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Financial infrastructure platform for DLT & Blockchain businesses aimed at the creator economy.

Om os

PixelPai offers a comprehensive global financial infrastructure platform that bridges the gap between innovative virtual economies and the need for specialized regulatory expertise in the creator economy. Beyond mere infrastructure, we provide enterprises with an all-in-one solution for navigating the complexities of digital assets and blockchain technology. Our Identity as a Service (IDaaS) doesn't just stop at encryption; it ensures your privacy while our rock-solid financial backbone is fully backed, segregated, and ready to meet regulations head-on. We enforce stringent data privacy and transparency standards, upholding consumer rights at the core of our operations. Designed for security-conscious users, PixelPai's infrastructure prioritizes data integrity and access control. We are committed to delivering a financial framework that is ahead of its time and ensures every stakeholder operates within a fully compliant digital ecosystem.

Finansielle tjenesteydelser
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    AI is shaking things up in fintech, and we’re here to talk about it! 🚀 Yesterday, we had a fantastic time discussing AI, analytics, and digital platforms at Copenhagen Fintech’s lively panel with Fintech Innovators. It was a pleasure to explore these topics and delve into "Future Money: Fintech, AI, and Web3", the latest book by acclaimed author and Citi’s Global Head of Future of Finance, Ronit Ghose. Ronit has traveled from London to Lagos, Ahmedabad, Dubai, Hong Kong, Karachi, and beyond, gathering stories about how money is changing in the internet era. His marvelous book explores blockchain, #DeFi, AI, and the metaverse, featuring narratives about founders and their companies. We’re thrilled that our Co-founder, Morten Rongaard, is included, sharing his thoughts on the metaverse and the financial internet of tomorrow. Thanks to Ronit for this inclusion and his outstanding work! The insights shared at the event sparked an incredibly engaging discussion that went overtime. We’re grateful for so many follow-ups and amazing feedback from participants! Did you know that 62% of #gaming companies are using AI to optimize their workflow? #AI is blending with gaming and finance, creating exciting new opportunities waiting to be explored. Innovations like quantum money and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could help us build a transparent new system, potentially connecting the EU, APAC, and Africa into a strong triangle of trust and opportunity. As we think about this future, taking control of our own data instead of heavily relying on big Web2 platforms becomes a must. Our infrastructure, prioritizing compliance and using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS), is designed for just that, working flawlessly across all blockchains to help you manage your data on your own terms. A special shoutout to Thomas Krogh Jensen, CEO of Copenhagen Fintech, for initiating a great discussion about fintech’s current and future stages. We just scratched the surface on improvements, regulations, and the main factors driving #fintech and AI. Thomas and Copenhagen Fintech are doing wonderful work in growing the fintech ecosystem in the Nordics, working with academia and other stakeholders to boost discussions about startups and elevate new Nordic fintech innovations. We cannot wait for Nordic Fintech Week in September! With technology moving so fast, every event helps us gain deeper insights into these exciting topics. How do you see AI and gamification changing finance? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!  💡 #Web3 #technology #blockchain #innovation

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  • Se organisationssiden for PixelPai, grafik

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    Is your favorite game about to go blockchain? 🎮 According to a Citi Global Perspectives report, the gaming industry is now the biggest player in entertainment - outpacing film and music with $184 billion global revenue in 2022. And, the future of gaming looks even brighter, thanks to #Web3 technology. With 3.2 billion gamers worldwide and over 1 million unique active wallets connected to game decentralized applications (dApps) daily, blockchain’s got the world on lock. Gamers have always enjoyed playing, but what if they could earn while doing it? What would happen if games like Minecraft and Roblox, instead of just offering mods and cosmetic items, offered real ownership on a blockchain? The added security and longevity that blockchain guarantees can give players greater assurance that their investments are protected. They could trade items freely, and developers could earn royalties on every resale - flipping the script for digital ownership. 🌍 This new development is particularly relevant when we consider global gaming trends. Asia continues to lead in mobile and free-to-play games, with North America and Europe in the rearview. By 2025, nearly 100 million "whale" gamers are expected to adopt #blockchain games, particularly in South Korea and Japan. Even if only a small fraction of gamers embrace blockchain games, it could substantially move transaction spending from off-chain to on-chain systems. Given gamers' familiarity with digital ownership and virtual assets, this transition is likely to be smooth. The potential of this trend is immense, and the synergy between blockchain and gaming incredibly promising. But, for these advancements to truly shine, a solid financial foundation is needed. Luckily, handling the financial intricacies of global #gaming markets is a challenge Pixelpai can help you master. Built on distributed technology, we can handle large transaction volumes while meeting the highest regulatory standards. Our deep expertise in digital assets and gaming transactions makes us a unique force in the industry. Beyond just cross-border payments and microtransactions, our infrastructure covers everything from in-game transactions, utility tokens and NFTs to secure digital asset management. Plus, this expertise extends far beyond gaming. The #tokenization of global illiquid assets could become a $16 trillion business by 2030, impacting home equity, bonds, and other financial assets. Tokenized digital securities alone could reach $4 to $5 trillion with prominent digital money formats like CBDCs and stablecoins. As value storage and transfer methods evolve across various sectors, not just in gaming, the broad potential of distributed ledger technology, including blockchain, becomes more apparent than ever, and underscores its power to instigate change across broader economic sectors. How important is digital ownership in gaming to you? 🔑

  • Se organisationssiden for PixelPai, grafik

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    At PixelPai, we’re committed to collaborating with industry leaders and sharing impactful narratives within the Web3 space. Our latest interview with the inspiring Hinza Asif, CEO of NFTStudio24.com and ASIA WEB3 ALLIANCE JAPAN, offers a glimpse into her visionary outlook on the future of content creation, tech and media in #Web3. 🚀 From hosting pathbreaking events with industry giants like Astar Foundation and gumi Inc., to conducting high-impact work in Japan’s decentralized media scene, Hinza's insights are a must-read. Plus, get a sneak peek into upcoming events like the VC/CVCs summit at Forbes US platform happening very soon.👇 #AI #blockchain #tech #innovation

    Forging unbreakable blockchain bonds: NFTStudio24 and Asia Web3 Alliance Japan

    Forging unbreakable blockchain bonds: NFTStudio24 and Asia Web3 Alliance Japan

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    Se organisationssiden for VAR META, grafik

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    We are thrilled to announce the strategic partnership between VAR META and PixelPai! 🎉 PixelPai, known for its providing innovative solutions that make banking simpler, more convenient, and secure for customers. Pixel Pai will bring its expertise in developing the digital banking landscape. Through this partnership, we aim to reduce regulatory hurdles and streamline the integration of advanced technologies, helping businesses in both Europe and Asia expand confidently into new markets. By combining our strengths, we are setting a new standard for compliance and innovation in the Web3 space. Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey to make the Web3 landscape more accessible and compliant for businesses worldwide. #Web3 #Blockchain #AI #Compliance #Innovation #Partnership #PixelPai #VarMeta #TechNews #DigitalTransformation

    Innovation and Compliance: The Joint Mission of Pixel Pai and Var-Meta

    Innovation and Compliance: The Joint Mission of Pixel Pai and Var-Meta

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    Exciting times ahead as we partner with VAR META to unify Web3 compliance across Europe and Asia! 🌍 Integrating #blockchain and #AI across different regulations is no easy feat. Europe’s strict compliance standards, led by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), clash with Asia's diverse regulations. Our collaboration with Var-Meta promises to attend to these challenges and open new opportunities for businesses in both regions. After some great talks with CEO, Nha Tran, and his team, we're excited to share Var-meta's vision and our joint effort to align Web3 #compliance across continents. Don’t miss the full story! 👇 #Web3 #innovation

    Bridging the compliance gap: Uniting Europe and Asia in Web3

    Bridging the compliance gap: Uniting Europe and Asia in Web3

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    Can blockchain crack down on crypto’s dirty money? 💸 With cryptocurrency's leap from a niche interest into a mainstream financial tool, the troubles of money laundering have taken on new dimensions. As we look into Chainalysis’ recent paper, it’s clear that illicit actors are becoming more sophisticated, using the same features that make #crypto appealing to legitimate users—such as cross-border capabilities, instant transactions, and low costs. How can we, as a community, address these threats? First, let's break down how money laundering works. It typically involves three steps: placement, layering, and integration. In the world of crypto, these steps look like moving illegal proceeds through mixers, intermediary wallets, and cross-chain bridges. Mixers, for instance, combine the cryptocurrencies of many users, making it tough to trace where the funds originally came from or where they’re going. Privacy coins like Monero and Zcash add another layer of complexity. These coins offer strong anonymity, making transactions hard to track. Monero, for example, uses advanced cryptography to hide transaction details, which can be appealing to those wanting to keep their activities hidden. Still, the transparency of #blockchain provides a fighting chance for investigators equipped with the right tools. Advanced blockchain analysis can spot suspicious patterns and trace funds through complex schemes. With the right data and tools, investigators can uncover even the most elaborate laundering networks. This technological advantage is a must for both public and private sectors to stay ahead of criminal activities. But technology alone isn’t enough. Strong regulations and international cooperation are also needed. Having effective Anti-Money Laundering (AML) strategies that cover both crypto and traditional money laundering methods cannot be overstated. And, there’s a silver lining: increased awareness and education can make a big difference. As more people understand the risks and methods of crypto laundering, the harder it becomes for unlawful entities to operate unnoticed. Knowledge empowers individuals and businesses to protect their transactions and report suspicious activities. PixelPai fits into this picture perfectly. Our solution aligns with various regulatory frameworks, including data privacy and anti-money laundering (AML) measures. It not only supports high volumes of digital transactions, but also incorporates advanced fraud detection and suspicious transaction reporting capabilities that guarantee the integrity of financial operations. These features can identify and prevent money laundering activities and provide real-time oversight of global financial activities. What role do you see blockchain playing in AML? The conversation starts here! 🤝 #Web3 #compliance #innovation

  • Se organisationssiden for PixelPai, grafik

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    Is crypto threatening financial stability? 💸 According to recent findings from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), crypto exchanges are evolving beyond simple platforms for buying and selling digital assets. Instead, they're becoming efficient marketplaces for trading access to capital flight channels. By providing a discreet way to move funds across borders, they boost traditional methods of capital flight, such as trade mis-invoicing, and potentially weaken government controls on capital. Even with the rise of cryptocurrency, the traditional channels for moving money across borders remain unchanged. When people buy cryptocurrency in their home country and sell it abroad for foreign currency, it acts like an unofficial way of converting national assets into foreign ones. Instead of creating new pathways for capital flight, #crypto strengthens the existing ones. Essentially, the methods used for transferring capital across borders haven't changed since the pre-crypto era; they’ve just been reinforced by the ability to monetize capital flight through the crypto market. In countries like Argentina, Ukraine, Egypt, and Nigeria, ongoing differences in crypto prices locally versus globally increasingly differ, especially where there are strict capital controls. This price difference indicates a high demand for foreign currency, showing that people use crypto to move money out of their countries. To counter this, policymakers face a tricky trilemma – allowing free movement of capital, maintaining stable exchange rates, and having control over their monetary policies. Which do you prefer over the other depends on where you start from. The IMF recommends addressing the root economic problems that make capital controls necessary. If this isn't possible, tighter regulation of crypto markets might be called for, especially for those with access to targeted exceptions to controls. The IMF also notes that managing restricted capital flows, targeted exemptions, and legalized crypto markets all at once poses challenges and demands careful policy planning. Recognizing crypto exchanges as marketplaces for capital flight has big implications. At PixelPai, while we embrace #decentralization, we acknowledge that the world is not yet ready to be fully decentralized. We think regulation is the better way forward for financial innovations based on DLT and blockchain, as it reduces regulatory uncertainty which stifles innovation. Banning crypto exchanges is not necessarily the best regulatory approach. Governments lose potential avenues of regulatory oversight and potential societal benefits related to innovation when banning crypto exchanges. Instead, regulating centralized crypto exchanges, imposing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) measures, and leveraging data from crypto exchanges can help identify leaks and loopholes in existing capital flow measures. What do you think? We'd love to hear your thoughts!💡 #Web3 #digital #finance

  • Se organisationssiden for PixelPai, grafik

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    What makes a crypto-asset under MiCAR? 🪙 Last week, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) laid out a structured, easy-to-follow guide to classify crypto-assets. Knowing where your token stands can save you from legal headaches and help you understand which #regulations apply to you. So, let’s break it down. First off, does your token represent a value or a right? If it doesn’t, it’s not considered a crypto-asset under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR), the regulation that governs these assets. Next, can your token be transferred and stored electronically? If you can’t send it over the internet or store it on a digital wallet, it’s not a crypto-asset. If you can, the technology used for this comes into play. ESMA looks at whether your token uses Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) or something similar. Most crypto-assets use DLT, like #blockchain. If not, it might be treated differently, perhaps under other financial regulations. 💼 Then, there’s a check on whether the token issuer falls under specific regulations. If yes, MiCAR doesn’t apply. This helps ensure that tokens issued by regulated financial entities are governed by their own set of rules. Moving forward, the asset's uniqueness and fungibility are examined. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are unique and cannot be exchanged one-for-one with another token, fall outside MiCAR’s scope. #MiCAR focuses more on fungible tokens, those that are identical and easily swappable. Finally, it assesses if the token is excluded under Article 2(4) of MiCAR. If it is, MiCAR doesn’t apply. If not, it determines whether the asset maintains a stable value or references other values. 💎 Some tokens, like #stablecoins, are designed to maintain a stable value. If your token is pegged to a single currency and maintains stability, it’s categorized as an Electronic Money Token (EMT). If it references multiple currencies or other values, it becomes an Asset-Referenced Token (ART). If your token doesn’t fall into the categories of EMT or ART, but it still represents value or a right and uses DLT, it’s considered a general crypto-asset under MiCAR. By clarifying these definitions, ESMA seeks to bring consistency and clarity to the ever-changing world of crypto-assets. So, if  you're a #gaming studio accepting cash from customers and holding the funds in your own custodial wallet as virtual currencies for gamers to buy skins and other NFTs, and these can be redeemed, are you subject to MiCAR or not? If you’re not sure, reach out! Investing in compliance infrastructure early helps avoid costly issues down the line. Partnering with an experienced compliance provider PixelPai means you can easily handle regulatory complexities, build your community, and continue to innovate freely. 🤝 📌 https://lnkd.in/dN-tYS4M

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  • Se organisationssiden for PixelPai, grafik

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    How can gamification turn sustainability into a game everyone wants to play? 🌎 Our current "take-make-dispose" model is pushing the planet to its limits, with global recycling rates plummeting to just 7.2% in 2023. The circular economy, which promotes reuse, refurbishment, and recycling, offers a promising alternative. But how do we get everyone on board? Gamification stands out as a potent tool to strengthen global consumer ties and inspire sustainable choices. Combined with decentralized technologies like #blockchain, it adds transparency and trust to the process. 🎮 Learn how #gamification can make the #circulareconomy the next big thing. 👇 #Web3 #gaming #sustainability

    Gamification and the circular economy: Creating a future of sustainable consumption

    Gamification and the circular economy: Creating a future of sustainable consumption

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