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  2. DM me privately, and ill see if I can send you a zip for the download over discord or something.
  3. Could that for example take the specs for the Delta IV and Atlas V rockets and accurately output the payloads to LEO, GTO, etc.? The Silverbirdastronautix.com payload estimator can do that within about 10% accuracy I’ve found. But it does have wide cited error bars, i.e., you can only be sure of the answers within that rather large error range. Another thing I want to estimate is fast flights to the Moon or Mars. For instance Elon once said the expendable Starship might have a dry mass of only 40 tons. That combined with a 380s Isp would allow 1 month flights to Mars with just chemical propulsion: That is just an estimate though based on the idea the departure speed is so fast the trajectory would be almost straight-line. It would be nice to have an actual trajectory sim that would calculate this more definitively. With departure speeds that high it should mean near straight-line trajectories from LEO to the Moon also, with greatly reduced travel times. We might want this with commercial flights to the Moon by, for example, SpaceX coming into play in a near term time frame. With just a 3.1 km/s escape velocity, we can reach the Moon within 3 days. How fast from LEO to lunar orbit with, say, 12 km/s delta-v available, taking into account you also have to slow down? Could the travel time be reduced to hours? Bob Clark
  4. Sorry, sir, but our food supply enterprise does not appreciate the intentionally genderized job names. Not "waitress", but " waiting person", please. Their duties are to wait while a sleepy customer is trying to read three lines in the menu and finally decide what they wish to order for their five dollars and twenty five cents. Hurrier! Yes, you. Hurry up, don't wait!
  5. IMO Paradox would have been a FAR better publisher for KSP2 than T2
  6. The BDSEP-JMK "Kadley" Observation Telescope has the description of the BDSEP-SWC Solar Wind Composition Experiment. Is this due to an error, an accident, a simple placeholder that's still holding it's place? Or could this have happen after that time Jeb got locked in the records office? He did go through a lot of sharpies. Did he screw with a paper somewhere?
  7. they told you what they really really want. They ban you. 014207112024
  8. Banned because on Dune any car is suSPICEious.
  9. One rocket's "big" is another one's "small".
  10. Today
  11. It's true! I forgot about that! I got so used to the "right and sensible way" to make a rocket take off, that I forgot that at the beginning when trying FAR I had to re learn some bad non-sensical practices from stock game... As previously said, FAR kinda emulates aero-elasticity limits, and aero forces are punishing. So, making a high turn manœuvre during flight (rocket ascension or acrobatic airplanes), the vehicle will tend to split into tiny pieces due to high mechanical stress due to aero forces... On stock game, I used to correct my bad executed rocket take off during flight, fighting aero forces... As rockets have infinite strength resistance, even if the rocket bend, you cloud safely perform non-sensical in flight manœuvres... Of course when I tried that in FAR ended up with my rocket in pieces xD... My brain learned that fast, and now is intuitive for me to just try a nice gravity turn, and let the dance between aerodynamics and gravity to bring my rocket to orbit... Another nice thing I learned with FAR is that drag force is a thing!, at least for rocket ascension stability... That means, if you try to go too fast during rocket take off (something like TWR 3-5) ... Your rocket get unstable, flips and brakes into tiny pieces... That I learnt fast and forgot it existed too xD... So I would summarize, for the aero forces in FAR, for rockets have the following impact: - Brake your rocket into pieces of flying sideways at high speed in the atmosphere - Make your rocket turn around (unstable) at high acceleration during take-off (as result of high drag) Hope you find my experience useful
  12. Floor 5278: a blue blouse on a hanger 011007112024
  13. @AlamoVampire kitty says good job calling a suspicious car into police and possibly keeping the neighbor hood from those who need be banned! 010907112024 new page!
  14. This popped up in my news feed this morning. Kudos to this young man, nice work. Enjoy... https://hackaday.com/2024/07/10/model-rocket-nails-vertical-landing-after-three-year-effort/
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