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  1. I want: A better GUI New launch sites A mobile launch site mod
  2. Tantares Kerbal Space Program (1.12.5) Tantares is four separate mods: Tantares: Soviet crewed spacecraft, space station, and LEO spacecraft *Requires B9PartSwitch TantaresLV: Soviet launch vehicles and upper stages *Requires B9PartSwitch *Requires Waterfall TantaresSP: Soviet interplanetary probes *Requires B9PartSwitch TantaresSAF: Soviet Aerodynamic Fairings *Requires Simple Adjustable Fairings *Requires B9PartSwitch The parts are made with the "LEGO" frame of mind - they fit together to make a certain historical craft, but are flexible and generic enough to be used in many creative ways, just like vanilla KSP parts. If you're using TantaresSP, I highly recommend using one of my other mods, Neptune Camera, which adds camera functionality to probes. Download Links You need B9 Part Switch for all Tantares mods. B9 Part Switch Tantares - GitHub TantaresLV - GitHub TantaresSP - GitHub TantaresSAF - GitHub Also available through CKAN. Screenshots of TantaresLV Kosmos 2I Kosmos 3M Soyuz Zenit Tsyklon Proton Energia M Energia Energia-Buran N1 Briz Blok-D Fregat Screenshots of Tantares Polyus Meteor Progress T Progress 7K Pirs / Poisk Rassvet / Mir Docking Module Vostok Voskhod Soyuz 7K-T Soyuz LOK Soyuz VI Soyuz T Soyuz T Soyuz T Soyuz ASTP LK Lander LK-700 TKS VA Big VA LK-1 Mir Core Module Salyut and Almaz Salyut 7 Salyut 6 Mir Sokol flight suit (Provided by Benjee10) Orlan EVA suit. Screenshots of TantaresSP Sputnik Luna 2 Luna 3 Venera 1 Venera 9 Venera 9 Lander Fobos 2 Lunokhod 2 Luna 16 Screenshots of TantaresSAF Progress Mir Modules / Polyus Zenit Proton (DM-A/B) Recolours and Extras Special thanks to everyone who has contributed and helped out with this! Friznit's Tantares Wiki (Additional Craft Files) Credits and Thanks Special thanks to: @Zorg @benjee10 @Well @Zarbon44
  3. Info: The Github repository linked here contains a set of classes that you can freely (under the MIT license) add to your projects to help you make mods. The features include but are not limited to: Easy vessel orbit teleporting Easy orbit to and form ConfigNode conversion Saving and loading ConfigNodes to files A GUI manager that uses the popup system PNG to texture conversion from filepath A helper function for setting ConfigNode values More documentation is on the way. Github: https://github.com/r11b22/KSPTools/tree/master License: MIT
  4. So I recently came across a few mods that add vehicles to your game: KSO, Grounded Modular Vehicles, and Omega's Stockalike Utility Vehicles. I should also mention Cold War Aerospace, which gives you a few vehicles too. I was thinking that in the future (probably me, but someone else can take the idea if they want since I, well, don't have any experience making mods so I have a long way to go if I wanted to do this) if a mod that adds vehicles should follow. First, what size? I noticed that OSUV gives you the G1 and G2 parts in the same size as the utility vehicles across the KSC, but KSO and Grounded give you a smaller size, which is more "accordingly" to the size of a Kerbal. Second, and the main reason I'm making this post, what art style should it follow? I came across the mod Kerbin Side Core, which gives you multiple statics, including one in particular, "Parked Vehicles," that offers a strip of parked vehicles with the same "art style" or "architecture" as the G1 and G2 trucks. So I was thinking about what could be better: following the "stock" art style of the lorries, or something more like the KSO, which, for me, gives a more "varied" look for other vehicles. And well, I also want to ask, what do the players like more, or what would they like to see?
  5. v1.1.0 (10 June 2022) Full Screenshot Gallery Currently the mod adds 12 different engines. You can read about the engines in the Wiki. You will notice that they run on a variety of fuels. These fuels provide advantages and disadvantages compared to stock Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, having different efficiencies, thrust ranges and storage volumes. You can check out my roadmap of engines that potentially could be added. DOWNLOADS Spacedock Github Wiki Bug Reports Dependencies (included in download, check for latest versions!): ModuleManager (4.1.4) B9PartSwitch (2.17.0) Community Resource Pack (1.4.2) DeployableEngines (1.3.0) Installation: Merge the GameData folder in the release .ZIP with the GameData folder in your KSP installation, by placing the GameData folder in to the 'Kerbal Space Program' folder. All of the dependencies come included with the mod. The "RocketMotorMenagerie" folder, as well all dependencies, should appear alongside the "Squad" folder within 'Kerbal Space Program/GameData'. To install the Extras, place any or all of the subfolders within 'Extras' into 'Kerbal Space Program/GameData'. Recommended Mods: The following mods are strongly recommended for an enhanced gameplay experience: CryoTanks (1.6.0) - This provides a set of patches provide fuel-switching features for the most basic LF/O tanks as well as orbital fuel tanks specially designed to contain cryogenic fuels Waterfall (0.6.3) - A cool way to create and drive engine effects more effectively. If you want cool engine plumes, get this mod. Frequently Asked Questions How are the parts balanced? Parts are balanced against stock KSP parts, which means the launch vehicles might seem overpowered. The parts are best suited for a 2.5x~ system rescale or JNSQ. Will you add feature/part xxx? I certainly accept pull requests. Please target all such things to the dev branch though! Or, you can make a constructive suggestion on the forum thread. Please check the roadmap above before asking. Licensing
  6. Starstro Space Systems Press Kit image made by @Pioneer_Steve Overall Description Starstro Space Systems is a mod being developed by me and my friend Star. My current interest in this mod is making shuttle payloads such as probes and general satellites I find interesting. Currently in development there's Chandra, Magellan, and Ulysses. This is something we've been working on for awhile now and I feel confident enough to show it. Currently all of this is in development or near release such as Magellan. But if you'd like to you can download anything you want off of the Github in the TestBranch. I hope everyone who sees this enjoys this is and doesn't mind any errors or mistakes, keep in mind this is my first time making an actually ksp mod. Downloads Github SpaceDock Dependencies B9 Partswitch Module Manager Bluedog Design Bureau Recommended mods Shuttle Orbiter Construction kit Waterfall Current Version To my knowledge this mod works on 1.11 and possibly 1.10, but I've only tested it on 1.12. Though if anyone has issues or can confirm it works on any other version please let me know Special thanks to @CobaltWolf, @Zorg, and @Invaderchaos For making BDB and helping @AmateurAstronaut1969, @Talverd, @Jay The Amazing Toaster, @Vals_Aerospace, @Pioneer_Steve, and @pTrevTrevs for all being genuinely helpful and supportive people while I've been working on this. And now some screenshots from it Pictures of Chandra by @AmateurAstronaut1969 Magellan Pics by @Pioneer_Steve All Rights Reserved.
  7. A splinter faction of the renowned Tantares Space Technologies company, started in the backyard of an ambitious defector, this foundling space agency is slowly growing to become a competitor with the big boys. Q & A: Q: What is "Notantares Space Industries?" A: "Notantares Space Industries" is a mod intended to expand upon the extremely diverse and popular mod Tantares (Much like CONTARES does), including spacecraft and/or rockets that are not included in the main mod (eg: The "Big Soyuz," etc.), as well as various other additions. It is designed to be completely independant from Tantares, so that those who aren't using it can still use the Notantares Space Industries series of mods. Notantares is designed to be released in a series of "mini-packs," much like SXT used to have its own mini-packs, so that those who only want a specific selection of parts can just download those parts. However, it is, most importantly, not Tantares! Q: Can you add X, Y, and Z into the game? A: Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try to expand the mod to include these, but there are priorities. Q: Can you add IVAs? A: I will try to give IVAs to command pods, but for any large station parts, they'll have to wait. Mods: Big Soyuz "Big Khleb." Please Note: The above picture is outdated; The Big Soyuz mod now includes way more rocket parts, and with updated normal maps. DESCRIPTION: "Big Khleb" is an advanced crew transportation spacecraft capable of holding up to 6 kerbonauts, and is unlockable in the mid-to-late tech tree. It is designed to be able to support its crew for long-duration missions to space stations or to assist in lunar expeditions. It shall be designed with its own set of 0.9375m ungendered docking ports, so that those who do not use Tantares can still use the "Big Khleb." Whatever your needs, the "Big Khleb" can fulfil them! It currently includes 3 fully-functional IVAs, a selection of modular command pods, fuel tanks, and engines, and functioning docking ports with integrated parachutes! DEPENDENCIES: Modulemanager by @sarbian (Included). LICENSE: GNU General Public License v3.0. CREDIT: Special thanks to @Beale and @passinglurker for allowing me to modify one of their texture sheets. A big thanks to @Nertea, for helping me solve numerous problems with my IVA. ---------- Notantares Station Parts. Watch The Trailer. Please Note: This video is outdated and does not contain the full selection of parts the mod currently has. DESCRIPTION: Notantares Station Parts is a parts mod that will include an extensive array of both inflatable and rigid space station parts, designed to be used for orbital bases and spacecraft. The included parts will range from Bigelow-style inflatable habitats, centrifuges, and ISS-style crew modules. It is designed as an expansion to the Big Soyuz and NotantaresLV mini-packs. It currently includes a 1.25m large inflatable habitat (3.75m when inflated, can hold 8 crew, functions as a science lab!), a 1.25m inflatable centrifuge (9m when inflated, functions as crew storage only!), a 1.25m medium-sized inflatable habitat (3.75m when inflated, can hold 6 crew, functions as a science lab!), and a 1.25m small-sized inflatable habitat (3.75m when inflated, can hold 4 crew, functions as crew storage only!). DEPENDENCIES: Modulemanager by @sarbian, the DSEV Utils plugin found in DSEV by @Angel-125 (Included). LICENSE: GNU General Public License v3.0. CREDIT: Special thanks to @Angel-125 for allowing me to use his DSEV Utils plugin. A big thanks to a host of other modders for helping me with numerous animation problems. ---------- Notantares LV. Watch The Trailer. Please Note: This video is outdated and contains an older version of the Notangara launch vehicle. DESCRIPTION: NotantaresLV is a mod that includes an extensive collection of parts designed to be used in the construction of both fictional and real-world launch vehicles, most notably Angara and the UR-700 Soviet moon rocket. It currently includes a full suite of 1.75m, 2.5m, and 3.75m fuel tanks with integrated texture-switching, an RD-191 engine for the Angara URM-1 boosters, an RD-0124 engine for the Angara URM-2 upper stage, 1.875m and 2.5m aerodynamic nosecones, 1.875m and 2.5m decouplers, and a 2.5m fairing! DEPENDENCIES: Modulemanager by @sarbian (Included). LICENSE: GNU General Public License v3.0. ---------- DarkSideTechnology Continued. Watch Kottabos' Review. Please Note: This review is outdated and does not showcase the full selection of parts the mod currently has. DESCRIPTION: A set of parts to help you in the construction of large interplanetary spacecraft. Includes MM patches for CTT, USI-LS and Snacks! It currently includes a 2.5m foldable centrifuge, 2.5m and 3.75m hubs for building stations, and inline 3.75m solar panels. DEPENDENCIES: Modulemanager by @sarbian (Included). LICENSE: GNU General Public License v3.0. CREDIT: Special thanks to @Badsector for allowing me to take over and maintain DarkSideTechnology. ---------- Porkalike Gemini-style "Mk1-A" Command Pod. A 1.25m, 2-man, Porkalike, Gemini-alike command pod, whose textures are modified and transplanted from the Mk1 pod from the Porkjet rocketry overhaul, in order to look good next to Porkjet parts. Has built-in ComfortableLanding (By @Icecovery) compatibility, for those who are using that mod, and a placeholder IVA until I can scrape up the time to make one myself! It currently includes just one part: The Mk1-A command pod. DEPENDENCIES: Modulemanager by @sarbian, (Included). LICENSE: GNU General Public License v3.0.
  8. SUPERPLUTO126 PRESENTS…… DISTANT SKIES:A KSP MODPACK. What is Distant Skies? Distant skies has been a long dream of mine, this project was inspired by several other mods, such as ‘Galaxies Unbound’ ‘Infinite Discoveries’ and ‘Interstellar adventure revived’. Distant Skies seeks to add a Truly Significant amount of TRUE star systems to the game. Not only that, but it is also based heavily on real life solar systems. The Closest Star is Alpha Centauri, and I also have granted myself more artistic liberties here and added extra planets and moons when possible that are within the confines of realism. There are no habitable worlds in the nearest stars to kerbol, and even the atmospheres are scarce at best. You will have to get Crafty if you want to engineer craft to go here. How many Stars/Systems does this mod intend to add in the end? Yes, I dont even have a solid figure lol, I have an entire doc for a to-do list and half of it is systems i intend to add. You are free to make suggestions in the Discord for interesting stars with planets (Or even those that dont!). Of course I will be adding Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani and Trappist. I will also be adding more obscure systems, such as L-59 and Kepler 444. Why are the planets low quality?Where are the scatterers and Eve Atmospheres? Why are the Red Dwarves not red? I am new to planet modding, thus, don't expect starcrusher level stuff from me yet. Sunflares, clouds, better atmospheres are something I want too. There are no Biomemaps yet or Rational resources support, this is a VERY wip mod. Also before you ask I am aware of the issues on Proxima D, a Revamp of the planet is WIP. How Can I Help this mod in development? Playing it, making suggestions, and engagement. That is both very much a morale boost and helpful to diagnosing issues, making changes and improving all of our experiences. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3544/Distant skies#info Mod Dev Discord: (TBA) PAGE TO BE REVAMPED SOON mod ver.0.7
  9. kOS Scriptable Autopilot System v1.4.0.0 for KSP 1.12.x (This is a continuation of the old thread about the kOS mod: ( 1.2.2 kOS scriptable autopilot system ).) kOS (Kerbal Operating System) is an autopilot you script yourself. kOS is to programming, what Kerbal Space Program itself is to rocket science. You don’t have to know what you’re doing to get started, but you may find yourself learning a lot by accident as you play with it. And if you already know a lot about programming, it will still be able to hold your interest. kOS is meant to scale with the skill level of the user. You can start off doing very small simple things with it, and get more and more into using its features as you go. Example: print "Launching". lock steering to heading(90,80). lock throttle to 1. stage. wait until altitude > 5000. lock steering to heading(90,60). wait until altitude > 15000. lock steering to heading(90,45). wait until altitude > 25000. lock steering to heading(90,30). until apoapsis > 80000 { print "apoapsis is " + round(apoapsis,0). wait 0. } lock throttle to 0. // ..etc... What it does kOS introduces a few new parts that each contain a simulated computer capable of running programs written in its own scripting langauge called kerboscript. The computer has powerful smarts built in to the hardware that allow it to do complex spacecraft operations in one command, thus making it possible to make complex programs with only a few lines of script text. The intent of kOS is to be a fully in-game item that lives inside the Kerbal’s universe. The program isn’t running on your own gaming computer, but rather it’s being run in a virtual machine that is simulated in the underlying Unity engine. History kOS was originally begun as a mod by a single author, Kevin Laity aka Nivekk. Although the project has undergone massive changes since then and now has a very different underlying archetecture and is under active development by a different set of people, none of that would have been possible without his original vision and work. Changelog Source Downloading: From Curse From SpaceDock Direct from the GitHub Project
  10. Latest Release Spacedock Source Original mod by: @tgruetzm Continuation by: Angel-125 Snacks was originally published by tgruetzm in August of 2014. It offered a novel and lightweight solution to life support for those that didn't want the complexity of more sophisticated mods like TAC Life Support. This new version rebuilds the original code base in order to: Configure all sorts of options including snacks consumed per day, snacks per meal, and recycling rates. Days are calculated based on the homeworld's solar day, not the default 6/24 hours per day. Rescaled homeworld planets are supported! Provides a penalty system that won't brick your game. Run multithreaded simulations on your vessels to estimate how long your Snacks will last- ElectricCharge production & consumption are included! Maintain the lightweight feel while offering lots of customization. Want more challenge? Check out the addons in the LifeSupportResources folder: Air - Kerbals need Fresh Air to breathe in addition to Snacks to eat. They’ll faint and die without it! Your vessels are automatically equipped with a supply of Fresh Air, and you can make more from Oxidizer via the stock ISRU parts, or recycle Stale Air using the stock Hitchhiker. Stress - Cramped quarters can stress out kerbals and they’ll refuse to work! They aren’t tourists, they’ll just stop using their skills to help your mission. Other events cause Stress as well. Reduce Stress by hanging out in the stock Hitchhiker- but kerbals won’t have their skills available while they rest. Or make your own life support resource to track using the above config files as examples! If you're new to Snacks, please consult the KSPedia. KSPedia images License Source code: The MIT License (MIT) Snack Tin artwork by SQUAD/Porkjet: CC-BY-NC 3.0 Portions of this codebase are CC-BY-NC 3.0 and derived from Taranis Elsu's Window class. Module Manager by Sarbian Installation Delete any previous instances in GameData/Snacks Copy the files in the zip folder over to GameData/Snacks
  11. URL: https://SpaceDock.info FAQ What we are working on now: We decided to split Spacedocks Frontend and backend. VITAS is working on the frontend (including UI rewrite) Darklight is working on the backend. VITAS is working on an improved cdn setup
  12. Hello! This is the continuation to my first mod, Planes with Purposes. Unfortunately, I previously abandoned this mod because I was very busy with school work, but after 4 years, I can finally continue work on it. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP Original PWP forum: Link to PWP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (tudor69420) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.6 - Major Update Added Tourism Contracts Fixed some old contracts v1.6.1 Changed Contract Rewards (I don't know what I was thinking giving 500 Prestige for a Duna mission) Fixed Contracts Added a new contract Changed contract groups
  13. Dear Mod Makers, if you want to find a translator for your mod quickly - please just leave a message in English in >this< thread with instructions and feedback way. Thanks! KSP tiene ahora oficialmente compatibilidad con la localización de varios idiomas, por lo que nuestros modders están tratando de convertir sus trabajos en una versión multi-idioma. Este tema está diseñado para ayudar a la comunidad modder a completar más rápidamente la localización correspondiente, con el fin de permitir un mayor círculo cultural de jugadores que puedan obtener la versión nativa de cada país. Si desea participar en la traducción oficial de mods - ¡entonces esta es tu oportunidad! Enlace a la Página Principal Multi-Idioma Cómo ayudarles: PASOS. 1 - Información sobre solicitudes: 1.1 - Vaya al tema global en este enlace. 1.2 - Encuentre sección de eventos "Localization supported; translations needed", donde exista "Needs .... Spanish". 1.3 - O en la misma sección, fijarse que, aunque aparezca "Needs .... Spanish", puede que ya se esté tratando como indica este post en el segundo punto en ROJO. 1.4 - Puede comprobar si esto es correcto en la misma aplicación del modder. (en la parte superior derecha de la página de GitHub, haz clic en el icono del número situado junto al botón de la horquilla/fork para ver quién ha copiado el reporte de GitHub). Si alguien más ya está trabajando en una traducción siempre puede proporcionar ayuda con la edición y las correcciones, o dividir el trabajo para mods más grandes. 2 - Contactar con el propietario: 2.1 - Haga clic en el enlace que encuentre, o 2.2 - Ir al tema de desarrollo del mod (development), y dejar un mensaje allí, o 2.3 - (Si lo anterior no está disponible), por favor, póngase en contacto con el desarrollador a través de mensajes personales. 3 - ¡Traducir! 4 - Informar: 4.1 - En el tema global, que la traducción ha terminado. 4.2 - En este tema, ¡para que se le marque como intérprete merecido! Mods buscando traductores en ESPAÑOL Alien Space Program - 147 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Asclepius - 174 Líneas aprox - Necesita español CSA Contares "RUS" - 582 Líneas aprox - Necesita español CommNetAntennasExtension - 33 Líneas aprox - Necesita español HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 30 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Kerbal Field Weapon Pack - 800 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Kerbal Impact - 94 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Kronkus - 193 Líneas aprox - Necesita español KSP Progess Parser - 7 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mark IV Spaceplane System - 120 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mk2 Expansion - 330 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mk3 Expansion - 242 Líneas aprox - Necesita español NovaPunch Rebalanced Beta - 549 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Outer Planets Mod - 117 y 2506 Líneas aprox - Necesita español ScienceLabInfo - 35 Líneas aprox - Necesita español SXT Continued - 1390 Líneas aprox - Necesita español The SSR Microsat Probe Parts - 135 Líneas aprox - Necesita español XTLandertron - 40 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mods en proyecto Tantares/LV por @fitiales (Requiere actualización, se encuentra en este LINK la parte en Español y en este otro LINK la nueva parte en EN-US) Tantares Stockalike Soyuz & MIR por @fitiales (Requiere actualización, se encuentra en este LINK la parte en Español y en este otro LINK la nueva parte en EN-US) Community Real Agency Pack por @fitiales Mods traducidos en ESPAÑOL (aún no lanzados por su autor - disponibles en GitHub temporalmente) Surface Experiment Pack por @fitiales (se pueden obtener los 5 archivos en este LINK y copiándolo a un archivo .cfg hasta su salida) Cormorant-Aeronology por @Janderklander (se puede obtener pinchando en este LINK y copiándolo a un archivo .cfg hasta su salida) Mods ya traducidos en ESPAÑOL Action Groups ReExtended por @Janderklander Airlock Plus por @GonDragon Antenna helper por @fitiales Astrogator por @Deltathiago98 Auto Actions por @fitiales Action Group Manager Renewed por @fitiales AllYAll por @fitiales AviationLights por @fitiales B9PartSwitch por @fitiales BDArmory Weapons Extension por @Next_Star_Industries BDArmory Continued - por @fitiales Critical Temperature Gauge por @fitiales Cryo Tanks por @fitiales Community Tech Tree por @fitiales Cryo Engines por @fitiales Connected Living Space por @Deltathiago98 Community Resource Pack por @fitiales Contracts Window + por @fitiales CommNetVisualisation por @fitiales Corvus CF por @fitiales Deep Freeze por @fitiales Dr. Jet´s Chop Shop por @fitiales DockRotate por @fitiales Dynamic Battery Storage por @fitiales Explodium Breathing Engines por @fitiales Easy Vessel Switch por @fitiales Feline Utility Rovers por @bice Fenrir Launcher Pack por @fitiales Galileo's Planet Pack por @Janderklander Heat Control por @fitiales Hullcam VDS Continued por @fitiales Interstellar Fuel Switch - por @Janderklander Interstellar Hybrid Rocketry por @Janderklander JSI Advanced Transparent Pods por @fitiales K.A.S. por @fitiales KDEX por @fitiales Kerbal Atomics por @fitiales Kerbalism por @Novak (enlace) Kerbal Planetary Base System por @fitiales Kerbal Science Innovation por @fitiales KerbalSports por @fitiales K.I.S. por @fitiales KSP Interstellar Extended por @fitiales KSPDev Localization Tool por @fitiales Koose (escape pod) por @fitiales Luna Multiplayer (LMP)-Beta por @Dagger Mechjeb por @fitiales Naval Artillery System por @fitiales Near Future Aeronautics por @Janderklander Near Future Propulsion por @fitiales Near Future Electrical por @fitiales Near Future Construction por @fitiales Near Future Solar por @fitiales Near Future Spacecraft por @fitiales Near Future Launch Vehicles por @fitiales Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science por @fitiales PicoPort por @fitiales Precise Maneuver Editor por @Deltathiago98 PatchManager por @swjr-swis Precise Node Continued por @fitiales REKT Escape Pod Mod por @fitiales ResearchBodies por @fitiales RLA Reborn por @fitiales RoverScience Continued por @fitiales Restock por @Pkmniako & @fitiales RestockPlus por @Pkmniako & @fitiales SCANsat - dev version por @Deltathiago98 ScienceAlert Realerted por @fitiales Science Relay por @Deltathiago98 Ship Manifest por @fitiales Simple Logistics por @fitiales SmartTank por @fitiales Special Delivery por @fitiales Speed Unit Annex por @fitiales StageColorPlugin por @fitiales StationScience por @fitiales Stockalike Station Parts Expansion por @fitiales Stockalike Station Parts Redux por @Janderklander SuitRefuelPlugin por @fitiales Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights por @fitiales TAC Life Support por @fitiales Talisar Parts por @fitiales Tarsier Space Tech por @fitiales Tokamak Industries Refurbished Parts por @fitiales Toolbar Continued por @fitiales Trajectories Universal Storage II por @Janderklander Vostok Continued por @fitiales Warp Plugin por @fitiales
  14. Fossil's Mechazilla [1.10.1 +] A mod for Kerbal Space Program that adds the SpaceX Mechazilla catching system. Works in RO and stock. Pictures & Videos: Pictures Video of Launch Video of Landing Upcoming: Roadmap Compatibility: At this time, this mod has only been tested for: - 1.12.2 ✔ - 1.10.1 ✔ Dependencies: - ModuleManager - Kerbal Konstructs (If You Want The KK Static) - B9Partswitch (For Switchable Paneled Variant) Downloads: Github Spacedock How to Install: From Github: - Click the green 'Code' button then 'Download ZIP'. Read the 'README' located just below or the one located in the downloaded ZIP. OR: - Click 'Releases' on the right of the page and download 'MechazillaKSP.zip' on the latest release. Read the 'README' located in the downloaded ZIP. From Spacedock: - Click download and read the 'README' located in the downloaded ZIP. Realism Overhaul: - Place "Fossil Extras" into your GameData with the included "MechazillaRO.cfg" inside. For the KK Static: - Scale by a factor of 0.625. Changelog: LICENSE
  15. Picture by @Vals_Aerospace Stockalike Angara and Post-Soviet spacecraft for KSP v1.1.0 (26 May 2021) This mod adds the Angara launch vehicle and it associated upper stages to the game. It will eventually include more rockets developed in the Post-Soviet era. It is meant to mesh well with Tantares, Bluedog Design Bureau, and other stockalike mods. Gallery DOWNLOADS Spacedock Github DEVELOPMENT BUG REPORTS WIKI ROADMAP Made by @EStreetRockets Support from B9PS and SAF provided by @blowfish (Un)official wiki maintained by @Friznit Special thanks to @PickledTripod, @CobaltWolf, @Beale, and @DylanSemrau, as well as many others who aided development. I am open to suggestions. Please feel free to (respectfully) let me know about stuff you think would make a good addition to the mod. Make sure check the roadmap before you ask. As of now, the scope of this mod is Russian spacecraft in the Post-Soviet era. Dependencies (included in download, check for latest versions!): B9 Part Switch (2.17.0) Community Resource Pack (1.4.2) Module Manager (4.1.4) Simple Adjustable Fairings (1.12.0) DeployableEngines (1.3.0) Installation: Merge the GameData folder in the release .ZIP with the GameData folder in your KSP installation. All of the dependencies come included with the mod. The "Eisenhower-Astronautics" folder, as well all dependencies, should appear alongside the "Squad" folder. Recommended Mods: Eisenhower Astronautics comes with support for the following mods: WaterfallFX - A cool way to create and drive engine effects more effectively. If you want cool engine plumes, get this mod. CryoTanks - This provides a set of patches provide fuel-switching features for the most basic LF/O tanks as well as orbital fuel tanks specially designed to contain cryogenic fuels. I recommend you use all of them for a complete experience. Frequently Asked Questions How are the parts balanced? Parts are balanced against stock KSP parts, which means the launch vehicles might seem overpowered. The parts are best suited for a 2.5x~ system rescale or JNSQ. Will you add feature/part xxx? I certainly accept pull requests. Please target all such things to the dev branch though! Or, you can make a constructive suggestion on the forum thread. Please check the roadmap above before asking. Licensing:
  16. KASA Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration K-38 CRV [1.12.x][WIP] -This mod aims to add parts from the NASA concept and tested X-38 Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), that was proposed as a crew return vehicle from the ISS. This mod adds stock-alike X-38 parts with compatibility with several popular mods such as Habtech, SOCK, Knes, and others. This vehicle was designed to fulfill the role of an emergency crew return vehicle, supporting 7 kerbals on their journey back home. Huge thanks to @UCTech for their help with producing this mod with me! Image credit: @brickmack This mod will have Waterfall support planned for RCS and engines. The K-38 will be updated regularly, so check back often for updates.
  17. Future Technologies Expansion This mod series introduces new futuristic parts that expand the options of the mid-late game techtree. Right now there is one small mod ready and a larger one nearing imminent release. The core principles behind this are: Aesthetics that don't look too out of place next to restock-quality parts Gameplay benefiting from various other mods including CTT and SystemHeat Fitting in and expanding on features and part rosters from other mods, mainly Nertea's outstanding PKMC mod suite which inspired this project Frontier Aeronautics [Version 0.3 - first public release - July 26, 2021] First mod in the series (and currently the only one released) this introduces the J-F755 'Petrel' - a 3.75m bimodal fusion thermal jet. This large engine is best used in late game SSTO designs for use on any atmospheric planet. Pictures and notes: Current Features: Planned Features: Dependencies (required to run): Module Manager CommunityResourcePack Waterfall - to be moved to recommended section soon, currently running the mod without it will lead to NREs) Recommended mods (for full intended gameplay - highly recommended): CommunityTechTree Far Future Technologies Heat Control Download: Available through CKAN SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2815/Future Technologies Expansion: Frontier Aeronautics Known Issues: All models and textures are under the All Rights Reserved License; all cfg and dll files are under the MIT License. Metallic Hydrogen Rocketry [WIP, release inbound soon] This second mod in the series introduces a selection of mid-game level engines that use metastable metallic hydrogen to acheive performance similar to nuclear thermal rockets. Most require a mixture of mH and liquid hydrogen and radiators if SystemHeat is installed. Pictures: Planned Features:
  18. Planes With Purposes v1.5 Hello! This is my first mod, Planes with Purposes. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (Tudor#8762) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes)
  19. Launch Pad is a CKAN Client written for macOS. It allows you to download and install mods for Kerbal Space Program, including dependencies. If you play KSP on a Mac, and find it hard to use the official CKAN application using monodevelop, give Launch Pad a try! The app is still being developed, so while you can install most mods with it, you can't upgrade them right now. The app uses the original CKAN Metadata Repository, so all mods that are available on CKAN are also available in here. I'd LOVE for some adventurous Mac users to try it out and leave feedback though. More Information on GitHub Download the latest Alpha Version Submit Bugs and Feature Request Before trying out Launch Pad, I'd recommend creating a backup of your KSP directory, simply because it's still alpha software. If you have any question regarding how to install and use the app, please feel free to ask
  20. Among Us in KSP V3.0 This is a small little project that just adds an Among Us Red Character into the game. Install by copying the quest_assets folder into your KSP GameData folder. -This is my first mod ever so its contents may not look good or function properly. Please report issues on its GitHub page. -This is a joke mod. It only adds this Among Us Character to the game and nothing else. Enjoy. Short Mini cinematic by The KSP Maniac (Recorded in V1.0) DOWNLOAD LINKS! SPACEDOCK Also available on CKAN MIT License DEPENDENCIES -Module Manager
  21. https://spacedock.info/mod/3377/Toggle Notifications#changelog https://github.com/cvusmo/Toggle-Notifications/releases/tag/v0.2.5 Report Issues/Bugs here; https://github.com/cvusmo/Toggle-Notifications/issues [0.2.5 Release Notes] Fixed game pause and it is now able to be re-enabled by the player Reorganized, restructured, and optimized backend Updated Harmony Transpilers to target only necessary notifications But this is what I've made so far and I'm really proud of it. It will get better!
  22. KESA Current parts CSP-CLUSTER : Curved solar panel (for CLUSTER probe) CLUSTER : Probe JUICE : Probe (can use DSPF-J1 with) EUCLID : Telescope (without science not active in KSP2) PHILAE-LEG : Telescopic landing gear built for Philae lander PHILAE-SUPP : Landing gear support built for Philae Lander VULCAIN 2 : Engine built for Ariane launchers VINCI : Upper level engine PROMETHEUS : First stage engine FREEBOOST : Separation tiny solid booster EPC : powerfull booster (medium and small) EPCSB : tiny booter for frontal separation A6WHEEL : 5m Reaction wheel RIT-2X : 5N Xenon Engine XNTK-XS : Xenon Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reaction wheelDownload https://spacedock.info/mod/3409/Kesa or CKAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screenshots Kesa Screenshots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies BepInEx Spacewarp [LFO] Lux's Flames and Ornaments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KSP2 Missions https://kesaspace.blogspot.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks KSP2 Modding Society (Lux:Stice, ShadowDev, Munix, ...) PassivePicasso : Thunderkit Spacewarp Team bbepis : BepInEx
  23. This post is under construction: FTL Download on SpaceDock, Github or Curseforge. Also available on CKAN. FTF Download on SpaceDock, Github or Curseforge. Also available on CKAN. Field Training Lab (FTL) Field Training Facility (FTF) DELETE OLD/EXISTING installations before installing new. Field Training Lab (FTL): Field Training Facility (FTF) : Continuation of Training Lab and Field Training Facility. Originally by @Efour, now continued by zer0Kerbal with support from the community. This mod provides a training system for your kerbalnauts. The New Look: If you want to train your kerbal immediately, you can use this mod. [1.9.1+] Training Laboratory Spacedock - CKAN (Dependency : Module Manager ) This mod provides Training method with consuming Science points. Paying 20 sci, your kerbal can get 1 exp. Since leveling up method is very limited, you have to pay science point once enough to advance level. If your Training Lab is in orbit, Payment will be reduced to half. If your Lab is on other planet, Payment will be reduced to 1/4. You can tweak values with editing .cfg. If you want, you can add this module to other crewed part. It can support up to 8 kerbalnauts. Leveling up 'Immediately' is not realistic? Do you think training needs to consume time? This mod will be answer for you. [1.9.1+] Field Training Facility Spacedock - CKAN (Dependency : Module Manager ) This mod is similar with Training Laboratory, But one thing is different. It consumes Time and Electric Charge. If you want level 5 kerbalnaut from level 0, You need to train your kerbal 1 year. Becoming level 1 will only need to wait 13 days, But as you know, high level needs more training. But, If you place your facility into orbit, It will be 4 times faster. If you place it on other planet, 6 times faster. You can tweak params with .cfg. Not so complex. It consumes 4 EC/sec per kerbal. If you train 2 kerbals, It will drain 8 EC/sec. You will need powerful energy sources. Now then, someone like me will want to use both. Then, just install both of them. Result is shown below. Payment of science point(TL) will be reduced with training experiences(FTF). For example - Just using TL, Level 4 -> Level 5 consumes 640p of Science point. But Level 4(50% with FTF) -> Level 5 consumes just 320p of science point. If 90% with FTF? Just pay 64p of science point or wait some more days. you can get level 5 kerbalnaut. More training means less sci point needed, linearly. These two mod can co-work, It's because I created this thread. If you want one thing, you can install just one mod. If you want co-work of them, you can install both. --- Review by --- Find original thread here.
  24. Questaria Aerospace A general parts mod for KSP2 Now Supports For Science! Downloads SpaceDock GitHub Dependencies SpaceWarp (v1.7.0 or newer) Lux's Flames and Ornaments (v1.0.0 or newer) Patch Manager (v0.7.2 or newer) Current Parts - Condor Engine (Medium sized lifter) - Parrot Engine (Medium sized lander engine) - Godwit Engine (Medium sized Nuclear thermal engine) - Skylight Cupola (Small cupola) - More to come! Special thanks to @LuxStice for helping me a ton while making this mod! All Assets licensed under an All Rights Reserved License.
  25. I'm adopting a collection of extensions to kOS that I've found useful and fun: kOS-StockCamera (Adopted from @hvacengi) Allows kOS to control the flight camera and map camera. Documentation: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KOS-stockcamera#description Download: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KOS-StockCamera/releases License: GPLv3 kOS-EVA (Adopted from @Ger_space) Allows kOS to control kerbals on EVA. Documentation: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KOS-eva#kos-eva Download: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/kOS-EVA/releases NOTE: depends on harmony. License: MIT kOS-SCANSat (Adopted from @Ger_space) Allows kOS to interact with SCANSat. Now with anomaly detection! Documentation: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KOS-scansat#kos-scansat Download: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/kOS-scansat/releases License: MIT kOS-Career (NEW!) Allows kOS to interact with career mode elements like contracts, building upgrades, and the tech tree. Documentation: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KOS-career#kos-career Download: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/kOS-Career/releases License: GPLv3
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