
Branding for a data-analytics company Minitab

  • Branding
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • Website Design
  • Landing Pages
  • Brochures
  • Presentations Decks
  • Infographics
  • Video

Minitab are a leading company in the data-analytics sector.

They work with various industries such as industrial, retail, motoring, healthcare and education.

Their philosophy is that data can be used to solve and improve the challenges that industries face daily. With an ever-evolving suite of products, Minitab are the pioneers within their sector.

Minitab Ebooks Minitab Ebooks
Minitab banner Minitab banner

A collaboration of two companies

Data-sector branding

Our relationship working with Minitab started as it would with any other client.

They initially contracted us to provide design support for the US team creating a series of advertising campaigns for their products. Thereafter we became an integral part of the Minitab marketing team.

Our task was to provide a design team working on day-to-day creative for promoting the brand, capturing attention, driving engagement, and maintaining brand loyalty.

The design work we provide for Minitab covers all aspects of marketing. We have worked on evolving the brand, creating engaging campaigns, designing a series of infographics to break down the complexity of the Minitab proposition, presentations and website design to name a few.

Minitab Infographics Minitab Infographics
Minitab exhibition Minitab exhibition

Marketing for an international client

Digital marketing

Being an international company, Minitab has various offices in the US, Europe and Asia.

Form also brought on these regions to service, working closely with their international marketing teams. This includes regional specific campaigns and translation of various projects into new languages.

Minitab Banners Minitab Banners

Marketing collaboration

Sub-brands creation

Form also works alongside Minitab internal teams with the creation of new sub-brands.

One key sub-company we assisted with was the rebrand of their recently acquired data mining company Salford Systems. By helping develop and update the Salford Systems' brand, it was able to sit seamlessly alongside Minitab, keeping the strong brand connection.

Having an external creative agency to help with the day-to-day marketing services, it guarantees Minitab branding is applied correctly and effectively every time.

We also help to take some of the pressure off the internal design teams. Importantly, our services are essential for businesses and organisations wanting to maintain a consistent presence in today's fast-paced digital world.

It's been 7 years since we designed our first job for Minitab and we’re proud that we continue to work with the company to this day. We continue to see the company grow, transforming into an industry leader that Minitab are.

Minitab Brand Style Minitab Brand Style
Minitab Logo Minitab Logo

A little bit about Minitab

Welcome to Minitab: empowering data insights

Discover the world of Minitab, where data becomes a catalyst for informed decisions.

As a global leader in statistical and data analysis software, Minitab empower individuals and organisations to unlock the true value of their data.

Their intuitive tools simplify complex analysis, helping uncover patterns, trends, and opportunities within data. From beginners to experts, Minitab's user-friendly interface and robust features enable people to explore, visualise, and extract meaningful insights.

Beyond software, Minitab offers decades of expertise. They transform data into actionable knowledge, driving better decisions, and fostering innovation in a data-driven era.

Are you in the fintech sector and looking for a global marketing agency?

If you have a marketing project in mind you like to discuss, or fancy a general chat, please get in touch with Form. We'd love to hear from you.