Detect and Prevent Payment Fraud with Device Intelligence

Instantly identify payment fraud and prevent chargebacks and card testing with Fingerprint’s payment fraud solution.

Want to try it yourself? View the live demo here

Minimize financial losses

Protect your finances from fraudsters in real time to prevent potential losses and secure profits. Block suspicious users to avoid chargebacks and high refund abuse.

Reduce friction

Create a frictionless experience for legitimate users. With our 99.5% accurate identification, you can apply extra security measures solely for high-risk users ensuring a hassle-free journey.

Get long-term accuracy

Enjoy unwavering, long-term reliability with our visitor identifier. It is accurate and stable across many months, even as browsers and operating systems are upgraded.

Trusted by brands globally for payment fraud prevention

Without Fingerprint, we wouldn’t be able to allow customers to make purchases without creating an account, which would significantly reduce our total revenue.
Pepijn Jansen photo

Pepijn Jansen

Fraud Prevention Officer

Fingerprint gives a real competitive edge to our fraud detection product. The developer experience was outstanding, we reached setup and production in less than a week.
Pierre Roudaut photo

Pierre Roudaut

Sr Engineering Manager - Fraud

Enhanced payment fraud protection with Fingerprint

Protect your legitimate users and accurately detect fraudulent behavior at any point during payment processing.

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Unlock 99.5% accuracy

Elevate your accuracy game now. We collect over 70+ signals from the browser and device to produce a unique visitor identifier. Leverage Fingerprint in unauthorized payment scenarios when no personal information is available. Dozens of raw device and network signals fit perfectly into any existing machine-learning model and help you identify risky transactions even more quickly.

Create seamless, secure payments

Payment fraud detection has never been easier. Fingerprint’s unique visitor identifier can help identify fraudulent users and flag them during payment processing. By scrutinizing additional signals like incognito, virtual machine detection, or tamper detection—typically linked to manipulation for fraudulent transactions—you can establish alerts to identify anomalies.

Detect suspicious transactions

Fingerprint operates in the background, reducing disruption and friction for your best customers. It also reduces false positives, making legitimate transactions less likely to be mistakenly flagged as fraudulent, enhancing user experience. Fingerprint collects over 70+ signals, including device configuration, browser settings, and behavioral patterns, to help identify users.

Protect against all types
of payment fraud with Fingerprint

Chargeback fraud

Safeguard against fraudsters disputing valid transactions. Note that chargebacks often occur post-transaction. With Fingerprint's device identification, you can identify at-risk purchases and benefit from our visitor identifier's long-lasting nature.

Coupon and promo abuse

Avoid profit loss from unfair promotion exploitation. Some users may create multiple fake accounts using proxies or VPNs to exploit discounts repeatedly. Identify users with Fingerprint’s 70+ advanced signals even without cookies or incognito mode.

Card testing

Notice patterns like one individual using multiple cards with the same device or rapid purchases from different IP addresses? Fingerprint detects these activities, even if users attempt IP changes or device tampering using automation tools.

Card cracking

Stop systematic testing of cardholders’ payment information by malicious actors to find valid combinations for unauthorized transactions or theft. Fingerprint allows you to flag such suspicious accounts for whom you can implement 2FA/MFA and limit the number of attempts.

Friendly fraud

Sometimes, a real user will dispute payments even though they received a product or service. This type of payment fraud can be costly and have a negative impact on a merchant’s reputation. Flag these users easily to prevent future chargebacks.

Mobile payment fraud

Fingerprint makes it easier to flag suspicious customers by offering several mobile-specific smart signals. To make integrations with mobile apps easier, we offer SDKs for apps built natively as well as for apps built using multi-platform frameworks.

Built for developers

Tailored SDKs and Libraries

Fingerprint offers tailored SDKs and libraries to cater to your specific needs. Whether you're developing for mobile or web, our SDKs provide you with the tools to integrate Fingerprint's powerful capabilities into your applications seamlessly.

Developer-friendly solution

Fingerprint's APIs and webhooks are designed to easily integrate with your existing website or app architecture and payment processing platform.

Try it now

Create your account

Install our Javascript snippet on your website and start collecting visitor IDs in less than 10 minutes.

Get Started

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