Draw & Code are immersive and experiential content specialists

let's talk about your project.

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Here are a few questions we here a lot, if you can’t find the answer here then maybe take a look at our learning zone.  Or give us a shout here.

This depends on your objectives, what kind of technology will work with your audience and other factors. If it’s complete immersion and engagement you want, then maybe VR will work. If it’s about maximum reach, the largest market could be found via the web. Our experts will guide you through the options and advise on what the best solution for you. 

Typically social filters and effects are at the lower end of the budget scale, a VR app may sit in the middle and a complex multi-faceted physical installation at the higher end. However, all of our projects are bespoke and we work closely with our clients to make the most of their budgets. No matter what size project you have in mind, we can make it work for you.

Each project is unique and requires its own scope of work. On paper, a social media AR effect or filter may be quicker than a full VR game – but what if the former is pushing the boundaries of the technology and requires a programme of R&D while the latter is a proven concept? In that case it may not be so simple. Draw & Code’s projects have lasted anywhere between a week and a year. We’ll be able to provide you with a timeline of what you can expect from consultation all the way through to completion.

There are several ways that technology can enhance your offer. Maybe it will allow your audience to be more engaged with your brand or to understand a product better. It could help enhance productivity in the workplace or aid learning. Being one-step ahead of the competition is important – investing in emerging technologies can pay dividends later down the line. With Draw & Code, we will only ever recommend using a particular technology if there is a benefit associated with doing so.

There are plenty of challenges posed by adopting emerging technology. In complex technology projects, getting a true understanding and buy-in across an organisation can be a challenge. We work with your team to inform stakeholders about emerging technologies, we look at your challenges and we help you to identify the technologies that can of most benefit to the challenges you face.

Draw & Code’s talented team have a wonderful medley of expertise, skills and experience. As our name implies, we have designers, developers and everything between including project managers, audio producers, animators, commercial analysts and even a build department. A majority of our projects are completed in-house but we are always open to the power of collaboration if a trusted partner brings something unique to the table. In fact, in many ways our clients are our number one collaborators – we treat all our relationships like that.

Our Learning Zone section explains the technologies we work with, what they can do and how different sectors are utilising them. If you can’t find the answers you are seeking there, drop us a line and we’ll be your guide.

It may amaze you where this technology is used. Healthcare, manufacturing, the arts, theme parks, retail, museums and many, many more industries are embracing XR. It may be easier to find places it’s yet to touch!

Oh come on, not this again! Some may argue they are two sides of the same coin and use a lot of the same techniques and tools to make magic happen. You can find more info on the different types of immersive technology that we deploy in our Learning Zone.