Is your business ready for ESG Assurance?

Our recent Maturity Index found 29% of companies feel ready to have ESG data assured despite looming regulatory deadlines, this is virtually unchanged over the past nine months.

The ESG agenda is rapidly moving forward, with new rules coming into force that oblige companies to report on their ESG risks, opportunities, and performance. To make this reporting credible, disclosures will require independent third party assurance. It was against this backdrop that, last year, we published the inaugural KPMG ESG Assurance Maturity Index. The Index found that companies had a long way to go to prepare for ESG reporting and assurance. So, how are they doing now?

To help companies prepare, we developed the KPMG ESG Assurance Maturity Index, which measures a company’s progress in five areas: governance, skills, data management, digital technology, and value chain.

Want to know how your company measures against your peers? Complete our short survey to find out and to view the full report!

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