Request a Workplace Third Party App

All companies that would like to offer SaaS apps to Workplace customers must use Workplace Third Party Apps and pass Workplace's app review and security reviews, as described below.

If your company wishes to unlock dedicated partner resources to support your journey with Workplace, consider applying to the Workplace One Partner Program and start building with us here.

Workplace Review

The Workplace platform supports APIs and webhooks that enable our customers to add SaaS integrations to their Workplace instance via Third Party Integrations. Requesting approval for a Workplace Third Party app is the first step in making your product available to Workplace Customers.

All Workplace Third Party App requests are reviewed by the Workplace team and must comply with our Workplace Platform Terms and pass App Review. In addition, certain apps -- including those that require mid- or high-sensitivity permissions -- must also pass our Security Review. Selected Third Party Integrations also appear in our Integrations Directory.

If you're a developer building an enterprise productivity tool, and you'd like to integrate with Workplace, we want to hear from you! Request an app today via our support tool, and a member of the Workplace team will get in touch with you to get you up and running.

* App Review is: 1) required before your app can be used by other Workplace customers, then 2) repeated annually in the future

† Certain apps -- including those that use mid- or high-sensitivity permissions -- are required to pass Workplace's Security Review: 1) before your app can be used by other Workplace customers, then 2) repeated annually in the future

Qualification Criteria

Your app request will be reviewed for suitability based on the following criteria:

  • Business value of the app
  • Whether the requested app permissions are essential to deliver the planned use case
  • Your company's track record for delivering valuable enterprise collaboration apps
  • Your company's security credentials (e.g., SOC or ISO certifications) if you're requesting mid- or high-sensitivity permissions

Permission Sensitivity

Workplace app permissions are divided into three levels of sensitivity, which are a factor in determining the level of security review required for an app. It is required that developers request the minimum permissions necessary to provide the app's functionality. The presence of one or more of the medium- or high-sensitivity permissions triggers the respective security review of the app for that level.

You can find a full description of each permission in our reference documentation

Low Sensitivity Permissions

Apps that use low-sensitivity permissions exclusively are typically not required to undergo the security review process, although there are circumstances under which these apps are required to do so, for example chat bots that inherently exchange sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in chat messages or hit a certain usage threshold.

  • Message any member (message)
  • Read user email (read_user_email)
  • Create link previews (link_unfurling)

Medium Sensitivity Permissions

Apps that use any mid- or high-sensitivity permissions must undergo the annual security review process.

  • Mention bot (bot_mention)
  • Group chat bot (bot_group_chat)
  • Manage group content (write_group)
  • Manage groups (manage_group)
  • Manage user timeline (write_user_feed)
  • Read work profile (read_user_work_profile)
  • Read org chart (read_user_org_chart)
  • List group members (list_group_members)
  • Manage badges(manage_badges)
  • Logout (logout)

High Sensitivity Permissions

Apps that use any mid- or high-sensitivity permissions must undergo the annual security review process.

  • Read group content (read_group)
  • Read all messages (read_all_messages)
  • Read user timeline (read_user_feed)
  • Delete chat messages (delete_messages)
  • Read security logs (receive_security_logs)
  • Manage profile (manage_profiles)
  • Manage Knowledge Library content(manage_knowledge_library)
  • Read Knowledge Library content(read_knowledge_library)
  • Provision accounts (manage_accounts)

Submit a Request

Before You Start

You must have:

  • A business that you want to associate with your app, set up within the Facebook Business Manager. If you haven't set up a business in the Business Manager, refer to our Create a Business Manager help topic to learn how.
  • A Workplace Advanced or Enterprise instance. If you don't have a Workplace account, you can sign up at

Step 1: Create a Workplace app

Go to and sign into the Business Manager. If your business is not already selected, make sure to select it from the businesses dropdown menu:

Screenshot of business dropdown menu in the Business Manager.

Once selected, click Settings:

Screenshot of Settings link in the Business Manager.

In the Settings panel, click Business Settings:

Screenshot of the Business Settings link in the Business Manager.

In the Business Settings* panel, click **Apps:

Screenshot of the Apps link in the Business Manager.

In the Apps panel, click the Add dropdown menu and select Create a New App ID:

Screenshot of the Add dropdown menu in the Apps panel.

In the Create an App window, click Workplace > Continue (or More Options > Continue > Build Workplace Integrations > Continue):

Screenshot of the App Type selection window.

Enter your app name and the email address associated with your business (not your personal email address unless it's the same) and click Create App:

Screenshot of the Create an App window window.

Once you complete the security check, you will be taken to the Workplace panel in the App Dashboard where you can specify the permissions your app will need to function properly.

Step 2: Request for Permissions

Once you have created your app, you will be able to request permissions using the Workplace > App Settings product panel in the App Dashboard:

Screenshot of the Workplace > App Settings panel in the App Dashboard.

To request permissions, click the Request for Permissions button and select any permissions your app requires in order to function properly. For each permission you select, explain why your app needs it and how your app uses it to provide value to Workplace customers:

Screenshot of the Add Permissions window.

Once you're done, click the Confirm button. This will submit your request and a Workplace reviewer will review your submission and make a determination.

After You Submit

You can check the status of your request in Workplace Direct Support within your Workplace instance. Additionally, you will receive an email notification once a determination has been made.

App Configuration Options

You can configure your Workplace app settings in the Workplace panel within the App Dashboard.

  • Customizable Page - By default, your app's appearance is set by you when you configure your app metadata. If you choose to allow it, customizable page lets your customers change the appearance of your bot (i.e., its name and icon) within their Workplace instance upon installation
  • Multi Install - By default, a third party app can only be installed once per Workplace instance. While this suits many use cases, there are kinds of integrations (e.g., conversational bot engines) where customers may desire to install multiple instances of your app, which is possible if this option is configured for your app.
  • Allow chat bot to participate in group chats - Pertains only to apps with “Message Any Member” permission — by default, chat bots can interact directly with people via Work Chat in 1:1 threads. Request this configuration if your chat bot needs to be able to create or participate in 1:n threads.

Add New Permission To An Existing App

If you already have a Workplace Third Party App and want to request additional permissions:

  • You must have a Workplace Advanced or Enterprise account. If you don't have already have Workplace account, you can sign up at
  • You must be a System Administrator to submit a request. Make sure you are a System Admin by opening the admin panel. If you are not a System Admin you'll need to ask a current Workplace System Admin to grant you this role.
  • Ensure to provide a valid use case for each permission requested.
Update App Permission(s)