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  1. I want to get into career mode modding and am looking for some mods. The types of mods I want are: Better plane parts (Mk1, Mk2, Mk3) Better SSTO and rocket engines Better ion and nuclear engines New fuel types New career mission types New science tools Better colony and space station parts Better optimization (for a potato PC) Better tech tree I don't want any visual mods. Should I use TURD or Lazy Paint for coloring? Can you guys help? I'm new to modding.
  2. Welcome To Kerbal Academy's Kerbonaut Training Program Kerbal Academy is a contract pack consisting of training mission scenarios for educating your Kerbals. These missions are intended to provide in-field training experience to kerbonauts, advancing their skills for use on future missions. Each Kerbal Academy contract awards the trainee being trained experience when a specified mission task is completed. Are you tired of your Kerbals not being able to reach the highest levels without planting a flag on Duna? Ever wondered how planting a flag on Minmus shows your engineers how to fix wheels? Enroll your Kerbonauts in the Kerbal Academy today! We provide logical and simpler Kerbal experience progression contracts for a better training experience! (Kerbal Academy is NOT liable for any injuries or rapid unplanned disassembles during missions) Version 1.2.0 Released "A Fresh Coat Of Paint" **Version 1.2.0 Changes** -Added New Logos And Flags -Updated All The Contract Descriptions -Cleaned Up Spelling And Syntax Errors -Rebalanced Contract Costs -Contract Costs Now Generated Based On Kerbal Experience Level -Boot Camp Contract Cost Now Generated Based On Cost Of Next Kerbal -Boot Camp Now Uses New Drill Craft -Bugfixes Full Change Log Here; [Change Log] *Report Issues On The Forum Page Or The Issues Section Of The Github Repo* What does this contract pack currently do? Kerbal Academy provides a series of contracts that will allow your Kerbonauts to advance their skillset, by actually doing the things that relate to their skill set. For example; the Pilot training scheme will have your Pilots practicing changing orbital inclination, as well as how to do flyby's of various bodies. (More mission scenarios, as well as in atmosphere missions are being investigated) Scientists will be practicing going actually collect science, and engineers will be doing simulated repairs on various craft. Only after they have demonstrated their skills in their field will experience be awarded. Kerbal Academy is a for-profit venture* , you pay them to provide missions and programs in order to train your kerbals. Think of it as an investment. Contract prices are currently being re balanced for training missions, and the "Boot Camp" mission as it allows for the recruitment of new Kerbalnauts without the expense of rescuing them from various wrecks. *(Ingame) Current Available Missions (v1.2.x) : There are three programs available at Kerbin Academy: Boot Camp - If the pack finds that you are lacking in a certain role, you will be offered the chance to put a Kerbal through Boot Camp. This involves proving basic skills in that role. On completion of the course you will be reimbursed half of your hiring cost, plus your new applicant will be advanced to level 1. For pilots this mission consists of a quick takeoff, flight, and landing at a predetermined location Scientists must complete and collect a experiment specified by the contract Engineers complete a quick intro to vessel operations and maintenance The Basic Program - Where a kerbal is severely lagging behind their colleagues in terms of experience, or one Kerbal is much further advanced than the others, the more experienced kerbal can "mentor" one of their less experienced peers. Obviously only kerbals of the same skillset can be mentored. So a pilot couldn't mentor a scientist (because that would be silly). On completion of the course, the less experienced kerbal will be given a hefty experience boost, which can (but is not guaranteed to) bring them to within 1 level of their mentor. Pilots are tasked with flying a course complete with way point markers Scientists are tasked with doing some more science! Engineers are tasked with completing simulated repairs on a vessel The Advanced Program - If a Kerbal is near the top of their field they will be put forward for the advanced program. This involves demonstrating their skills in the field. On completion of the course, the Kerbal will be advanced one level. Pilots do some orbital maneuvering to improve their skills Scientists do some more science! (Improving Scientist Missions Has Been Made A Priority, Please Suggest Some Ideas) Engineers complete tours of duty on various bases and stations, performing a few simulated maintenance tasks. Known Issues/Workarounds (1.2.x) : -Drill Ship spawning may have been fixed. Further Testing Needed Other Stuff This contract pack will disable the stock rescue missions by default, as they are a horribly cheaty way to get new kerbals perfectly valid player choice, if you like that sort of thing, and this pack already provides a way to recruit new kerbals cheaply. In order for Engineers to advance through the program, vehicles must be marked properly. So a lander (with legs) should be marked as a lander (by clicking rename vessel in the flight scene), stuff with wheels should be a rover, and stations and bases should be marked as such. If you don't do this, you won't see any Engineering contracts offered. Future Plans By Version; Version 1.2.0 Released May 12th Version 1.2.1 Released May 12th v1.2.0 (May 2-4) Flair Overhaul Add updated logos Add mission patches Kerbalize contract descriptions Rebalance Contracts Change Advance Payment Add Completion Payment (Shouldn't Effect Current Active Contracts) v1.3.0 More Missions For Engineers Better Missions For Scientists Release TBD, work not started General Future Plans; Bugfixing for spelling/grammar errors reported in v1.1.8 (v1.1.9) Rebalance Contract Pricing (v1.2.0) Add updated logos (v1.2.0) Add mission patches (v1.2.0) Kerbalize contract descriptions (v1.2.0) New Atmospheric mission profiles for Pilot training (TBD) New Station/ Base "maintenance simulation" mission profiles for Engineer training (TBD) New Docking/ Rendezvous mission profiles for Pilot training (TBD) New mission profiles for Scientist training (TBD) Add Spacedock page under @Mark Kerbin (v1.2.0) (Spacedock Page Added) Investigate CKAN support (TBD) (CKAN Support Added, I Clicked A Button.) Continue investigating flipped contract ship spawning. Likely caused CC, has been reported to dev. Current Version is 1.2.1 For KSP 1.4.3 Dependencies Contract Configurator 1.25 & Module Manager 3.0.7 Downloads; (v1.1.9-10) (v1.2.x) (v1.1.x) (v1.2.x) Dependencies (Make Sure These Are Installed); Legacy Thread by @severedsolo: Licensing Kerbal Academy 1.1.9+ licensed under MIT @Mark Kerbin Kerbal Academy 1.1.8 & prior versions licensed under MIT @severedsolo Acknowlegments "Continued" (But not actually) by @Mark Kerbin with permission from @severedsolo @nightingale as ever for his tireless work on Contract Configurator (you rock!) @severedsolo For the original Kerbal Academy pack, and a good bit of this forum page @severedsolo 's wife for creating the original Kerbal Academy flag.
  3. Career Evolution Contract Pack The smart contract pack that fixes many of the issues in stock career mission progression. I only play Career mode in KSP because I need to have a direction, a mission, a plan. The contracts give me something to do so I can plan my missions around them. However, I have not played stock career mode since my first career. Thanks to @nightingale and his Contract Configurator mod, I haven't had to. There are amazing mod packs created by @nightingale, @severedsolo, @inigma, @Yemo and many many more. The issue I had with all of these modpacks is that they work together to some degree, but the do not necessarily progress logically because they are all from separate packs. WHAT IS THE CAREER EVOLUTION? It is a Contract Pack that takes the player from uncrewed launches like sounding rockets, to the first satellite into crewed launches that explore the solar system. There are contracts for uncrewed exploration of the solar system as well as crewed exploration that includes space stations, surface bases and more. It uses a logical progression so you will explore your nearest planetary neighbors before getting contracts for the rest of the solar system. You crawl before you can walk before you can run. WHAT ARE THE MISSIONS? Early Space Program (No Crew) Satellites (No Crew) Mun & Minmus Exploration (No Crew) Crewed Milestones Planetary Flybys, Orbits & Landings (No Crew) Space Stations (with MUCH influence and code from @severedsolo great pack) Crewed Flybys and Landings Surface Bases (with MUCH influence and code from @severedsolo great pack) WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW? These contracts support all modpacks where the HomeWorld is the 3rd planet from the Sun. This means Stock, and stock resizes, RSS, all RSS resizes as well. This currently does NOT support Galileo's Planet Pack but I am looking at ways to remedy that. I HIGHLY recommend Stock with Outer Planets Mod by @CaptRobau or one of the RSS variants. The contracts are designed to take advantage of the extra planets. You MUST use a Unmanned first Tech Tree. These are the ones I recommend: Historical Progression Tech Tree by @pap1723 (me) Unmanned Before Manned by @Yemo Engineering Tech Tree by @Probus REQUIRED MODS Contract Configurator from @nightingale Module Manager DOWNLOADS GitHub SpaceDock License: CC-BY-NC-SA
  4. The Sky is Not the Limit: A KSP1 Mission Report The Sky is Not the Limit will show the development of the Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration (KASA) from a small Kerbin space program from the country of Vankadia, striving to beat the Zolosten Union to the Mun, to (if all goes planned) a large organization, settling the final frontier and pushing the limits of Kerbalkind. This save will be mostly normal difficulty, but with Kerbal G limits, plasma blackout, and no Kerbal respawn. I also have a bunch of mods, but the most important ones are Kerbalism, Outer Planets Mod and Exploration Plus. The full modlist is here: And the full table of contents are here: *** So, without further ado, let's get this started! (EDIT: At over twenty chapters in, I decided to retcon the countries system in this report. Now, instead of having Earth countries in Kerbin, we now have unique countries and flags, however, this does mean that for all the chapters up to Chapter Twenty will feature American flags, and may have some occasional inconsistencies. I've tried to edit the "legacy" chapters as best I could, but there's no getting around the flags. So just try to maybe imagine that the American flag is this flag instead: Volume One: The Race for Space - The Kerbin country of the Socialist Union of Zolosten has started reaching out into space. Given the competitive nature of Kerbals, the Democratic States of Vankadia's space program won't stand for this and will attempt to land the first Kerbal on the Mun. Chapter One: Big Things Start Small Note: These photos were made in a different save after the originals were lost. I've tried to be as consistent with the originals as possible, but there may be some errors. These missions were done 100% legitimately in the main save.
  5. I expect a lot of us will be starting new career saves after the release of 0.90. So in anticipation of that day, and because the idea of grinding science on the launchpad makes me sad, I give you Sounding Rockets! This mod adds a series of very simple 0.35m parts to the start node, including: Two SRB engines. One with high thrust, one with high efficiency. Neither have decouplers, but will instead automatically jettison when out of fuel (this is especially handy for the upper stage below your payload). A nosecone containing a basic parachute, gyro system, and control module. Note: These run off of StoredCharge not ElectricCharge, and by design cannot be recharged. You will have enough juice for a short mission, but don't expect to get to the Mun with it. Four new science experiments to serve as payloads for your sounding rocket. Note, that trying to stack more than one will likely exceed the parachute's capacity. Enjoy! Go forth and find bees, feedback rocks. Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely Pick it up on GitHub! https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/SoundingRockets/releases
  6. MAY 1948: A mysterious eccentric by the name of Jimothy Jimbo Jimson sells tonnes of gold and purchases a plot of land in Florida. AUGUST 1949: Jimothy Jimbo Jimson hires many rocket scientists and engineers to develop prototypes JANUARY 1951: The Triple-J Space Company is officially opened hey guys, i'm finally documenting my RP1 career! expect a new entry twice a week!
  7. After having already played on it for over a year I have decided to start posting the results of my KSP career save here,on this career I have set myself the goal of colonizing every single body(except stars) using MKS and EPL as the two main colonization mods. In addition to those two mods I have a huge customized modpack including interstellar engines from Far Future Technologies, a modified version of Beyond Home that adds its system not as a replacement to the stock system but as an addition to it and many more. For other planet packs I also use OPM. Due to the large time already spent playing on the save I had to first go through the backlog of the many already completed missions and already started colonization efforts, so the first 38 chapters were me posting the earlier missions with whatever screenshots I have of them that i happened to take, if I have no screenshots of the original mission I showed the mission vehicle in VAB/SPH. Chapters: Chapter 1: Beginnings https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4287263 Chapter 2: First interplanetary voyage https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4287609 Chapter 3: Launch to Jool https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4289999 Chapter 4: The First Colony https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4291039 Chapter 5: Eve Station https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4291379 Chapter 6: Minmus Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291628 Chapter 7: Minmus Trade Route https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291953 Chapter 8: Orbital Shipyard https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291998 Chapter 9: Eve Colony Shiphttps://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4292303 Chapter 10: Jool Arrival https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4292438 Chapter 11: Satellites & Mun preparations https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4293995 Chapter 12: Duna Mission & Space Freighter https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4295223 Chapter 13: Moho Mission & Colony Expansions https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4295688 Chapter 14: Mun Construction https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4318324 Chapter 15: Eve Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4319907 Chapter 16: Gilly Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320205 Chapter 17: Mission Returns & Leveling Cruise https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320228 Chapter 18: Interplanetary Fusion Spaceship & Heavy Mining https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320909 Chapter 19: Duna Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4321698 Chapter 20: Harbor Activity https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4321716 Chapter 21: Eve Heavy Industry & Plock Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4322980 Chapter 22: Jool Colonization Fleet https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4322991 Chapter 23: Sarnus Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4323343 Chapter 24: Gilly Station & Eve Karborundum Mining https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4325354 Chapter 25: Jool Colony Fleet Arrivals https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4325356 Chapter 26: Explodium Dragon https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4327871 Chapter 27: Tekto Exploration & Mun Construction https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4328950 Chapter 28: Duna Logistics https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4328955 Chapter 29: Sarnus Exploration https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4329992 Chapter 30: Pol Colonization Beginnings https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330003 Chapter 31: Laythe Colonization Part 1 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330018 Chapter 32: Laythe Colonization Part 2 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330148 Chapter 33: Duna Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330154 Chapter 34: Nuclear Transport & Jool Scooping https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330335 Chapter 35: Laythe City Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330349 Chapter 36: Bop Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330373 Chapter 37: Laythe Skyscrapers https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4334600 Chapter 38: Dres Station & Neidon Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4334626 Chapter 39: ? [Coming Soon]
  8. Contract Pack: Historical Progression This contract pack is designed to take you through the history of the human space program. This entire contract pack was inspired by Whitecat106's Historic Missions contracts. He has created an incredible selection of close to 700 missions! For me, that is too much, and I wanted to go through the history of human spaceflight and progress how we have done in real life. I did not want to have to launch a mission that was almost the smae thing over and over again. This contract pack takes you from the first sounding rockets to New Horizons and into the future. You will be tasked with recreating some of the most ambitious missions like the Apollo Program, Voyager and the International Space Station. It is up to you to guide the Kerbals into the cosmos through a historical progression. Some of these contracts are very involved and require you to use gravity assists to accomplish the contract parameters. Others give you the option to complete certain goals in order to gain bonuses. For example, in your Space Shuttle contracts, you get bonus funds if you land your shuttle on the Runway back at KSC. One of the best examples of this is the MESSENGER contract. It requires you to enter a polar orbit of the first planet in the solar system. We will use the stock system with the Real Solar System planets as an example. MESSENGER Contract Parameters General Goal: Design an unmanned craft to Orbit Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Design an unmanned craft with an antenna (also with 3 SCANsat scanners if you have the mod installed) Launch MESSENGER Enter Orbit of the Sun OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Kerbin (Earth) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for the third time for a gravity assist Enter Orbit of Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Transmit Science Data from Space around Moho (Mercury) If you have SCANsat installed, have 80% mapping of Low Quality, Biome and High Quality Most of the missions are not that difficult or that involved, but MESSENGER was launched in 2004 after more than 50 years of spaceflight and we knew some new tricks to help us achieve an orbit. HISTORICAL PROGRESSION CONTRACTS REQUIRED MODS Contract Configurator - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101604 Module Manager - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED MODS These are not nessecary to use the contract pack, but it makes the pack much better Historical Progression Tech Tree @Yemo Unmanned Before Manned - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106130 This lets you start with the proper probe cores instead of manned missions, the contract pack might not be possible to complete without this or something similar Outer Planets Mod - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93999-112-outer-planets-mod-20-complete-overhaul-better-terrain-nicer-terrain-textures-improved-scatter-etc-21-may/ If you are playing with stock KSP, this will give you the extra planets that simulate the outer solar system and will allow you to explore these places with contracts like New Horizons and Voyager 1 and 2 Real Solar System If you are up for it, you can recreate some of the most famous missions in different scaled Real Solar Systems Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50471-113-real-solar-system-v1140-july-3/ Half Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/142336-113-half-size-rss-v15/ Stock Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138572-wip-113-117-stock-size-real-solar-system/ DMagic Orbital Science - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59009-113-dmagic-orbital-science-new-science-parts-v132-6272016/ This gives you more science experiments to use on your various missions around the solar system SCANsat - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72679-113-scansat-v163-real-scanning-real-science-at-warp-speed-june-27-2016/ This provides you with parts to map the planets in the solar system. The contracts have support for Scanning missions if SCANsat is installed. Life Support Mods There are many to choose from, but I reccomend picking at least one of them. Some of these contracts are setting new duration records in space and there is no real challenge to them without having Life Support of some kind. OTHER MODS TO CONSIDER There are many part mods to consider that will give you the ability to construct realistic looking, or in some cases replicas of the spacecraft that are simulated in this contract pack. Bluedog Design Bureau (NASA / ESA) FASA (NASA) @raidernick Awesome Collection of Mods Skylab US & Soviet Solar Panels Pack Salyut Stations Soviet Spacecraft Soviet Probes US Probes Pack US Rockets Pack Antares & Cygnus Tantares NOTES The contract pack removes the World Firsts and Explore Body stock missions as we are already covering this with the pack This contract pack works with all planet packs, but you will experience some weird contracts if your Home planet is not the 3rd rock from the sun Full support for Stock, Stock x2, Stock x6.4, Outer Planets Mod Full support for Real Solar System, Half Size Real Solar System, Stock Size Real Solar System I do not know how this will play with other Contract Packs unless listed below, as it is designed to go through all major "firsts" of our space history so will duplicate similar contracts from other packs Most missions cannot be cancelled nor will they expire. There are a set of optional missions and more will be coming down the line. These optional missions can be cancelled and do not need to be completed. COMPATIBLE CONTRACT PACKS Anomoly Surveyor AntennaRange Relays Clever Sats Field Research Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) Kerbal Academy Maritime Mission Pack RemoteTech Contract Pack SPECIAL THANKS @nightingale for creating Contract Configurator as well as helping me with many questions along the way @severedsolo for answering some questions I had about some contracts @Whitecat106 for inspiring me with your Historic Missions pack @TheReadPanda is streaming a career with the Contract Pack active DOWNLOAD Github Spacedock INSTALLATION Make sure you have Contract Configurator and Module Manager Installed as they are NOT included with the download Download the Contract Pack Copy to GameData folder Enjoy! FUTURE PLANS Add Remaining Missions Falcon Flight 20 - First Powered Landing of First Stage of Rocket Moon / Mun contracts will require specific biomes to be reached (want to stop players from landing on the far side) Add a requirement to deorbit and destroy Space Stations after Add additional SCANsat mission support Add additional DMagic Orbital Science Mission Support Add OPTIONAL MISSIONS Additional Mars / Duna Missions Landers Phoenix Insight Orbiters Mars Global Surveyor MAVEN Rovers Spirit Opportunity Curiosity ISS Construction Apollo Applications Program Manned Venus Flyby (this was a proposed mission using Apollo hardware) Future Missions OSIRIS Rex Asteroid Redirect Mission Mars Sample Return Mission Europa Mission Red Dragon Mars 2020 LICENSE CC-BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) CHANGELOG
  9. Hello! This is the continuation to my first mod, Planes with Purposes. Unfortunately, I previously abandoned this mod because I was very busy with school work, but after 4 years, I can finally continue work on it. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP Original PWP forum: Link to PWP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (tudor69420) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.6 - Major Update Added Tourism Contracts Fixed some old contracts v1.6.1 Changed Contract Rewards (I don't know what I was thinking giving 500 Prestige for a Duna mission) Fixed Contracts Added a new contract Changed contract groups
  10. Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting for your entertainment and delight, Exploration Plus - an overhaul of the stock Exploration Contracts. So, I really like the new Exploration contracts introduced in 1.2, but they aren't without their problems. Do I really need to prove that I can rendezvous or dock around every body before I can move on? Aren't the skills transferrable? I also feel like your progression can get bogged down, as you only have one of these contacts at a time. So here is an attempt to fix this: Features Multiple exploration contracts at a time. The moment you perform a flyby of a body, the mod will encourage you to push to the next one, while offering follow up contracts for the body you just reached. Works better with Monthly Budgets. The stock exploration contracts make heavy use of parameter level rewards, which my Monthly Budgets mod doesn't like, as it can't intercept the rewards. This pack only uses contract level rewards, so if you are using Monthly Budgets the budgeting system will work better. Better Progression. No more "must perform a rendezvous/docking around x body before you move on" - You will be asked to demonstrate your skills once around the homeworld and then we assume you know what you are doing. Even if you are dragging your heels on that mission, the other contracts will still generate. In addition, if you miss any of the "minor milestones" (returning, planting flags etc) you'll get a follow up mission to finish it off. Obviously this will disable the stock Exploration Contracts Fully Planet Pack compatible - The screenshot above is from Galileos Planet Pack, as that's what I'm playing at the moment. I can safely say, if it works on that one, it will probably work on almost any planet pack. If you do find any issues, let me know. Known Issues: Rewards have been generally balanced against what the stock contracts would pay you, but there may be some hiccups. For instance, "Mopping Up" assumes you have missed all the potential milestones and pays you accordingly. If you find any others, please report them. [Not really a bug] - You'll get a "perform a spacewalk" mission, even if you've already done it without the contract. Unfortunately I can't check for this. Licensing CC-BY-SA 4.0 Download First you'll need Contract Configurator Then grab the pack from here Acknowledgements As ever thanks to @nightingale for Contract Configurator.
  11. Contract Configurator - A config-file based solution for creating new contracts! How it Works Contract Configurator exposes various hooks into KSP's contract system through a standard config file syntax. This means that modders using Contract Configurator can create new contracts without writing any code. The config file format has 5 basic sections: Contract Summary - This contains all the summary text, expiry/deadline dates, and reward information. Parameters - These are mappings to the stock ContractParameter classes which specify what the player has to do to complete the contract. Requirements - This is what is required before the contract will show up. Most of the ProgressTracking information is supported, along with a few other things. Behaviours - These are behaviours that are applied at the contract level. A behaviour can create additional objects related to the contract (such as spawning Kerbals), be used to store persistent data or any number of other things. Data nodes - These define new data for use within the contract using Contract Configurator's powerful expression language. And if the provided parameters and requirements aren't enough, Contract Configurator is extensible. New parameters and requirements can be added in as little as a dozen lines of code. Download Contract Configurator can be downloaded from GitHub. Source The full source and test configuration is available on GitHub. Documentation The user guide is hosted on the GitHub wiki. Change Log Version Checking This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Recommended Mods The following is a list of mods that enhance some of the things Contract Configurator does: Waypoint Manager - this will help with any contract using the stock waypoint system by drawing the waypoints in the flight view. Makes hitting targets more accurately much easier! License Contract Configurator is licensed under the MIT License. RemoteTech integration (CC_RemoteTech.dll) is licensed under GNU GPL v2.0. Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  12. Named after the constellation known as "the altar," the Aerospace Research Agency (ARA) was founded with the goal of exploring and expanding kerbalkind into the Kerbol system and beyond. Its motto: "Constellations of Innovation" [This will be a new career with the Breaking Ground DLC and the main mods being the Unkerballed Start tech tree, Kerbal Construction Time, Galaxies Unbound, Modular Kolonization System, and Far Future Technologies (and other mods by Nertea). I've read that stock parts are more balanced for a 2.5x scale system, so Sigma Dimensions was used to change the size. Galaxies Unbound has a config but I had to manually edit the Sigma Dimensions config file to get it to work. The rotation period of Kerbin has changed to 7 hours and 30 minutes (1.25x longer), but the clock still measures days in 6-hour intervals. This is slightly annoying, but just divide the number of days by 1.25 to get a more reasonable value.] [update: I just installed the Kronometer mod which changes the date format based on the local day length. The dates have been corrected below. Note that there are more than 426 days in a year - 506 days (with the occasional leap day) lasting 7.5 hours each to be exact.] Table of contents Mod list (similar to quasinaut's "kinda ksp2" modpack but not the same), not including most dependencies: (last updated 2024-04-19) Y1, D5 to D28 - Suborbital first steps The first program of ARA would be known as Sagittarius (the archer), a designation for suborbital missions. A rudimentary launch complex nicknamed "Kaus" (the bow) was prepared to support this program. (It would eventually be upgraded and called the "Beta Arae" launch complex.) Y1, D7 Y1, D5 (6 h, 24 m) - The White Dwarf 1 (WD-1) sounding rocket (using a small 0.625 m "Mite" solid rocket booster and twisted fins to enable spin stabilization) launched Sagittarius 1 to a height of 25 km while transmitting temperature data. Almost 4 minutes later, it crashed into the ground. For captions, I use Historian Expanded with my config. (The Historian dates below are for a 6 hour day and not accurate) Y1, D15 Y1, D12 (5 h, 42 m) - The upgraded White Dwarf 2 (WD-2) sounding rocket (using the longer "Shrimp" SRB) launched Sagittarius 2 higher into Kerbin's atmosphere, reaching 42 km. In addition to temperature, it measured pressure. Y1, D24 Y1, D19 (5 h, 42 m) - The Brown Dwarf 1 (BD-1) sounding rocket used 4 small LV-T05 "Cogswell" liquid rocket engines and 1.25 m propellant tanks. It launched Sagittarius 3 past the designated boundary of outer space (91 km), achieving an altitude of about 150 km. Y1, D33 Y1, D26 (5 h, 42 m) - Sagittarius 4 demonstrated the first parachute recovery of a suborbital rocket. As a new rocket did not need to be built, this BD-1 was reused on days 34 27 and 35 28 for Sagittarius 5 (recovered from the ocean) and Sagittarius 6, which used Mystery Goo™ containers to collect even more scientific data.
  13. Increase the variety of tourism contracts available! Have tourists visit your stations, and build new attractions for them! (image credit MalevolentNinja) Description This is a Contract Pack that gives contracts to take tourists into space. There are contracts for: Taking tourists all around the Kerbin system. Taking tourists to your existing stations and bases. Building space tourism attractions. Taking tourists to your newly built attractions. Unlike the stock tourism contracts, all tourists for a given contract want to go to the same place. You'll also start receiving tourist contracts for 20-50 Kerbals to visit your attractions at a time. There are 10 randomly regenerating tourism contracts and 4 one-time contracts that progress your space tourism program. Will you be able to build the space casino and start printing funds? Download CKAN: In CKAN, Select and download the mod "Contract Pack: Tourism" GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The Tourism contract pack can be downloaded from GitHub. Waypoint Manager is an optional (but highly recommended) dependency and can be downloaded from the Waypoint Manager release thread. Optional Stuff It is recommended that you install Waypoint Manager, as there is one contract that involves touring the KSC, and it will be more difficult to hit the waypoints without it. The contract pack works for RSS and planet packs - there's a late-game contract to visit gas giants that will pick up any gas giant loaded in the game. Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log License The Tourism Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  14. Veteran forumites may recall when my thread "Sights of Kidonia" was active. I managed to get a humongous mothership assembled in orbit for the Ultimate Jool-5 Challenge, filled with all manner of fun payloads and equipped with over 9000 m/s of delta-V, and then... I abandoned the project, the challenge left unmet once again. That was actually my third attempt to pull it off, the successor to "Julia" and an unnamed predecessor mothership. Each attempt had been grander than the last, and each attempt had failed (for the first, I was woefully short on delta-V; for the second, a KSP update to make the LV-N nuclear engine not consume oxidizer made the existing design unworkable; and for the third, I simply stopped playing KSP for over a year and didn't feel like trying to pick up where I left off, largely due once again to changes in the game). Only one thing to do: Try a FOURTH TIME! Officially at least. I did an undocumented minimal test run a while ago with an uncrewed ion probe just to reassure myself there was hope. And naturally I must continue the trend of making every new mothership dwarf all the previous ones... Teaser image showing the scale of the hull I designed alongside Kidonia. I'll be updating the thread as important milestones in the mission are reached.
  15. I really like the satellite contracts in KSP, but I get fed up of KSP asking me to move my Remote Tech or SCANsat probes. So, I decided to try and fix it. I present to you: Clever Sats. A replacement for stock Satellite Contracts. How is this different to the stock Satellite contracts? Intelligent target selection. Instead of just picking anything that "might" be a satellite at random, you will only be asked to move satellites deployed by this pack. Like your remote-tech comm relay where it is? That's fine, CleverSat will leave it alone. Moved your sats into a constellation? Don't worry about it. CleverSat knows that satellites in a constellation should stay in a constellation. (please see known issues). RemoteTech Integration - CleverSats will not ask you to deploy a satellite unless you have 50% RemoteTech coverage (assuming you use that mod of course). Highly recommended that you combine this pack with the RemoteTech pack by nightingale. What sort of contracts can I expect from this pack? Right now, I have these missions: The basic "launch a satellite into orbit" mission. This is pretty much like the stock missions. The harder the contract, the further out, and the wilder the orbit. You'll probably find that one star contracts will give you mainly equatorial, low orbits. Three stars, well all bets are off. Create a satellite constellation - this is a bit of a clever one. It will try and find two satellites which are close by. If it finds them, you'll be asked to synchronise their orbits. Any satellites that are part of a "constellation" should be ignored by other missions (but see Known Issues) Move a Satellite - this is basically like the stock enhanced contracts, you'll be asked to move your satellite to a new position. Move a Constellation - move a constellation of satellites to a new position. Repair a Faulty Satellite (Coming Soon) - Decommission a satellite (Coming at some point - maybe.) Deploy a GPS network Please feel free to suggest more. Known Issues: One satellite in a constellation may not be marked as protected, and you may be asked to move it. Probably some reward balancing issues at the moment. On the move a constellation mission - the orbital parameters will be displayed multiple times (one for each sat in the constellation). I know how to fix this, I just haven't got round to it yet. Special Thanks @nightingale as ever, for his tireless hard work on Contract Configurator. Installation: Highly recommended that you install from CKAN (when available). However, if you insist on installing manually you will need: Module Manager (available here) Contract Configurator (available here) The CleverSat contract pack (duh) (available here) License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin Source available at the release link above.
  16. Hello everyone. I'd like to share with you my attempt at an "Immersive Campaign". I forced my engineers to work hard on cockpits and command centers, and their work paid off - they made me fully immersive cockpits, from which a whole mission can be executed without the need for HUD. The goal was to have an immersive experience of commanding space vessels, and feeling how big the space is. Details of Career: Save Name: Going Out of Business Agency Name: Kalko's Space Immersive Program CEO: Jebediah Kerman (he funded the program and I'm legally obliged to use his logo on vessels, unless a client pays extra otherwise) Difficulty: Normal (with modifications) Starting values: Increased (so that I can skip the first few missions to save time): - Funds: 50 000 Koins (Jeb got some money from sharing his crazy home-made rockets on KerbTube, but it's far from the 500 000 limit) - Science: 50 (max) (Jeb's collaboration with other KerbTubers gave him some scientific insights) - Reputation: -50 (Jeb once accidentally killed some wild animals when his rocket crashed on their next, which lead to his reputation suffering mildly, but nothing compared to the -1000 limit) All parameters and rules might be subject to change at a later date. This is not a "challenge", and although I have some rules, they are there to make it more fun. I sometimes do routine missions in "normal" mode. However, if a mission is worth sharing, I'll do my best to achieve the most immersive experience. (within reason) If you like content like this and want to see more, let me know in the comments. Progress so far: - I've managed to position some satellites - some approaches to the moon and managed one kinda-successful landing with the Jozef XIII mission. Immersive Missions: Jozef XIII: - it's a Mk.1 command module, suited for one Kerbal. - launched with a 2 staged rocket with no side boosters - goal of the mission was to land on the Mun, plant a flag with Jeb's logo, get surface samples and return safely back to Kerbin - landing didn't go as planned and the ship got slightly damaged and toppled on it's side - footage of the landing has been damaged during the crash, and is not available - Jeb managed to get back to orbit on his own - footage of Jeb's getting off the surface is linked below - Jeb then got safely home - footage of Jeb's arrival home is being processed Plugins used: Improved IVA and EVA: - RasterPropMonitor - Free IVA - Through the Eyes of a Kerbal - Vessel Viewer - Parallax DIfficulty modifiers: - Kerbal Krash System - Dang It! - TAC Life Support System Improved audio: - Chatterer - Ships Effects - and some other plugins that got downloaded as prerequisites of those listed but there are like 20 of them and they don't impact the game themselves anyway
  17. Through the Eyes of a Kerbal KSP IVA career mode I love flying in IVA in KSP, it gives it a completly different experience, especially with mods like FreeIVA, awesome IVA mods available out there. So I started a new career, where I attempt to fly missions only from the cockpits and the mission control room, for unmmaned spacecraft. This will be mostly done in a video format (the serie style is new to me, so don't hesitate to provide feedback ) So let's bang our Kerbal head against all those knobs and switches shall we ? : P - Link to a WIP version of this retro-NASA-styled Probe Control Room IVA, used in this serie : - Modlist (will evolve eventually) : - Chapters : Godspeed ! Ep. 1 - Humble Hoppings We discovered female Kerbals are called "Kerbalinas" ? did you know ? : D Next we'll surely get a Kerbal to orbit, and hopefully some probes to the Mun, while continuing developping aircraft tech to break the sound barrier !
  18. Strategia - A Brand New Strategy System! Description Strategia is a revamp to Kerbal Space Program's strategy system. All the stock strategies are removed, and replaced with new and unique strategies. The first set of strategies are special mission strategies. These strategies will give you advance cash and bonuses to certain milestones for completing a high level objective as part of your space program. They are dynamic, so they will work with mods that change the stock solar system by adding or changing celestial bodies. Be warned though - if you cancel one of these strategies without completing the objective, you will face a heavy penalty! Crewed Missions Once we've proven we can get a Kerbal to orbit and back, we need to continue to break new barriers. We have a choice of nearby bodies that we can get to. We choose to go to <insert celestial body here>, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Uncrewed Missions The costs of sending a Kerbal to another planet are astronomical compared to those of sending a probe that we can leave behind. Why don't we send some probes to our neighbouring planets to gather science autonomously for us? The remaining strategies are the standard strategies - these give a bonus while active, and can be active for as long as you like. Astronaut Training Program Our standard training procedure is to treat newly hired astronauts as a disposable commodity to greatly reduce the cost of unscheduled disassemblies. Still, some argue that training our astronauts before putting them on top of a top of a ton of explosives will result in a lower mission failure rate. The cost of setting up the program will be high, nevermind the cost of actually training the astronauts. What do you say, do we want the right stuff, or the almost-good-enough stuff? Massive Scale Launches We've found some investors who are willing to sponsor us if we're able to launch colossal structures into space in a single launch. We'll have to employ some truly Whackjobian construction techniques to get these things into orbit. Contract Slot Machine These agencies seem to think they're doing us a favour offering by us these ridiculous contracts. Why should we be penalized for being choosy? By closing our books to the public, agencies will have no idea what we're willing to accept. There might be a little chaos in the contracts we see under this model, but if we're only choosing the best ones, then who cares?!? To Boldly Go If we want to get the most research possible done out there, we need to explore as many new biomes as we can. Government grants from exploration programs will ultimately help us fund further exploration and research. Probe Frenzy If we want to do some research, then probes are the way to go. What we save on sending Kerbals out there can be spent on a vast fleet of autonomous probes. Local Science There are so many research opportunities right in our back yard. We should focus on local research to bootstrap our space program. That way when we do make it further out there, we'll be sending the best technology we can. Stagnated Research There are several conservative groups on Kerbin that think we've gone too far, too fast. We're not about to shut down the space program, but maybe slowing down our development of new technology to appease these groups will get us some goodwill and ensure that they don't burn down KSC? Free Ice Cream We've come up with a crazy idea - giving out free ice cream at the space center. The public will absolutely love us. If we push the program far enough, we'll get better rewards for rescuing Kerbals (they'll get ice cream when they land!) and maybe even be able to get a discount on hiring new astronauts. FREE. ICE. CREAM. Media Circus To make a reputable space program, we need to ramp up the media involvement. Cameras everywhere, coverage 6 hours a day, 426 days a years. Of course, this could easily backfire if we have any... accidents. Pilot Focus Clearly the most important role among our astronauts is that of the pilot. Without a skilled pilot, nobody is going to space today (or any other day). Shall we build our space program around our brave pilots? Engineer Focus Where would we be without our engineers? They make sure everything is in order to get the other astronauts up and down safely. Shall we build our space program around the skilled engineer? Scientist Focus The scientist is the key role that we need to focus on. A skilled scientist knows exactly which sample to send back to maximize our science gain (we can only fit so many Mun rocks in those capsules). Shall we build our space program around our brilliant scientists? Download CKAN: In CKAN, select and download the mod "Strategia". GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from its release thread. Custom Barn Kit is a required dependency and can be downloaded from its release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from its release thread. Strategia can be downloaded from GitHub. Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log Special Thanks sarbian - For mods like ModuleManager and Custom Barn Kit that make my life a lot easier. smjjames - For the ridiculous amount of bugs he found during the beta phase. License Strategia is licensed under the MIT license. Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  19. So I started a new Carreer With @CessnaSkyhawk's Skyhawk Science System. It Includes Bluedog Design Bureau, Kerbalism, KSRSS, some other parts mods and realism mods (FAR, kOS, Principia, System Heat). The Skyhawk Science system looks very good and sophisticated and I'm looking forward to it. So we start in 1951 with the first launch and flight into the high atmosphere. The launches went well, we have gained enough science and we are ready to take on some more challenging contracts
  20. Find Easter eggs and other anomalies! Description This is a Contract Pack that gives contracts to go search out the various Easter eggs that are included in KSP. There are 14 one-time contracts included in the pack of varying difficulty. There's some bonus new content that is only available as part of the mod. If you want to see it then you will need to finish both the Kerbin and Mun monolith contracts. Download CKAN: In CKAN, Select and download the mod "Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor" GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The Anomaly Surveyor Contract Pack can be downloaded from GitHub. SCANsat is an optional dependency and can be downloaded from the SCANsat release thread. Waypoint Manager is an optional (but highly recommended) dependency and can be downloaded from the Waypoint Manager release thread. Optional Stuff It is recommended that you install Waypoint Manager, as there is one contract that involves touring the KSC, and it will be more difficult to hit the waypoints without it. If you use SCANsat, then the contracts will have an extra requirement before they show up - you must have done a multi-spectral scan of the area in question. To offset this, if you have SCANsat, the contract rewards are slightly better. Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log Special Thanks 5thHorseman for the video featured on this page. He did an absolutely incredible job! Nicholander, who gave me permission to use his monolith part for the final Jool Monolith contract. License The Anomaly Surveyor Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  21. Today I ran out of things to do in KSP, so I installed the SIgma Dimensions mod and set it to 0.1x scale. I'm going to attempt to create a "storyline" for this career, but it will probably be pretty silly. Anyways... Chapter 1: Strange Occurrences It seems like Jeb and the other kerbonauts are in a rather awkward predicament. The Kerbol System has shrunk down to a much smaller size and the kerbonauts and their rockets are the only things that have not been shrunk. Oh well, time to get a move on. Well, this is a rather large Flea Jumper, isn't it? Jeb is piloting the Smol 1, which is pretty massive for the size of the KSC. Smol 1 begins its awkward sideways flight. If Jeb goes too quickly, he could end up outside the atmosphere, coupled with the fact that the parachutes don't work very well in a 7 km tall atmosphere... it could get messy. So he has to keep his altitude low. And landed. A good amount of science was gathered. Introducing the Smol 2, the latest in Kerbal Rocketry! Featuring the latest LV-T45 Technology! It's twice as tall as the VAB! Wait a minute... how did they build a rocket bigger than the VAB in the VAB? I suppose it's bigger on the inside. Liftoff! Jeb gets to pilot again. Jeb doesn't even need a gravity turn to exit the atmosphere. And in orbit! This is the most low-tech SSTO i've even built After a quick EVA and sciencing, Jeb begins the deorbit procedure. To avoid the parachutes breaking due to high speeds, Jeb has to use the engine to decelerate. Whoops... I guess I'm not getting that SSTO back in one piece then...
  22. hi everyone i'm finally back after a near-fatal addiction to gregtech. So recently I've been working on a new save involving MKS and KSPIE. I will make a mission report-like updates here and when I finally stop procrastinating I will post these to my youtube channel. Without further ado... Because We Kan! Modlist: Chapters: 1. Going up and staying there 2a. Mun time 2b. Minmus Probed 3a. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 1 3b. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 2 4. Expand the Station! 5.To the Mun! Will Update!
  23. 22 years ago, Kerbin was hit by a comet. The 16 kerbals of the Space Station Ranger used its remaining fuel deposits to flee to Eve during the lucky transfer window it got. Arriving at Eve, the crew landed in their various Kerbin reentry pods and began to build underground bases to shield from the radiation and the harsh environment. Now, the 34,000 residents of Eve's only city New Kerbin City but on Eve hopes to return to Kerbin. They do not know how they could escape the thick atmosphere and strong gravity, but these hardened Kerbals knew one thing. It would not be easy. ----------------------------------------------- Yup. A new career game. But not just any career. This time, the KSC is on Eve and HARD MODE. No quicksaves, no reverts, tougher contracts and funds. And Unkerballed Start. And SimpleConstruction. And all their dependencies. But why SimpleConstruction? Because the Goal for this career is to COLONISE KERBIN. This mission report will have some story elements. Jeb: Like this. ----------------------------------------------- Let's get to it.
  24. Hi ! I will post here significant log about this career, which has already started, not every flight tho, just the ones I find interesting to share ! The save is started already so for a while it will be getting up to date. The goal is to colonize every possible body, and establish permanent colinies as much as we can. Harvest everything. Every last piece of ore, the last picogram of space dust, the last bit of antimmater, even absorb the Sun, if we could. Incentive given on complex ISRU chains, on top of MKS (see below). And finally, to claim Kerbals superiority over the konwn Universe, and show the Kraken who is the boss. Also calm down maybe ? Additional career rules/ bits&bobs (see Gameplay mods used below too) : - science progression is heavely nerfed (custom patches), just to not be bored after Minmus. - no quickload on dumb mystakes, kraken emergency reload allowed - To add challenges, make the end game more interseting : I cannot launch "complicated" ressources from Kerbin (all Nuclear ressources except early tech, all charged particles, antimatter, maybe some epxensive gas as well, some manufactured MKS ressources maybe too). Meaning If have a KSPIE reactor I can launch it, but without fuel. To acquire theses ressources, I have to ISRU them (not from kerbin tho, too easy), and either use them in-situ, or ship them back to Kerbin where the amount recovered will be stored in the KSC warehouse (my notepad basically ^^), to be available for future launches. I believe this will open new interesting gameplay loops, and avoid the I-throw-funds-at-problems in regards to KSPIE, and also give each engine/situation a more unique feel, and a greater sense of achievement. - Custom Engines nerf : nerf all engines ISP at sea level by *0.6, thus forcing me to make at least a 2 stage rocket to reach orbit, contrary to stock where rocket SSTO is absurdly easy, and giving more value to near future stuff when unlocked. - Mods used (most noticeable ones) : - Current state of exploration / kerbal presence : - Chapters : See you in deep space !
  25. Any and all spacesuits for Kerbals in KSP were always cosmetic. As long as you had a spacesuit, you could go anywhere in the Kerbol System with no problems. The Breaking Ground DLC added a little bit more gameplay to it but little else. But what if there was more? My idea for spacesuit progression in KSP2 works like this. You start out with essentially an old, decrepit, extremely depressing space suit that doesn't really do anything other than shield your Kerbal from the vacuum of space. You have no jetpack to move around, and rather have to attach many ladders and bars so that your Kerbal can maneuver their way around the craft. Your Kerbal has a tether attached to them, so you can only go so far (it would be nice to be able to pull yourself back to the craft using the tether in case your Kerbal starts to float away). The more science and resources you get, the more base space suits and extensions you unlock. Over the course of the game, you might unlock a general space suit, a high-pressure suit for thick atmospheres, a G force suit that let's Kerbals experience higher Gs before blacking out, a high mobility suit that lets your Kerbal walk/run faster on surfaces etc. You would also unlock extensions that increase a space suit's functionality. Depending on where they're going, you could give your Kerbal headlights, a larger EVA pack that makes them more mobile in vacuum, climbing gear that lets them climb much steeper surfaces, or even robotic arms that lets them do science on the go. To stop players from create these weird frankenstein mech suits that can do anything, suits would have a maximum weight and be limited to one per Kerbal. This would force the player to make unique suits for every mission that they go on, which would aid in the realism department since that's what NASA and other irl space agencies do. What do you guys think?
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