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  1. Cat picture thread! Share yo cats! Remember: International cat day is August 8th!
  2. Greetings! Today is August 8, 2022 which is International Cat Day. Lets all celebrate our furry feline friends. Do you have any good stories about your cat or a cat you know or knew? I have a few, but, one I want to share is about my current kitty Pixie. Shes a domestic Short Hair in a calico coat. Shes current 6 years old. I adopted her in June 2016 when she was but 3 months old. My first kitty Pumpkin who was a domestic Long Hair in the orange tabby coat with white socks and a white bib who was just 60 days shy of 20 when she passed a week before I adopted Pixie. When I met Pixie I thought she was cute and picked her up. I had no idea I was going to adopt her. She told me I was her human. How? As I held her I was talking with my mother and the attendant in the kitten room Pixie began licking my beard. That was it. I knew then and there Pixie was to come home with me. 6 years later and shes just as cute and just as loving. Shes such a wonderful companion. So, now, its your turn 143708083022
  3. NyanCat! (NCAT) A nyan cat add-on for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @godarklight Q: How do I Nyan? The What Rain Boom! Help Wanted Localization How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal See More Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Installation Directions Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) 1 or 2 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 3 *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks see Attribution.md for comprehensive list g@godarklight for this glorious mod! Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) Current (1) - zer0Kerbal Forum: Thread - Source: GitHub License: Disclaimer(s) All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses All art assets (textures, models, animations, sounds) are distributed under their own licenses Original (0) - Author: @godarklight Forum: Thread - Download: SpaceDock - Source: GitHub License: this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎
  4. Maybe a few of you guys wonder why I have dropped off the surface and there is a reason for that. Last week we had to put our cat to sleep. He really was a special pet and I am thankful for the short five years we had with him. I have seen lots of cats in my life, but none that would enjoy human company as much as he did. He loved to be part of our loud dinner parties and was patient with children. He let my friend's two-years-old kid grab and chase him around. We would walk him daily around our back yard much like you walk a dog. We even had a leash on him to keep him from attacking other pets - which did in his younger years. His end came pretty quickly. He was hiding a monstrous liver growth from us till the very end when it ruptured and caused him immense pain. We knew that we had to say good-bye one day, as he was showing signs of old age (and maybe related to his liver problem) but we never expected it to end so quickly. I uploaded some pictures to imgur, if you want to check them out. https://imgur.com/a/TZzt5
  5. Is this from a mod or ksp or WHAT. http://imgur.com/a/dQWYc
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