Ongoing Reviews

To keep the Meta platform and community safe, and in accordance with our Platform Terms, we periodically review apps for compliance to data and general platform policies by evaluating your user experience and how your app is using its current permissions, features, and products.

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Ongoing Reviews - Introduction

Meta subjects all apps that are published with use cases, permissions, features, or any other advanced access to Platform Data, including app user data, to ongoing reviews unless specifically exempt. Generally, apps with Facebook Login for Business have business permissions and features that are excluded from ongoing reviews. However, these apps may still be subject to review as specified under Meta’s Platform Terms.

In order to conduct these reviews, Meta will ask you to provide app testing instructions. The information provided should help our reviewers access your app and test how it uses the data received from Meta. When providing instructions, please verify that your app is currently functioning as expected and that your privacy policy is publicly accessible. If codes or gift cards are required to test your app, please make sure to provide ones that are currently valid.

You will be able to proactively provide testing instructions any time in your app’s “Basic” settings page. This information will also be required when you complete your annual Data Use Checkup (DUC). The instructions you provide in either of these locations will be connected and saved in both the app’s Basic settings and DUC page.

Sometimes, there are also instances where a reviewer will request additional information by sending a violation warning to your app’s Alert Inbox. For example, we may ask that you upload a screencast of your app. This is designed to help us experience your app as an end user. If we are are unable to access your app for testing and you do not reply to the required action in the requested time frame, your app may be deactivated. To ensure that you receive required actions in a timely manner, please check the ongoing compliance best practices page.