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  1. Hey Kerbanaouts, I had a save file called 'UK Space Agency' on my PS4, and it corrupted. However, before that sad event, I did use the IN GAME (NOT PS4) 'Export to cloud'. How would I get the said data back? I have a PSN and at the time of exporting, no PS plus.* If anyone can help me bring back Bob (the rest were KSP'd out of existence), I would greatly Appreciate it. *Edit: Hello Jebinators! I have just bought Ps Plus. It doesn't show up on the console cloud, so I am not sure if I can recover it. Maybe Im wrong, though? Happy ICBM- ahem rocket building Specs: PS4 Slim (European) PSN: Gamerup_Maddnes (+PSPlus) Thanks, FortCraft Kerman.
  2. I'm stumped on this one and hoping someone can shed some light on this. First of all, let me start by saying that my Unity knowledge is limited to just importing models, setting up materials and exporting to Kerbal. This is the first time that I'm trying something a bit more advanced so maybe I'm missing a step. So here's my issue: I create a model with an animation. I import it into Unity via FBX and set up the animation to Legacy. Give it a name, set up part tools, add materials, colliders and export. So far it all works. But then, when I start the game, it just hangs loading the part. Here's the error log: [LOG 22:51:42.801] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'im.test' [EXC 22:51:42.858] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) DragCubeSystem+<RenderDragCubes>c__IteratorC.MoveNext () [EXC 22:52:30.082] InvalidOperationException: Steamworks is not initialized. Steamworks.InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableClient () Steamworks.SteamController.Shutdown () SteamController.KSPSteamController.OnDestroy () I tried this with Unity 5.3, 5.2 and with 4.2 as well. All with the same result. I'm trying this with the 1.1 Pre Release of Kerbal. Any help is appreciated. If there's any more info needed, let me know and I'll post ASAP.
  3. What if KSP made it possible to use Sandbox universe2 style of creating Solar systems and then using that as your world to live in, you can choose everything. Or better yet, making ksp allow files that can be made in sandbox universe or other programs, then importing it into the save file and run it as the map of the solar system. Obviously it would be heavy on the game, but having terrain deformation would be cool too! What are your thoughts? (P.S. CAN'T WAIT FOR 1.1)
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