Eiyū Kyōshitsu Wikia - Classroom for Heroes Wiki
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Welcome to the Eiyū Kyōshitsu Wiki. An ever growing encyclopedia dedicated to everything about the light novel, Eiyū Kyōshitsu, written by Shin Araki and its Manga adaptations.
We're currently editing 79 articles with a total of 2,201 edits since its foundation on April 22 2015‎.
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Note, this Wiki contains heavy SPOILERS ! Progress at your own risk.

Eiyū Kyōshitsu Anime is coming!!!
Eiyū Kyōshitsu

Eiyū Kyōshitsu Anime is coming!!!

Read about the anime adaptation coming 2023!

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Eiyū Kyōshitsu

Eiyū Kyōshitsu manga

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List of Characters

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Meet Blade.

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Eiyū Kyōshitsu Anime is coming!!!
Eiyū Kyōshitsu


» Introduction
Classroom for Heroes (英雄教室 Eiyū Kyōshitsu) is a light novel written by Shin Araki. There is a manga based of it by the same name, written by Shin Araki and illustrated by Minakuchi Takashi and another adaptation illustrated by Kishida Koara.

The story revolves around a short-tempered schoolgirl named Arnest Flaming, the top student of Rosewood Academy, who is met by a mysterious transfer student one day, introducing himself only as Blade. There are a bunch of other casts including The King, Leonard, Claire, Jessica and the silent, mysterious girl Sophitia Femto.

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Featured Article
Sophitia Femto

Sophitia Femto (Sophie)

Sophitia is a Top Grade student at Rosewood Academy and one of the main heroines of the series, commonly known as the "Blue Heroine" by the fans because of her hair. She is a relatively short female who expertise in hand-to-hand combat and possesses a rather mysterious demeanor. She was first introduced in Training in a cameo, and is the central character (along Blade) of the second volume of the Light Novel.

In a recent fan poll, she was chosen as the most popular heroine of the series with 19 points, while Arnest ranked second with 15 points.

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Wiki News
  • Studio Actas confirms staff for the Anime adaptation set to premiere in 2023! (07/20/2022)
  • Official Anime Adaptation announced for Eiyū Kyōshitsu. (09/24/2021)

Older News
  • Eiyū Kyōshitsu Wiki has been featured on Anime/Manga Hub's November Spotlights. (11/01/2015)
  • Eiyū Kyōshitsu Manga completed with 8 chapters collected into a single volume. (09/28/2015)
  • Author Shin Araki hospitalized after a car accident. (08/30/2015)

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Latest Chapter
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Epilogue: After her victory over the demon Asmodeus, a completely changed Arnest appears in the Academy with a different hairdo, something that of course everyone notices.

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