369X, the launch of a new cryptocurrency company

  • New Brand Identity
  • Website Design
  • SMM
  • Content Writing
  • App Design

Throughout our tenure in the business world, our focus has predominantly centred on the financial sector, encompassing a spectrum ranging from investment banks and trading companies to mortgage entities. However, one notable segment within the finance industry had eluded our involvement until now - the cryptocurrency sector.

Introducing 369X, a pioneering start-up aiming to make a significant impact in the cryptocurrency space. They entrusted us with the tasks of content creation, strategic planning, app and website design for 369X. Additionally, we were tasked with refining the existing brand, ensuring a more sophisticated and cohesive visual identity.

Embarking on a project of this nature within the cryptocurrency domain demands careful consideration and meticulous pre-planning, particularly in terms of content creation and brand presentation. It is evident that the cryptocurrency sector has weathered several scandals in recent times, affecting not only peripheral companies but also major billion-dollar enterprises like FTX. Consequently, it was imperative for us to position 369X with a brand and messaging that instils confidence in both consumers and business partners, providing a secure trading environment.

369X Mobile Website 369X Mobile Website
369X Web Design 369X Web Design

Process begins

Content writing and strategic planning

The initial phase of this project involves the creation of the website's site map and the detailed planning of content distribution across its various pages.

Our Head of Content, Cameron Bowen, engaged in numerous collaborative sessions with the client to meticulously refine and establish the appropriate tone of voice, content writing for all pages and messaging style to effectively engage customers on the platform. Even in the early stages of completion of content, we remain agile, consistently implementing changes to the content and user journey to optimise the overall experience for users.

369X Branding 369X Branding
369X Web Screens 369X Web Screens

Phase two

Website design for a trading company

In the initial stages of website design, the home page takes precedence. It serves as the foundation for consistent elements like headers, footers, menus, and containers throughout the entire site.

With the successful completion of phase one, our focus now shifts to the design stage. Armed with Cameron's insights and the client's vision, our objective is to translate these concepts into a tangible reality. While we were provided with a foundational brand to work from, our creative process involved introducing new fonts and making subtle adjustments to the colour palette. This resulted in a refined, professional brand style. Having executed numerous brand identities for trading companies dealing in more traditional products such as Forex, commodities, and bonds, we have observed a tendency for these entities to adopt a more reserved brand approach compared to cryptocurrency brands. While we adhere to certain industry norms, the nature of cryptocurrency branding allows for a degree of creative freedom. This allowed us to infuse innovation into the brand identity.

369X Social Posts 369X Social Posts

The design phase

Creating the key compontents

This project specifically required the definition of three key areas: typography, illustrative style, and iconography. These elements are integral components that maintain a consistent visual language across all pages of the website.

Consistent with our standard practice, we presented the client with a curated selection of diverse design styles for consideration. Prior to the client's review, these options underwent an internal filtration process, a stage that requires a nuanced agreement within our team. Fortunately, our longstanding collaboration has cultivated an intuitive understanding among team members regarding the designs that warrant presentation for the approval process.

Upon the client's review of the designs, we diligently incorporated their feedback, making necessary adjustments to align with their preferences. Subsequently, having received the client's approval, we were granted the green light to proceed with the comprehensive design of all 70 pages comprising the website.

369X Website 369X Website

Branding for a trading specialist

New brand integration

Managing a project of this magnitude involves close collaboration with the development team to synchronise design and development efforts.

In scenarios where time constraints are prevalent, it is not uncommon to adopt a phased structure for the website launch. This approach entails deploying key pages in the initial phase, with the non-essential pages scheduled for release at a later date. Such a strategy is instrumental in meeting tight deadlines while ensuring a smooth and efficient website launch.

Simultaneously with the website design, our focus extended to the trading and client area pages. As development work was already underway, the task primarily involved reskinning the existing pages to seamlessly integrate them with the newly defined brand style.

In the case of client area pages, our guiding principle was to avoid unnecessary design complexity. These pages are strategically designed to prioritise functionality, facilitating a straightforward and intuitive user journey for clients as they navigate between various sections. The emphasis remains on simplicity to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience for our clients.

369X Web Screens 369X Web Screens
Credit Card 369X Credit Card 369X

Engaging the public

Social media marketing for the cryptocurrency sector

The subsequent design task in the project involved creating a series of social media posts aimed at building awareness and announcing the launch of 369X and their token sale. The 369X team provided us with a list of catchy straplines. Our responsibility was to bring these to life visually, making them engaging for the audience.

By harnessing a colour palette enriched with vibrant hues like magenta, pink, and purples, and complementing it with a contemporary keyline font for the headlines, we meticulously designed a series of social media posts. Each post was accompanied with its own distinctive graphic, contributing to a visually captivating and diverse collection.

Collaborating with such a lively and vibrant brand not only posed a creative challenge but also infused our task with a sense of enjoyment and reward. The dynamic colour scheme and modern typography allowed us to create visually striking content. It didn't only align with the brand's identity but also effectively captured the attention of the target audience on social media platforms.

369X Icons 369X Icons

The results

Working in harmony with clients

Our collaboration with the 369X team remains ongoing as we actively contribute to their efforts in gaining recognition.

This project has been a source of enjoyment, characterised by a harmonious working relationship between the 369X team and the Form team. The synergy between the two teams has played a pivotal role in the success and progress of the project, fostering a positive and collaborative working environment. We look forward to continuing this partnership and further contributing to the success and recognition of 369X.

Looking for an experienced marketing agency in the cryptocurrency sector?

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