
注意:YouTube Content ID API 专供 YouTube 内容合作伙伴使用,并非所有开发者或 YouTube 用户都能使用。如果您在 Google API 控制台中未看到 YouTube Content ID API 列为某项服务,请访问 YouTube 帮助中心,详细了解 YouTube 合作伙伴计划。

此分步教程介绍了如何构建连接到 ContentOwnersService 并检索指定内容所有者信息的脚本。本教程结尾提供了完整的代码示例。尽管此代码是用 Python 编写的,但您也可以使用其他常用编程语言的客户端库。


构建用于发送 API 请求的脚本

以下步骤介绍了如何构建用于发送 YouTube Content ID API 请求的脚本。

第 1 步:创建基本脚本

以下脚本接受以下命令行参数,并为全局 FLAGS 变量设置值:

  • content_owner_id 是必需参数,可用于识别您要检索其相关信息的 CMS 内容所有者。
  • logging_level 参数指定脚本的日志记录详细信息级别。
  • help 参数会使脚本输出其可以理解的参数列表。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gflags
import logging
import sys
import os

from datetime import *

# Define flags. The gflags module makes it easy to define command-line params
# for an application. Run this program with the '--help' argument to see all
# of the flags that it understands.
FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
gflags.DEFINE_string('content_owner_id', None, ('Required flag. '
     'Identifies the content owner whose details are printed out.'))
gflags.DEFINE_enum('logging_level', 'ERROR',
    'Set the level of logging detail.')

def main(argv):
  # Let the gflags module process the command-line arguments
    argv = FLAGS(argv)
  except gflags.FlagsError, e:
    print '%s\nUsage: %s ARGS\n%s' % (e, argv[0], FLAGS)

  # Set the logging according to the command-line flag
  logging.getLogger().setLevel(getattr(logging, FLAGS.logging_level))

if __name__ == '__main__':

第 2 步:启用用户身份验证和授权

在此步骤中,我们会将 OAuth 2.0 授权整合到脚本中。这样一来,运行脚本的用户就可以授权该脚本执行归因于用户账号的 API 请求。

第 2a 步:创建 client_secrets.json 文件

YouTube Content ID API 需要 client_secrets.json 文件,该文件包含来自 API 控制台的信息,才能执行身份验证。您还需要注册应用。如需更全面��了解身份验证的工作原理,请参阅身份验证指南

  "web": {
    "client_id": "INSERT CLIENT ID HERE",
    "client_secret": "INSERT CLIENT SECRET HERE",
    "redirect_uris": [],
    "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
    "token_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"

第 2b 步:向脚本中添加身份验证代码

如需启用用户身份验证和授权,您需要添加以下 import 语句:

from oauth2client.file import Storage
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.tools import run

接下来,我们将使用第 2a 步中配置的客户端密钥创建 FLOW 对象。如果用户授权应用代表用户提交 API 请求,生成的凭据会存储在 Storage 对象中以供日后使用。如果凭据过期,用户将需要重新授权我们的应用。

将以下代码添加到 main 函数的末尾:

  # Set up a Flow object to be used if we need to authenticate.
  FLOW = flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secrets.json',
      message='error message')

  # The Storage object stores the credentials. If it doesn't exist, or if
  # the credentials are invalid or expired, run through the native client flow.
  storage = Storage('yt_partner_api.dat')
  credentials = storage.get()
  if (credentials is None or credentials.invalid or
      credentials.token_expiry <= datetime.now()):
    credentials = run(FLOW, storage)

第 2c 步:创建 httplib2 对象并附加凭据

在用户为脚本授权后,我们创建一个 httplib2.Http 对象来处理 API 请求,并将授权凭据附加到该对象。

添加以下 import 语句:

  import httplib2

并将以下代码添加到 main 函数的末尾:

  # Create httplib2.Http object to handle HTTP requests and
  # attach auth credentials.
  http = httplib2.Http()
  http = credentials.authorize(http)

第 3 步:获取服务

Python 客户端库的 build 函数用于构造可与 API 交互的资源。用户为应用授权后,我们创建 service 对象,用于提供与 ContentOwnerService 交互的方法。

添加以下 import 语句:

from apiclient.discovery import build

main 函数的末尾添加以下代码:

  service = build("youtubePartner", "v1", http=http, static_discovery=False)
  contentOwnersService = service.contentOwners()

第 4 步:执行 API 请求

现在,我们将创建服务请求并执行该请求。以下代码创建并执行 contentOwnersService.get() 请求,用于检索关于指定内容所有者的信息。

main 函数的末尾添加以下代码:

  # Create and execute get request.
  request = contentOwnersService.get(contentOwnerId=FLAGS.content_owner_id)
  content_owner_doc = request.execute(http)
  print ('Content owner details: id: %s, name: %s, '
         'notification email: %s') % (
              content_owner_doc['id'], content_owner_doc['displayName'],



  • 此命令会启动一个浏览器窗口,如有必要,您可以通过该窗口进行身份验证,并授权应用提交 API 请求。如果您授权该应用,系统会自动将凭据中继回脚本。

    python yt_partner_api.py --content_owner_id=CONTENT_OWNER_ID.

    注意:您可以在 CMS 帐号的帐号设置页面上找到帐号的 CONTENT_OWNER_ID 值。该值会在该页面的帐号信息部分以 Partner Code 的形式列出。

  • 此命令会输出一个可在浏览器中打开的网址,还会提示您输入授权代码。当您导航到该网址时,通过该页面,您可以授权应用代表您提交 API 请求。如果您授予该授权,页面会显示授权代码。您需要在提示时输入此授权代码才能完成授权流程。

    python yt_partner_api.py --content_owner_id=CONTENT_OWNER_ID --noauth_local_webserver.

    注意:即使脚本中未提及 noauth_local_webserver 参数,oauth2client 模块也会识别该参数。


  "web": {
    "client_id": "INSERT CLIENT ID HERE",
    "client_secret": "INSERT CLIENT SECRET HERE",
    "redirect_uris": [],
    "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
    "token_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Simple command-line sample for YouTube Content ID API.

Command-line application that retrieves the information
about given content owner.

  $ python yt_partner_api.py --content_owner_id=[contentOwnerId]
  $ python yt_partner_api.py --content_owner_id=[contentOwnerId] --noauth_local_webserver

You can also get help on all the command-line flags the program understands
by running:

  $ python yt_partner_api.py --help

To get detailed log output run:

  $ python yt_partner_api.py --logging_level=DEBUG \

import gflags
import httplib2
import logging
import sys
import os

from datetime import *
from apiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.tools import run

# Define flags. The gflags module makes it easy to define command-line options
# for an application. Run this program with the '--help' argument to see all
# of the flags that it understands.
FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
gflags.DEFINE_string('content_owner_id', None, ('Required flag. '
     'Identifies the content owner id whose details are printed out.'))
gflags.DEFINE_enum('logging_level', 'ERROR',
    'Set the level of logging detail.')

def main(argv):
  # Let the gflags module process the command-line arguments
    argv = FLAGS(argv)
  except gflags.FlagsError, e:
    print '%s\nUsage: %s ARGS\n%s' % (e, argv[0], FLAGS)
  # Set the logging according to the command-line flag
  logging.getLogger().setLevel(getattr(logging, FLAGS.logging_level))
  # Set up a Flow object to be used if we need to authenticate.
  FLOW = flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secrets.json',
      message='error message')

  # The Storage object stores the credentials. If the credentials are invalid
  # or expired and the script isn't working, delete the file specified below
  # and run the script again.
  storage = Storage('yt_partner_api.dat')
  credentials = storage.get()

  if (credentials is None or credentials.invalid or
      credentials.token_expiry <= datetime.now()):
    credentials = run(FLOW, storage)

  http = httplib2.Http()
  http = credentials.authorize(http)

  service = build("youtubePartner", "v1", http=http)
  contentOwnersService = service.contentOwners()

  # Create and execute get request.
  request = contentOwnersService.get(contentOwnerId=FLAGS.content_owner_id)
  content_owner_doc = request.execute(http)
  print ('Content owner details: id: %s, name: %s, '
         'notification email: %s') % (
              content_owner_doc['id'], content_owner_doc['displayName'],

if __name__ == '__main__':