Postback Button Reference

When the postback button is tapped, the Messenger Platform sends an event to your postback webhook. This is useful when you want to invoke an action in your bot. This button can be used with the Button Template and Generic Template.

For more information on using the postback button, see Postback Button.

Postback Overview

When the postback button is tapped, the Messenger Platform sends an event to your postback webhook. This is useful when you want to invoke an action in your bot. This button can be used with the Button Template and Generic Template.

For more information on using the postback button, see Postback Button.

Postback Button Syntax


Postback Example Usage

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
        "text":"Try the postback button!",
            "title":"Postback Button",


Postback Example Response

  "recipient_id": "1254477777772919",
  "message_id": "AG5Hz2Uq7tuwNEhXfYYKj8mJEM_QPpz5jdCK48PnKAjSdjfipqxqMvK8ma6AC8fplwlqLP_5cgXIbu7I3rBN0P"

Postback Properties

Property Type Description



Type of button. Must be postback.



Button title. 20 character limit.



This data will be sent back to your webhook. 1000 character limit.