Coupon Template

This document describes how to create and send a coupon to a person in a Messenger conversation.

How It Works

A coupon template message has some preset elements and a number of optional properties. The title for the message recipient is required and gives the recipient details about the coupon. The disclaimer, Terms may apply., is a preset element but can be configured. The Reveal code button is a preset element that can not be changed. You can add a second button, with default text Shop now, that is configurable with your own text and a URL to redirect a person to your store.

When a person clicks the Reveal code button, the coupon code is displayed in the conversation and a webhook notification is sent to your server.

Before You Start

This guide assumes you have read the Messenger Platform Overview and implemented the needed components for sending and receiving messages and notifications.

You need the following:

  • The Page ID for the Facebook Page sending the message
  • A Page access token representing the Facebook Page sending the message
  • The pages_show_list and pages_messaging permissions
  • Your app subscribed to the messages webhook
  • The ID for the person receiving the coupon message. Can be one of the following:
    • Page-scoped ID (PSID)
    • Post or Comment ID
    • Notification Message Token
    • User Ref

Send a Basic Coupon

In the following example, we are sending a basic coupon message that contains a coupon code.

To send a coupon message, send a POST request to the /PAGE-ID/messages endpoint with a JSON object with the attachment type set to template and payload set with the template_type set to coupon, title set to coupon text, and the coupon_code set to the coupon code to send to the person.

In the following code example we have set title to "10% off everything" and coupon_code to "10PERCENT".

The subtitle text, Terms may apply., and Reveal code button text are the default text for these coupon message properties.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "attachment": {
      "type": "template",
      "payload": {
          "template_type": "coupon",
          "title":"10% off everything",
}' ""

On success, your app receives the following JSON response with the PSID for the recipient and the ID for the message:

  "recipient_id": "PSID",
  "message_id": "MESSAGE-ID"

Send a Complex Coupon

In the following example, we are sending a more complex coupon message that contains all the properties you can send in the coupon template payload.

In the following code example we have configured a greeting using the coupon_pre_message, title, subtitle, the disclaimer that applies to this coupon, the second button with my store's URL and "Shop now" text, an image from my store, and additional information to be sent in the webhook notification when a person clicks the Reveal code button.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "attachment": {
      "type": "template",
      "payload": {
          "template_type": "coupon",
          "title":"10% off everything",
          "subtitle":"10% off. Limit 1 per customer. Expires on October 1st, 2022",
          "coupon_url_button_title":"Shop now",
          "coupon_pre_message":"Here'\''s a deal just for you!",
          "image_url": "",
          "payload":"The coupon for 10% off everything that expires 2022-10-1",
}' ""

On success, your app receives the following JSON response with the PSID for the recipient and the ID for the message:

  "recipient_id": "PSID",
  "message_id": "MESSAGE-ID"

Webhook Notification

When a person clicks on the coupon message, a messages webhook notification is sent to your server. The notification will contain the PSID for the person who clicked the coupon message, the ID for the Page that sent the message, and payload information about the coupon.

  "sender": {
    "id": "PSID",
  "recipient": {
    "id": "PAGE-ID",
  "timestamp": UNIX-TIMESTAMP,
  "template": {
    "type" : "coupon",





Required. Object containing information about the person receiving the coupon message


The Page-scoped ID (PSID) for the person receiving the coupon message


Send a Private Reply that contains a coupon template to a person who commented on a post on the Facebook Page


Send Marketing Messages that contain a coupon template to a person


Send a Private Reply that contains a coupon template to a person who published a visitor post on the Facebook Page


Send a Checkbox plugin or Customer Chat plugin that contains a coupon template


Required. Contains the attachment object


Required. Contains the type of message and payload.

enum {template}

Required. Message type, set to coupon


Required. Contains the message coupon details

enum {coupon}

Required. Set to coupon


Required. Title to display in the message. 80 character limit.


Subtitle to display in the message. 80 character limit.


Required unless coupon_url is set. The coupon code to send to a person. Can not have spaces.


The message sent before the coupon message


Required unless coupon_code is set. The coupon URL that allows a person to use the coupon.


The text for the button that allows a person to click to the coupon URL


The URL for the image displayed in the coupon message


Additional information to be included in the webhook notification