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showler last won the day on July 24

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  1. You can't turn them off. That's the way the software is designed. I don't know a more polite way to say that. If that's a deal breaker for you then use different software.
  2. The only way I know of to do this is to retrieve the information from the AppData folder and transfer it to the new computer. In order for it to work without driving you insane you should use the same Windows account name and same drive letters/folder paths as you had on the old computer.
  3. I don't even recall posting in this thread. The star surprised me. But not as much as the argumentative agreeing with each other.
  4. You don't need to install Vortex to the external drive. Just move the mod staging folders to the external drive.
  5. Y'know, it's kind of weird how often "confusing sarcasm" comes up as one of the reasons for a ban.
  6. This whole thread makes me realize why I was such a failure in art. Blind as a bat, apparently.
  7. It's also important to remember what the product is. Some sites exist to sell you information. Other sites exist to sell YOU to the advertisers. Even amongst sites that are selling you to the advertisers there can be differences. On YouTube I watch both Outside Xbox and Playstation Access. Outside Xbox gets money from advertising and Patreon, so while they are motivated to get your attention and keep it they don't have ulterior motives. Playstation Access is an official Sony production though. They still get money from advertising and have to do the same things as OX to get and keep you attention, but they are also paid by Sony and will never say bad things about their employer. Knowing the way the money flows can tell you a lot about the site.
  8. Are you doing that in Vortex? I haven't checked the downgrader package so I'm not sure where Vortex would extract it to. You should be using a program like 7zip to extract it so you know where the files are going. From your image you're not even managing Fallout 4 at the moment so I doubt Vortex has any idea what to do with the files.
  9. That's an application, not a mod. Unpack it to a folder and run the application.
  10. According to the note, she's selling it to the Khajiit caravans. What they do with it is their concern.
  11. Official launch trailer premiering in an hour and a half. Fallout London mod section now active on Nexus Mods with a downgrader currently available.
  12. Their Discord highlighted a song they released a couple of years ago entitled "I just can't wait (till tomorrow)". There's speculation that they are teasing an announcement of some kind tomorrow.
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