Meta Business Account, sometimes referred to as Business Manager account or simply Business account, is being renamed to business portfolio. This change will appear gradually across Meta technologies. The change is cosmetic only and does not affect Meta Business Account IDs (business portfolio IDs).

Messaging Health Status

This document describes how to determine whether or not you can send messages successfully using a given API resource.

The following nodes have a health_status field:

If you request the health_status field on any of these nodes, the API will return a summary of the messaging health of all the nodes involved in messaging requests if using the targeted node. This summary indicates if you will be able to use the API to send messages successfully, if you will have limited success due to some limitation on one or more nodes, or if you will be prevented from messaging entirely.

Request Syntax

GET /<NODE_ID>?fields=health_status


  "health_status": {
    "can_send_message": "<OVERALL_MESSAGING_STATUS>",
    "entities": [
      /* Only included if targeting a business phone number */
        "entity_type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
        "id": "<BUSINESS_PHONE_NUMBER_ID>",
        "can_send_message": "<BUSINESS_PHONE_NUMBER_MESSAGING_STATUS>"
      /* Only included if targeting a template */
        "entity_type": "MESSAGE_TEMPLATE",
        "id": "<TEMPLATE_ID>",
        "can_send_message": "<TEMPLATE_MESSAGING_STATUS>"
      /* WABA, business, and app always included */
        "entity_type": "WABA",
        "id": "<WABA_ID>",
        "can_send_message": "<WABA_MESSAGING_STATUS>"
        "entity_type": "BUSINESS",
        "id": "<BUSINESS_PORTFOLIO_ID>",
        "can_send_message": "<BUSINESS_PORTFOLIO_MESSAGING_STATUS>"
        "entity_type": "APP",
        "id": "<APP_ID>",
        "can_send_message": "<APP_MESSAGING_STATUS>"
  "id": "<NODE_ID>"

Response Contents

PlaceholderDescriptionExample Value


App ID.



The app's messaging health status. See Messaging Health Status.



Business portfolio ID.



The business portfolio's messaging health status. See Messaging Health Status.



Business phone number ID.



The business phone number's messaging health status. See Messaging Health Status.



The targeted node's ID.



The overall messaging health status, given all of the nodes involved in a messaging request, if using the targeted node. See Messaging Health Status.



Template ID.



The template's messaging health status. See Messaging Health Status.






The WABA's messaging health status. See Messaging Health Status.


Messaging Health Status

When you attempt to send a message, multiple nodes are involved, including the app, the business portfolio that owns or has claimed it, a WABA, a business phone number, and a template (if sending a template message).

Each of these nodes can have one of the following health statuses assigned to the can_send_message property:

  • AVAILABLE: Indicates that the node meets all messaging requirements.
  • LIMITED: Indicates that the node meets messaging requirements, but has some limitations. If a given node has this value, additional info will be included.
  • BLOCKED: Indicates that the node does not meet one or more messaging requirements. If a given node has this value, the errors property will be included which describes the error and a possible solution.

Overall Status

The overall health status property (health_status.can_send_message) will be set as follows:

  • If one or more nodes is blocked, it will be set to BLOCKED.
  • If no nodes are blocked, but one or more nodes is limited, it will be set to LIMITED.
  • If all nodes are available, it will be set to AVAILABLE.

Example Request

curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB'

Example Response

  "health_status": {
    "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE",
    "entities": [
        "entity_type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
        "id": "106540352242922",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
        "entity_type": "WABA",
        "id": "102290129340398",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
        "entity_type": "BUSINESS",
        "id": "506914307656634",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
        "entity_type": "APP",
        "id": "634974688087057",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
  "id": "106540352242922"

Additional Info Property

If a given node's can_send_message property is set to LIMITED, the additional_info property will be included, which provides additional context for the limitation.

Example Limited Response

This is an example response to a request on a business phone number that can be used to send messages, but has a limit on the number it can send because its display name has not been approved.

  "health_status": {
    "can_send_message": "LIMITED",
    "entities": [
        "entity_type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
        "id": "106540352242922",
        "can_send_message": "LIMITED",
        "additional_info": [
          "Your display name has not been approved yet. Your message limit will increase after the display name is approved."
        "entity_type": "WABA",
        "id": "102290129340398",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
        "entity_type": "BUSINESS",
        "id": "506914307656634",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
        "entity_type": "APP",
        "id": "634974688087057",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
  "id": "105154286024403"

Errors Property

If a given node's can_send_message property is set to BLOCKED, the errors property will be included, which describes the reason for the status and a possible solution.

Example Blocked Response

This is an example response to a request on a template that can't be sent in a template message because it is still in a pending state.

  "health_status": {
    "can_send_message": "BLOCKED",
    "entities": [
        "entity_type": "MESSAGE_TEMPLATE",
        "id": "2632273056924580",
        "can_send_message": "BLOCKED",
        "errors": [
            "error_code": 141002,
            "error_description": "Message templates can only be sent out if they are approved.",
            "possible_solution": "Edit or appeal the message template review decision."
        "entity_type": "WABA",
        "id": "102290129340398",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
        "entity_type": "BUSINESS",
        "id": "506914307656634",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
        "entity_type": "APP",
        "id": "634974688087057",
        "can_send_message": "AVAILABLE"
  "id": "2632273056924580"