Funny film dads: Sean Connery in ''Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade''

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, ...
Photo: Everett Collection

Funny film dads: Sean Connery in ”Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”

PLAYED BY Sean Connery

WHO IS HE? Tweedy professor Jones (left) gets caught up in a typically sweeping and perilous adventure with his son, swashbuckling archaeologist Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford, right).

SETTING AN EXAMPLE Insisting to his son that he was a ”wonderful father,” the senior Jones explains, ”Did I ever tell you to eat up? Go to bed? Wash your ears? Do your homework? No. I respected your privacy and I taught you self-reliance.”

EMBARRASSING MOMENT The elder Jones reveals that his son named himself Indiana after the family dog.

FATHERLY ADVICE Here’s what Jones Sr. wishes he’d taught Indy: If your dad sends you his journal to keep it out of the hands of the Nazis, don’t bring it back with you when you come looking for him!

WHY YOU’LL WATCH Who knew Sean Connery could be funny? Plus, nothing bonds a father and son as effectively as running from Nazis together.

MORE FATHERLY FUN Connery plays a larcenous dad to Dustin Hoffman in another unlikely caper, Family Business (1989).


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