Form services


Strategic partnerships Strategic partnerships

In today's competitive world, creating business partnerships is one of the keys to the success of many companies. In the design world, it's no different.

Recently, graphic design has diversified across a wider range of disciplines more than ever before. Times are changing, and agencies are expected to provide marketing services for graphic design, brand creation, videos, website development, SEO, and much more.

At Form, we understand the need for full-service marketing agencies, and we have a team of experienced and enthusiastic designers, developers, and account handlers who can support your company's marketing needs. We offer a variety of solutions at Form Agency, whether you're looking to work alongside your in-house designers for design support, alleviating the team's workload, or considering wholesale outsourcing of design requirements overseen by a team of designers and account handlers.

The benefits of partnering with our company, Form Agency, include:

Consistent support

With a design retainer, you have a dedicated team providing design support for your business. This consistent support allows you to create long-term marketing strategies with the assurance of a fixed-duration team working for you.

You save money

I can confidently say the clients we have on retainer contracts with Form Agency save between 8 – 15% per year on their design costs. The reason we can afford to reduce our rates is the guarantee of a fixed income per month from clients. This saving can add up into the tens of thousands with some of our clients, allowing them to save or reinvest into their business.

Access to diverse talent

Hiring skilled designers can be expensive, considering the cost of desk space and equipment for in-house teams. With a retainer design contract at Form, you gain access to a team covering everything from digital design and website development to traditional work like brand creation, print, and exhibition graphic design.

Deep understanding of your brand

We often continue working with clients whose brands we've created, allowing us to intimately understand your brand and its values. This familiarity makes us effective brand guardians, reducing the likelihood of errors in our work. We also work seamlessly with clients who have existing brands, ensuring they follow the brand guidelines accurately.

Priority scheduling

Clients on retainer contracts receive advanced scheduling for their design work, ensuring their projects are prioritised and completed on time.

At Form, we provide consistency and stability for marketing executives, supported by high-quality design services. If your business or organisation is seeking an experienced marketing agency to partner with, we'd love to hear from you.

Are you looking to save money, but not sacrifice work quality?

If you'd like to discuss working with us for a single project, or find out how you can save money with our retainer offering, drop us a line.

Some of our clients

Credit Benchmark
Safe In Our World
Livingstone Group
Social Mobility Commission