What is Location Based Virtual Reality

Location-based virtual reality (LBVR) represents a significant step forward in the realm of immersive entertainment. It refers to virtual reality experiences that are offered at specific venues, such as arcades or theme parks, where users engage with VR content in a physical space designed to synchronise with the virtual environments.

This synergy between tangible and digital components allows for a unique, multisensory experience that goes beyond what is currently possible with at-home VR systems.

The appeal of LBVR lies in its ability to provide shared experiences in specially curated environments that augment the virtual world. Users commonly interact with a combination of virtual reality headsets, hand-held controllers, and sometimes full-body tracking equipment. These technologies are often boosted by additional sensory feedback like haptic vests, which convey sensations such as touch or impact within the virtual environment, making the experience incredibly lifelike and engaging.

This form of entertainment capitalises on advances in VR technology, amplifying the social and communal aspects of virtual experiences. As users collectively navigate these digital domains, they do so within settings that have been purpose-built to host location-based VR attractions.

The growth of the LBVR market has been fuelled by the public’s increasing demand for novel and compelling leisure activities that offer an escape from the mundane, providing a glimpse into the potential future of out-of-home entertainment.

Defining Location-Based Virtual Reality

Location-Based Virtual Reality (LBVR) is an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of conventional virtual reality by integrating the digital world with physical locations.

Unlike standard VR experiences which can be accessed from any location, LBVR requires participants to be present at a specific site designed to provide virtual reality experiences.

Characteristics of LBVR include:

  • Physical Venues: Places like arcades, theme parks, or entertainment centres where dedicated VR setups are installed.
  • Specialised Equipment: This might range from headsets to full-body tracking suits and often includes accessories to enhance the immersive experience.
  • Interactive Experiences: These are often tailored to the physical environment, allowing for movement and interaction within a defined space.

The appeal of LBVR lies in its ability to create unique, memorable experiences that combine virtual gaming with real-world movements and interactions. For business operators, LBVR offers a sustainable model as VR experiences are more easily updated than traditional physical attractions.

LBVR venues can impact the VR industry significantly, establishing a foundation for consumer confidence and familiarity with VR technology. Moreover, these experiences cater to a collective audience, promoting social and communal engagement in a digital space.

While individual home-based VR continues to evolve, LBVR represents a burgeoning sector of the entertainment industry, providing group-based, interactive experiences that can’t be replicated at home. Venues like VR Star in Bristol reflect the growing popularity of LBVR, demonstrating the potential for such platforms to become fixtures in entertainment landscapes.

Evolution and History

The evolution of location-based virtual reality (VR) is marked by significant milestones from conceptualisation to cutting-edge technological developments. This past paved the way for a future where VR transcends conventional boundaries, melding the digital and physical worlds through precise positional tracking and immersive environments.

Early Concepts and Developments

The journey of VR began well before the digital age, with the 1838 discovery by Charles Wheatstone that the brain blends separate images from each eye into a single three-dimensional perception. This curiosity led to the creation of the stereoscope, a device providing an illusion of depth from two side-by-side photographs.

The 20th century experienced a wave of milestones, like Morton Heilig’s 1962 Sensorama, an arcade-style theatre machine that offered multi-sensory stimulation, but it was the Link Trainer in the 1930s that planted the true technological seeds. Used to train over half a million US pilots, this device heralded an era of mechanical simulation.

Technological Advancements

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, advancements in computer technology accelerated VR development. The introduction of graphics processors and increasingly sophisticated software gave rise to more complex simulations and the ability to track movement in real-time. Location-based VR systems now offer high-resolution displays and finely-tuned sensors, creating virtual worlds that feel convincing and engaging.

The History of Virtual Reality – Virtual Reality Society provides a detailed account of these technological evolutions. Key advancements also include the development of haptic feedback mechanisms that offer tactile sensations, enhancing immersion.

Through a combination of spatial audio and 360-degree video, users can explore virtual environments as if they were truly there, manipulating objects and experiencing scenarios that are otherwise impossible or impractical in the real world.

Core Technologies

Location-based virtual reality relies on an array of core technologies to create immersive experiences that allow for physical movement within a virtual space.

Tracking and Navigation Systems

Tracking and navigation systems form the backbone of location-based VR solutions. These systems utilise a combination of sensors, cameras, and sometimes laser-based tracking to monitor the user’s movements with precision. This technology enables users to move freely in a designated physical space while their movements are mirrored in the virtual environment.

Head-Mounted Displays

Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are essential for delivering the visual aspect of virtual reality. These devices consist of high-resolution screens and optical systems designed to present a 3D experience, with wide field of view and low-latency tracking to ensure that the user’s head movements are accurately reflected in the virtual world.

Software Frameworks

Software frameworks in location-based VR handle the integration of hardware inputs and the rendering of the virtual space. Crucial elements include real-time graphics rendering engines and physics simulation tools, which work together to create a convincing and interactive virtual environment. These frameworks often support a variety of development platforms, simplifying the creation process for VR content developers.

User Experience

Location-based augmented reality (AR) enhances the user experience by overlaying digital content relevant to the user’s physical location. This interplay between digital and physical worlds provides a more engaging and customised environment.

Immersive Environments

Location-based AR transforms spaces into immersive environments for users. They experience enhanced reality through their devices, which actively respond to their location. For example, a museum might offer informational overlays on artefacts when a visitor approaches, turning a simple exhibit into a vibrant, educational journey.

Interaction and Engagement

Direct interaction with the digital layer is a key aspect of user experience in location-based AR. Users are often required to take actions—like tapping or swiping on their screen—which are then reflected in the augmented scene. A user near a historic site might engage in a virtual reenactment of events, creating a compelling and interactive learning experience.

Both immersion and interaction define the unique user experiences crafted by location-based AR, offering a blend of real-world context with enhanced digital content.

Applications and Use Cases

Location-based virtual reality (VR) transforms the way individuals interact with digital content by incorporating the physical location into the virtual experience. It spans across various industries, offering immersive and interactive opportunities for users to engage with a virtually augmented environment.

Entertainment and Gaming

In the realm of entertainment and gaming, location-based VR ushers in an era of immersive arcades and theme parks. Players physically move within a designated space, making the gaming experience more engaging. This spans from virtual escape rooms to multiplayer gaming set-ups where players collaborate or compete in a virtual space.

Education and Training

Education and training benefit profoundly from location-based VR through simulation-based learning environments. For instance, medical students can practise surgeries in a virtual space, which dramatically reduces risk and enhances learning. Similarly, emergency responders can simulate disaster scenarios to hone their skills while confronting realistic challenges.

Retail and Marketing

Retail and marketing have leveraged location-based VR to create innovative shopping experiences. Customers can engage with products in a virtual space, trying before buying without the need for physical samples. Marketers utilise VR to create compelling narratives that showcase products in dynamic ways, thereby enriching the consumer’s path to purchase.

Tourism and Heritage

The tourism and heritage sector utilises location-based VR to offer tourists an enriched experience, wherein historical sites are brought to life with virtual reconstructions of past events. Virtual tours also enable visitors to explore landmarks from the comfort of their homes, broadening access to cultural education and enhancing global travel experiences.

Challenges and Considerations

Location-based virtual reality (VR) offers immersive experiences but faces several challenges and requires careful consideration in key areas. These include privacy and security concerns, health and safety considerations, and the complexities of content creation.

Privacy and Security

With location-based VR, users’ personal data can be at risk due to the physical and digital convergence. Operators must protect sensitive information, such as biometric data, which can be collected through VR headsets and sensors. There is a need for robust data protection measures and compliance with privacy laws, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), to ensure users’ data is handled securely.

Health and Safety

Health and safety in location-based VR are paramount, as users physically interact with the environment. Potential VR side effects include motion sickness and tripping hazards. It’s crucial for operators to conduct risk assessments and implement safety protocols, such as clear space demarcation and supervision, to minimise accidents and discomfort.

Content Creation

Content creation for location-based VR presents specific challenges. Developers must craft compelling narratives that are both engaging and feasible within the constraints of the physical space. This process involves integrating advanced VR technology with physical elements to create seamless experiences.

High development costs and the need for specialised skills are significant barriers that content creators may face.

Future Trends and Developments

The landscape of location-based virtual reality (LBVR) is set to evolve substantially, driven by technological advances and a widening market.

Technological Innovations

In the realm of LBVR, cutting-edge advancements are integral to enhancing the user experience. Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are expected to see significant upgrades in resolution, field of view, and user comfort. Likewise, motion tracking technology is anticipated to become more precise, reducing latency and improving the synchronicity between users’ movements and the virtual environment. This progress is attributed to ongoing research in sensor technologies and haptic feedback systems that aim to deepen the level of immersion.

Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in LBVR systems holds the promise of creating more responsive and personalised experiences. AI algorithms could enable LBVR environments to adapt in real-time to user reactions, providing tailored content that elevates the level of engagement.

Market Expansion

The market for LBVR is poised for expansion beyond entertainment into sectors such as education, training, and real estate. With the growing investment and the predicted increase in the market value of LBVR, which is expected to reach USD 24.34 billion by 2029, diverse industries are looking to leverage this technology for both practical applications and marketing purposes.

Companies specialising in LBVR are also exploring partnerships with retail and hospitality businesses to offer unique customer experiences. These developments suggest a transition of LBVR from niche markets to mainstream adoption, encompassing a broader audience and a variety of use cases.


Location-based virtual reality (LBVR) represents a significant advancement in the domain of digital interactive experiences. It leverages physical space to provide users with immersive virtual environments, often within commercial venues. Opportunities afforded by LBVR include unique customer experiences, heightened engagement, and the potential for increased business revenue.

Key Benefits:

  • Revenue Generation: Businesses can attract new customers and increase customer retention by offering unique and engaging VR experiences.
  • Customer Satisfaction: A well-implemented LBVR setup can result in higher levels of customer enjoyment and repeat visits.
  • Competitive Differentiation: It provides businesses with a means to stand out in a crowded market by offering experiences not available elsewhere.

The potential applications of LBVR extend beyond entertainment, as they encompass educational spheres and professional training simulations. With technological advancements, the sophistication and accessibility of LBVR are likely to continue improving, further expanding its practical use cases.

It is essential for stakeholders to stay informed of the latest developments and best practices in LBVR to fully harness its benefits. As the convergence between virtual and physical worlds continues to blur, LBVR stands as a testament to the ongoing evolution of experiential technology.

Picture of Phil


I’m the resident head of comms and partnerships here at Draw & Code. I work on strategy, sales, marketing and other vital areas at a studio that was founded on a dream and has spent the intervening decade trying to make that dream come true. I believe that immersive and interactive technologies are impacting on our lives and being in the epicentre of this industry makes every day a thrill.

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