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  1. There doesn't appear to be a thread for European rocket launches so I made this. This Tuesday ESA is launching Galileo 19-22 https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/08/galileo-navigation-satellites-buttoned-up-for-launch-on-ariane-5-rocket/
  2. Thread of the month of April ! To see the last update: Click here After 4 months of work, I am very proud to present my first add-on: Aurora Space Center! Presentation Aurora Space Center is a mod that adds IRL/fictives buildings and launchpads! This mod has for vocation to be improved very strongly in the future, come back often to see the thread! Buildings and current launchpads: Features: Buildings and launchpads use stock textures. All other textures (logo or text) can be modified in paint for exemple! Buildings and pads will automatically turn on and turn off spotlight like the real KSC buildings. RSS compatible: all buildings are done in real scale ! (for stock users down the scale of buildings at building setup) Buildings and pads use a auto-matching grass color module, so that you can place them anywhere on Kerbin/Earth and even Mars ! Animated object by a simple click on it: INSTALLATION & HOW TO USE IT Install Kerbal Konstructs and Module Manager (link below) and put Aurora Space Center into your GameData directory and that's all! To put a building: open the KK menu (ctrl+k) and place it anywhere you want ! (If you choose to place a launchpad, you will need to restart your KSP to convert it automatically into a launchpad) A huge thank you to @JadeOfMaar, @Omega482 and @CobaltWolf for their help, without them Aurora Space Center could not have looked like this. And a very special thank to @damonvv who helped me enormously when I started! DOWNLOAD: Dependencies: Kerbal Konstructs & Module Manager If you want to see the progress about Aurora Space Center, take a look at the Roadmap ! FAQ How do you do that ? Check this video ! How to open the HIF doors ? The HIF doors can only be opened for the LC-2 launchpad, for the primary door click on the top segment of the door, for the south door, click on the left segment How to trigger the Crew Access Arm ? Click at the base (green thing) of the Crew Access Arm (Picture) Changelog All models and textures are distributed under All Rights Reserved License You can follow my twitter to see some updates before everyone: @chloe_mathon
  3. This thread is for links to standing threads that cover upcoming launches from specific launch providers. These threads usually have links to the latest live launch coverage, as well as discussion about upcoming launches: https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/ http://www.launchinfo.space/ (this has a countdown to next launch) https://nextrocket.space/ (comprehensive list of upcoming launches) https://calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]&pli=1 (cool calendar of launches with links) Launch Provider Threads: Spacecraft Threads: Space Agency or Agency Programs General Discussion Threads: Someday ( ): Unflown Crew/Cargo vehicle threads: (The Exploration Company's Nyx) Unflown Lunar Vehicles: NASA Human Landing System Discussion: Eventually we need some others as well...
  4. I like how ESA uses animation and anthropomorphized characters now. This mission launched last night (UTC time) and will take seven years for the spacecraft complex to gradually bleed off kinetic energy by multiple encounters with Earth, Venus and Mercury itself. Hopefully everything turns out fine. Who knows what'll be the state of KSP in seven years...
  5. Ariane 5 will launch today from Kourou to put galileo satellites into orbit. If the launch is successfull, it will be the 75th success in a row! watch live : http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Navigation/Galileo/Launching_Galileo/Watch_the_launch_of_Galileos_15_18
  6. Hi everyone, I past some hours of the last night attempting to create a medium SSTO but after a countless number of failures and crash-to-desk my nerves cracked and so I went back to old-school rocket with this attempt to make an Ariane 44LP inspirated launcher, so here comes Ariadne 4. Why such an unpronouceable ancient Greek name ? Well, it is the original way of writing Ariane, even if it is admitted by a large number of people inside the E.S.A. that the launcher name never was based on this famous character from the Greek mythology but much more on the daughter's name of one high ranked member from the agency... The LP version was chosen to gives anybody the possibility to reconfigurate her in a full-liquid or full-solid assisted rocket. The main stage and liquid boosters are powered by six "Reliant", trying to simulate the "Viking 5C" but their lack of gimballing made that I had to place moving Standard Canards at the engines bases, unlike the Ariane 4 version with boosters... P.A.P. (Propulseur d'Appoint a Poudre or Solid Rocket Booster) are simulated by a pair of "Thumper" and provide enough thrust to help the launcher to pass the cloud level, at this time they will run out of propellant and the six "Reliant" can take care of the climbing. Same thing for the two "Reliant" booster, at the time of their separation the launcher is light enough to keep on limbing with the four remaining engines. The third stage used a "Swivel" to simulate the "Viking 4B" and the fourth a "Terrier" in place of the "HM-7B". The cost of the launcher is no more than 50 000 without the payload, and each boosters are recoverable with the Stage Recovery mod. The craft is available on KerbalX : https://kerbalx.com/XB-70A/Ariadne-4-Test-Vehicle And an album of the inaugural flight too : http://imgur.com/a/MEnJL Hope you'll enjoy.
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