whitelisted_domains Reference

Messenger Profile API

whitelisted_domains is a property of the Messenger Profile API. For information on retrieving, setting, updating, and deleting whitelisted_domains, see the Messenger Profile API Reference.

The whitelisted_domains property of your bot's Messenger profile specifies a list of third-party domains that are accessible in the Messenger webview for use with the Messenger Extensions SDK, the Checkbox Plugin, and the Customer Chat Plugin.


To set or update the domain whitelist you must have the 'Administrator' role for the Page associated with the bot.

Domain Name and HTTPS Required

Domains must meet the following requirements to be whitelisted:

  • Served over HTTPS

  • Use a fully qualified domain name, such as https://www.messenger.com/. IP addresses and localhost are not supported for whitelisting.

Whitelisting in Page Settings

In addition to using the Messenger Profile API, Page admins may also update their domain whitelist in Page settings by doing the following:

  1. Click Settings at the top of your Page
  2. Click Advance Messaging on the left
  3. Edit whitelisted domains for your page in the Whitelisted Domains section

whitelisted_domains Format



Property Type Description



A list of domains being used. All domains must be valid. Up to 50 domains allowed.

Rate Limit

Calls to the Messenger Profile API are limited to 10 API calls per 10 minute interval. This rate limit is enforced per Page.