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  1. S t o c k W a t e r f a l l E f f e c t s This mod contains a set of template and engine configuration files, that give amazing waterfall effects to the stock engines. Downloads: Primary: https://github.com/KnightofStJohn/StockWaterfallEffects/releases Dependencies: You will of course need to install the Waterfall mod for this to work: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/Waterfall/releases Make sure you install the latest version of Waterfall when updating Stock Waterfall Effects Module Manager 4.1.4 is already included with waterfall. As of version 0.6.0, you will also need B9PartSwitch: https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch/releases Known Issues & Workarounds: Issue: Some engines might lag your game if you use too many of them. Workaround: Waterfall has some options available in the WaterfallSettings.cfg file: Set the "EnableLights" and "EnableDistortion" options to "false". Issue: For a very limited amount of people, some plumes can show through parts. This is a Waterfall base mod bug that affects some older hardware and some Linux or Mac users. We are going to look into this bug in the near future. New in 0.8.0: Compatibility fixes with ReStock and WaterfallRestock: I am currently working to iron out a number of loose ends. For a detailed list, see the github release notes. This first update targets some plume misalignments that were still happening with the ReStock model of the Rapier, for instance. I also added some of my plumes to other ReStocked engines. These will in other words "override" the plumes configured by WaterfallRestock. I decided to do this for a limited set of engines because these specific plumes in WaterfallRestock seemed far less refined than my own... sorry Nertea The other engines configured by WaterfallRestock, I left alone for now. Future work: Fixing the z-fighting inside some engine bells More ReStock compatibility Fixing the "plumes showing through parts" bug Some Waterfall base mod work... if I have time Plume selection Feature: My goal with this mod is to give the stock engines a realistic looking exhaust plume. This means that I try to give the engines that are inspired by real life engines, the correct type of plume. For example the Vector is based on the Space Shuttle Main Engine, the RS25, and therefore has a very similar looking hydrolox plume in this mod: However, some engines in the stock game were designed to look like certain real-life engines, but do not have similar stats in the game. I have to strike a balance between realism in engine performance, or realism in real-life inspiration.I chose to focus on giving the engines the correct plumes according to their performance. This is a list of the configured engines and the type of plume they have in this mod: • Vector & Mammoth: Lower stage hydrolox / Lower stage methalox • Poodle & Terrier: Upper stage methalox the reasoning here is that the Wolfhound and Cheetah are also both vacuum engines, but with even better ISP. Therefore they will be hydrolox engines, while the terrier and poodle will be methalox. • Rapier: Lower stage methalox & Methane-air • Rhino & Skiff: Mid-range hydrolox • Nerv: Upper stage nuclear hydrogen • Reliant, Swivel, Skipper, Mainsail, Twin Boar, Kodiak & Mastodon: Lower stage kerolox These kerolox plumes were originally designed by @Zorg for the Bluedog Design Bureau, and altered by me. Some more than others. • Spark & Cub: kerolox sustainer. • Cheetah & Wolfhound: Upper stage hydrolox Although the models for these engines are based on real hypergolic engines, I still made these two hydrolox engines because they have exceptionally high Isp. • Bobcat, Thud, Twitch & Spider: Lower stage Hydrazine 50 (hypergolic). This plume was originally designed by @Zorg for the Bluedog Design Bureau, and altered by me. • Puff & Ant: Upper stage Hydrazine 50 (hypergolic). • Dart: hydrolox aerospike. • Dawn: Xenon Hall-effect ion plume. • Goliath, Juno, Wheesley: Kerosene turbofan. • Panther: Kerosene turbofan & generic kerosene afterburner. • Whiplash: Blackbird J58 type kerosene afterburner. Eye Candy: Licensing: • All content is distributed under a CC-BY-SA-NC-4 License And if you happen to have some free time to fill, go check out my youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoJWYYRrzVDmap8uzhHsj_A
  2. Especially during launches and landings, engine plumes should emit nice coloured (and flickering) lights on the (somewhat close) terrain, buildings and even clouds. Examples: Video from Space X (Falcon) Light from plume at 0:05 seconds of the video Light from plume on the drone ship at 8:28 of the video (
  3. Ever since we first got footage of KSP2 people have been complaining that the vacuum plumes don’t look realistic enough, and that they are expanding too much. I disagree with this because 1: most of the photo/video evidence that is used to argue this has the rocket in the upper atmosphere, not in vacuum. And 2: there are photos and videos of rockets in a vacuum where the plumes look similar to the ones we see in KSP2. There were some good ones posted by a fellow in the latest dev update: And there is a video from a SpaceX fairing showing an engine plume similar to the ones we see in the game as well: I am by no means an aerospace engineer or rocket scientist so I am open to being corrected if I’m wrong.
  4. Just a suggestion for when reentry heating is added. When SpaceX boosters come back from space to land they do a reentry burn that not only slows them down but also decreases the amount of heat damage done to the craft. You can see it in this video here: Being able to use your engine as a heat shield would make room for some very cool challenges and last minute saves. The plume fx adapting would also be a nice touch.
  5. Seems to me that methalox engines have one placeholder plume. If you look at it straight on, it's kind of transparent. Anyway, I think the atmospheric plumes from KSP1's waterfall look better for smaller engines. Hope they'll be improved in KSP 2 also.
  6. What mod/s will add a realistic smoke effect to my game? I'm looking for something like this. I have researched for a bit but nothing came up. Thanks for any responses.
  7. So a lot of the time I see someone playing ksp using nerv and the plumes are red what makes this?
  8. I'm using the Waterfall mod, but I don't like how there is no engine smoke. However, the Waterfall forum thread states that Waterfall is And I would like to use that compatibility. RealPlume prefabs would be perfect. But, as Waterfall overrides RealPlume, this would require me to Separate the RealPlume effects into smoke and plume And apply only the smoke along with the Waterfall plumes. The SmokeScreen Github wiki is incomplete, while the only followable tutorial for RealPlume that I could find utilizes Realism Overhaul, which I don't use. Does anyone know of a tutorial for making RealPlume/SmokeScreen smoke effects that is up-to-date and doesn't use Realism Overhaul?
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