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Drakefell01 last won the day on July 16

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Nexus Mods Profile

About Drakefell01

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    my channel link: https://www.youtube.com/@Drakefell
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    skyrim special edition and youtube

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  1. ... Sports? I feel I'm not from a sportsy generation lol. ¿Deportes? Siento que no soy de una generación deportista jajaja.
  2. Good tip thanks I was not hit but your banned because I feel you are involved in the initial throw of the object. Buen consejo, gracias. No me golpearon, pero estás prohibido porque siento que estás involucrado en el lanzamiento inicial del objeto.
  3. what are these called? I can't find the names of these seas anywhere this makes me think they are unnamed what should we call them? (name based around the areas culture or history)
  4. Hello this is a forum that is about unnamed areas on our planet that should have names, I also have a facebook group for this: https://www.facebook.com/groups/412111081850899
  5. Pagafyr Banned! ¡Pagafyr Prohibido!
  6. I pong that ping with a ban. ZIXI BANNED! LOL
  7. Fried grated potatoes in a pan, then add the onion in with it before it solidifies, continue to fry until the potatoes turn brown then pour egg into the mix and it will fill the gaps in the potatoes and onions, then let fry until the egg has solidified, then cut into pieces and serve, A batch for 4 people requires 6 eggs and a batch for 2 people requires 3 eggs (and half the potatoes and onions as well as a smaller pan to cook it in)
  8. Speaking of food have you ever tried Tortilla Espanola? (Spanish Omelette)
  9. It's so lonely not having anyone to talk too!
  10. I ban zixi for being so literal. Prohíbo el zixi por ser tan literal.
  11. (Whiterun Guard: Please stop doing that it's making everyone nervus.) Banned by Whiterun Guard LOL
  12. No matter how broken there is always a way of fixing yourself it's just a matter of believing!
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