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LenaWolfBravil last won the day on July 4

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  1. Thank you all for the image comparison! Yes, I see it now. It is more noticeable when contrast is higher. In particular, in the Skyrim image above it is quite noticeable even without zooming.
  2. It may be my eyesight... but could you please highlight the differences? Because I don't see any. This is not a joke, nor am I trying to troll you. Rather, I would like to determine where I am losing quality because I don't see any difference between your original and processed image. Is it my screen resolution? I use 1600x900. But even so, I should be able to zoom in and see the detail that looks different to you.
  3. Best of luck with the surgery and recovery after that!
  4. Which game is this? I'm assuming it's a game, not real life...
  5. Wow! And Morroblivion as well! Crashes are normal in Morroblivion because it causes such a heavy load. You could try using Oblivion Reloaded v10, that seems to help in some cases. I don't know of any particular issues with that one spell. Have you installed OBME as well? I see you have the Morroblivion magic module UCWUS as well as Midda's Magic and a number of other magic mods. I would start looking there. It is most likely a conflict.
  6. This log is indeed not helpful. It sounds like your game is overloaded. You do realise that the game has real time checks? That is, if it does not manage to do everything it is supposed to do within a set interval of real time, it will crash. So if you have too many scripts running that demand heavy processing and your CPU does not manage to do everything in time, it will crash the game. This type of crash often happens if you are using too many high resolution textures or high poly meshes, or too detailed LOD. In particular since this happens outdoors, LOD becomes important. But equally it could be too many scripts that run often, for example generating things on the fly or adding things to everyone's inventory, or making NPCs do stuff dynamically - anything that runs practically all the time. None of those mods will be at fault as such, but if you have too many of them, you will overload the game.
  7. Silverlock is a frozen version, now woefully outdated.
  8. You would update OBSE by downloading it from Nexus here: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37952
  9. I'll look into it, thanks! But actually the middle button is very rarely needed. I bought myself a trackball to use specifically in those situations when there's no other way to do things (such as in some cases of modding Oblivion). It is not a big deal otherwise.
  10. That's about as long as I've been confined to touchpads... Mice are divided into touchpads and Evil Pain Bringers... I do occasionally use a trackball that is built into a particularly nice keyboard. But... no middle button...
  11. I didn't know that! Thanks! This is very helpful. (I have a foot pedal that does CTRL. )
  12. I live in the universe of people who've had RSI and cannot use mouse with buttons. We have to stick to touchpads and they don't feature a middle click. We also cannot have a mouse separate from the keyboard because moving your hand around the desk is too much movement. So we need mice built into keyboards such as said touchpads. Quite a few of my friends are also swearing by Mac mice for any OS, and those mice have a total of ONE button. Wow. Because who could possibly need more. EDIT: I admit, that when I said "most modern mice" I was limiting myself to those mice that I could use... Sorry, that was indeed an incorrect statement.
  13. Most modern mice have no middle button and there's no way in Windows to emulate one.
  14. Sorry, I read over it too quickly. Of course the restriction does not apply to mod-added assets.
  15. You do realise that porting models from Skyrim to Oblivion is not allowed by Bethesda, right?
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