instead, as long as you join the Legion. (Though I haven't tested this; all my Empire characters always follow or rescue Hadvar.) What mods do you have installed? Can you post your mod list in a spoiler (👁 button in the top of the text box) or in an attached .txt file?
  6. D'awww... Anyway, click on him with the console open. If you're using something like More Informative Console, it should tell you which .esm/.esp/.esl added him, and which one last edited him. If you're not, then see what two letters/numbers his BaseID and/or RefID numbers start with. Then look that number up in your load order, in your mod manager.
  7. I ban Oblivionaddicted for dragon-shouting close enough to get a guard's warning.
  8. If so, where can I look that up?
  9. Cadiz (in Spain, or a few former Spanish colonies)
  10. A: On. No ... but the dyslexic insomniac agnostic stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog. Q: Hot enough for ya?
  11. Two adjacent ban threads made me smile recently: So "nice", they got banned twice?
  12. Out → 10 gold and a receipt from Arcadia. In ← A red Swingline stapler.
  13. What did you do to fix it, in case other people have the same problem?
  14. Dunno offhand. Which items are crashing you? Or is it anytime you open your inventory? Or a chest? Or a trade window with someone? Also, can you post your load order or your mod list? Put it in a spoiler -- (Spoiler) button at the top of the post box, between <> (Code) and (Emoji) -- so we can scroll past it better after we've read it.
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