中文(台灣) 的翻譯尚未完成。


限制資料使用是一種資料處理選項,可讓您進一步控制 Meta 的系統如何使用您的資料,並且在遵守美國各州隱私法規的情況下提供更完善的支援。若要運用此功能,您必須主動啟用「限制資料使用」。針對美國適用「限制資料使用」地區已經啟用「限制資料使用」的用戶,當 Meta 收到這些用戶的資料時,我們會根據身為服務提供者或處理者的角色,依適用情況處理該資料,並依照我們各州專屬條款所述方式限制該資料的使用。

提供「限制資料使用」的 Meta 產品

下列 Meta 產品提供「限制資料使用」。可用情況會視州 / 省而改變。請查看以下表格以瞭解詳情:


Meta 商業工具

  • Meta 像素
  • 經由 Facebook SDK 的應用程式事件
  • 應用程式事件 API
  • 轉換 API
  • 離線轉換 API

2023 年 6 月 1 日起生效

2023 年 6 月 1 日起生效

2024 年 6 月 24 日起生效

2024 年 6 月 24 日起生效

2024 年 6 月 24 日起生效

Audience Network SDK

2023 年 6 月 1 日起生效

2023 年 6 月 1 日起生效

2024 年 6 月 24 日起生效

2024 年 6 月 24 日起生效

2024 年 6 月 24 日起生效


2023 年 6 月 1 日起生效

「限制資料使用」將經由稱為「資料處理選項」的參數傳送,且可選擇包含用戶的國��/地區和州/省。若廣告主不確定國家 / 地區或州 / 省,可以選擇由 Meta 事件或記錄是否來自適用的州 / 省。

針對商業工具及 Audience Network SDK

針對商業工具及 Audience Network,「限制資料使用」僅適用於加州、科羅拉多州、康乃狄克州、佛羅里達州、德州或奧勒岡州的民眾。若企業商家啟用「限制資料使用」但位置參數並未設為美國和加州、科羅拉多州、康乃狄克州、佛羅里達州、德州或奧勒岡州,我們會判斷事件是否來自上述州別之一。如果加州、科羅拉多州、康乃狄克州、佛羅里達州、德州或奧勒岡州的事件已經啟用「限制資料使用」,我們會根據身為服務提供者或處理者的角色,並根據各州專屬條款的資料使用限制處理該資料。





支援的 API 如下方所列。






您想為特定事件或記錄啟用的處理選項。目前可接受的值為 LDU,亦即「限制資料使用」。

此欄位的名稱可能會以不同的方式顯示,視您所使用的 API 和實作方式而定。例如,dataProcessingOptions 用於 Meta 像素 JavaScript 呼叫,data_processing_options 則用於轉換 API 呼叫。請參閱以下呼叫範例。




多數 API 的選用項目。如需詳細資訊,請見以下備註。

要與此資料處理選項建立關聯的國家/地區。目前適用於美國的可接受值為 1;或者,您也可以使用 0 來要求 Meta 指定地理位置。



多數 API 的選用項目。如需詳細資訊,請見以下備註。

要與此資料處理選項建立關聯的州/省。目前適用於加州的可接受值為 1000、科羅拉多州為 1001、康乃狄克州為 1002、加州為 1003、奧勒岡州為 1004、德州為 1005,或者您也可以使用 0 來要求 Meta 指定地理位置。


  • 如果您設定國家/地區,必須同時設定州/省。否則,將由我們指定地理位置。

支援的工具和 API

Meta 像素



必須先更新像素初始化程式碼來指定 dataProcessingOptions 方法,才能呼叫 fbq('init')


fbq('dataProcessingOptions', []);
fbq('init', '{pixel_id}');
fbq('track', 'PageView');

若要啟用 LDU 並且讓 Meta 指定地理位置:

fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 0, 0);

若要啟用 LDU 並指定位置,例如:針對加州:

fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000);



  • dpo:資料處理選項
  • dpoco:資料處理選項國家/地區
  • dpost:資料處理選項州/省


若要明確不啟用 LDU 模式,請為「dpo」參數傳遞空白值:

<img src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id={pixel_id}&ev=Purchase&dpo=" />

若要啟用 LDU 並且讓 Meta 指定地理位置:

<img src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id={pixel_id}&ev=Purchase&vdpo=LDU&dpoco=0&dpost=0" />

若要啟用 LDU 並手動指定位置,例如:針對加州:

<img src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id={pixel_id}&ev=Purchase&dpo=LDU&dpoco=1&dpost=1000" />

轉換 API離線轉換 API

針對這兩個 API,請於事件之 data 參數中的每個事件內新增 data_processing_optionsdata_processing_options_countrydata_processing_options_state 來實作資料處理選項。

注意:新整合不再建議使用應用程式事件及離線轉換 API。改為建議您使用轉換 API,因其現在支援 Web、應用程式及離線事件。請參閱應用程式事件適用的轉換 API離線事件適用的轉換 API 取得更多資訊。


    "data": [
            "event_name": "Purchase",
            "event_time": <EVENT_TIME>,
            "user_data": {
                "em": "<EMAIL>"
            "custom_data": {
                "currency": "<CURRENCY>",
                "value": "<VALUE>"
            "data_processing_options": []

若要啟用 LDU 並且讓 Meta 指定地理位置:

    "data": [
            "event_name": "Purchase",
            "event_time": <EVENT_TIME>,
            "user_data": {
                "em": "<EMAIL>",
                "client_ip_address": ""
            "custom_data": {
                "currency": "<CURRENCY>",
                "value": "<VALUE>"
            "data_processing_options": ["LDU"],
            "data_processing_options_country": 0,
            "data_processing_options_state": 0

若要啟用 LDU 並手動指定位置,例如:針對加州:

    "data": [
            "event_name": "Purchase",
            "event_time": <EVENT_TIME>,
            "user_data": {
                "em": "<EMAIL>"
            "custom_data": {
                "currency": "<CURRENCY>",
                "value": "<VALUE>"
            "data_processing_options": ["LDU"],
            "data_processing_options_country": 1,
            "data_processing_options_state": 1000


離線轉換 API 提供從 .csv 檔案手動上傳事件的選項。在此情況中,請將「資料處理選項」、「資料處理國家/地區」和「資料處理州/省」新增為檔案內的欄位。有關此方面的詳細資訊,請參閱上傳用戶介面。

應用程式事件 API

Graph API

To implement Data Processing Options using the Graph API, add data_processing_options, data_processing_options_country, and data_processing_options_state to your API call.

To explicitly not enable LDU, send an empty data_processing_options array:

  "event": "CUSTOM_APP_EVENTS",
  "application_tracking_enabled": "1",
  "advertiser_tracking_enabled": "1",
  "custom_events": ["fb_mobile_purchase"],
  "data_processing_options": []

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, you can send an event with the following code:

  "event": "CUSTOM_APP_EVENTS",
  "application_tracking_enabled": "1",
  "advertiser_tracking_enabled": "1",
  "custom_events": ["fb_mobile_purchase"],
  "data_processing_options": ["LDU"],
  "data_processing_options_country": 0,
  "data_processing_options_state": 0

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, e.g., for California, you can send an event with the following code:

  "event": "CUSTOM_APP_EVENTS",
  "application_tracking_enabled": "1",
  "advertiser_tracking_enabled": "1",
  "custom_events": ["fb_mobile_purchase"],
  "data_processing_options": ["LDU"],
  "data_processing_options_country": 1,
  "data_processing_options_state": 1000

Mobile SDKs

We recommend using our latest versions to ensure the functionality of Data Processing Options. The below implementation instructions are accurate for the following SDK versions:

  • iOS Facebook SDK v7.1.1 or higher
  • Android Facebook SDK v7.1.0 or higher
  • Unity SDK v7.21.0 or higher

Please update if you are using any versions below the ones listed above.

As of July 1, 2023, we are ending the Transition Period for older versions of App Events via the Facebook SDK, whereby we applied Limited Data Use to all personal information shared about people in California. The ability to enable default Limited Data Use will no longer be available for any versions below iOS Facebook SDK v7.1.1, Android Facebook SDK v7.1.0 and Unity SDK v7.21.0. If you choose to use Limited Data Use for a person in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Texas, or Oregon on or after July 1, 2023, you must update your SDK and implement Data Processing Options as set forth in this document.

ImplementationAdding Data Processing Options

Facebook SDK for iOS v7.1.1+ (Objective-C)

With Objective-C, use FBSDKSettings setDataProcessingOptions.

To explicitly not enable Limited Data Use (LDU), use:

[FBSDKSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[]];

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

[FBSDKSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:0 state:0]; 

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, e.g., for California, use:

[FBSDKSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:1 state:1000];   

Facebook SDK for iOS v7.1.1+ (Swift)

With Swift, use setDataProcessingOptions.

To explicitly not enable LDU, use:

Settings.setDataProcessingOptions(modes: [])   

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

Settings.setDataProcessingOptions(modes: ["LDU"], country: 0, state: 0)

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, e.g., for California, use:

Settings.setDataProcessingOptions(modes: ["LDU"], country: 1, state: 1000)  

Facebook SDK for Android v7.1.0+

Use the setDataProcessingOptions method.

To explicitly not enable LDU, use:

FacebookSdk.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {});   

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

FacebookSdk.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 0, 0);   

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, e.g., for California, use:

FacebookSdk.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 1, 1000);  

Unity SDK v7.21.1+

To explicitly not enable LDU, send an event with:

FB.Mobile.SetDataProcessingOptions(new string[] {});

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, send an event with:

FB.Mobile.SetDataProcessingOptions(new string[] {"LDU"}, 0, 0); 

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, e.g., for California, send an event with:

FB.Mobile.SetDataProcessingOptions(new string[] {"LDU"}, 1, 1000);  

Audience Network SDK

We recommend using our latest Audience Network SDK versions to ensure the functionality of Data Processing Options. The below implementation instructions are accurate for Audience Network SDK versions 5.10 and above.

As of July 1, 2023, we are ending the Transition Period for older versions of Audience Network SDK, whereby we limited the data for all personal information that businesses share about people in California and the ability to enable default Limited Data Use will not be available for Audience Network SDK versions below 5.10. If you choose to use Limited Data Use to indicate a person in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Texas, or Oregon or on or after July 1, 2023, you must update your SDK and implement Data Processing Options as set forth in this document.

ImplementationAdding Data Processing Options

Facebook SDK for iOS, v5.10+

Use FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions.

To explicitly not enable Limited Data Use (LDU), use:

[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[]];

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:0 state:0];

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:1 state:1000];

Facebook SDK for Android, v5.10+

Use the setDataProcessingOptions method.

To explicitly not enable Limited Data Use (LDU), use:

AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {}) 

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 0, 0);

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 1, 1000);

Unity SDK, v5.10+ (not using the Audience Network-supplied Unity wrapper)

If you are not using the Audience Network-supplied Unity wrapper, enter the following code.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace AudienceNetwork
public static class AdSettings

public static void SetDataProcessingOptions(string[] dataProcessingOptions)
AndroidJavaClass adSettings = new AndroidJavaClass("com.facebook.ads.AdSettings");
adSettings.CallStatic("setDataProcessingOptions", (object)dataProcessingOptions);

FBAdSettingsBridgeSetDataProcessingOptions(dataProcessingOptions, dataProcessingOptions.Length);

public static void SetDataProcessingOptions(string[] dataProcessingOptions, int country, int state)
AndroidJavaClass adSettings = new AndroidJavaClass("com.facebook.ads.AdSettings");
adSettings.CallStatic("setDataProcessingOptions", (object)dataProcessingOptions, country, state);

FBAdSettingsBridgeSetDetailedDataProcessingOptions(dataProcessingOptions, dataProcessingOptions.Length, country, state);

private static extern void FBAdSettingsBridgeSetDataProcessingOptions(string[] dataProcessingOptions, int length);

private static extern void FBAdSettingsBridgeSetDetailedDataProcessingOptions(string[] dataProcessingOptions, int length, int country, int state);

After entering this code, you can follow the Unity SDK instructions in the row below as if you are using the Unity wrapper.

Unity SDK, v5.10+ (using the Audience Network-supplied Unity wrapper)

If you are using the Audience Network-supplied Unity wrapper, use the following SetDataProcessingOptions.

To explicitly not enable LDU, use:

AdSettings.SetDataProcessingOptions(new string[]{})

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
AdSettings.SetDataProcessingOptions(new string[] {"LDU"}, 0, 0);

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
AdSettings.SetDataProcessingOptions(new string[] {"LDU"}, 1, 1000);

Publishers using a Mediation Partner must set the Data Processing Options (Limited Data Use) on the Meta Audience Network SDK before initializing the Mediation SDK so that it is received by us in the bidding request.

ImplementationAdding Data Processing Options


To explicitly not enable LDU for the event, use:

AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {}) 

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 0, 0);

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 1, 1000);

After setting LDU, initialize the Mediation Partner SDK as per usual.


To explicitly not enable Limited Data Use (LDU), use:

FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[]];

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:0 state:0];

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:1 state:1000];

After setting the LDU for the event, initialize the Mediation Partner SDK as per usual.

For publishers that are working with us through Bidding Kit and other Server-side Bidding, please follow the implementation methods below.

ImplementationAdding Data Processing Options

Android/Bidding Kit 2.0

To explicitly not enable LDU, use:

AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {})

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 0, 0);

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 1, 1000);

After setting the LDU for the event, generate the bidder token:

String token = BidderTokenProvider.getBidderToken(Context);

iOS/Bidding Kit 2.0

To explicitly not enable Limited Data Use (LDU), use:

[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[]];

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:0 state:0];

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:1 state:1000];

After setting the LDU for the event, generate the bidder token:

NSString *token = [FBAdSettings bidderToken];

Other Server-Side Bidding

For each platform follow the instructions below to specify LDU for the event and retrieve the bidder token before making the server-side bid request.

For Android client:

To explicitly not enable LDU, use:

AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {}) 

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 0, 0);

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
AdSettings.setDataProcessingOptions(new String[] {"LDU"}, 1, 1000);

After setting the LDU for the event, generate the bidder token:

String token = BidderTokenProvider.getBidderToken(Context);

For iOS client:

To explicitly not enable Limited Data Use (LDU), use:

[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[]];

To enable LDU and have Meta perform geolocation, use:

  • Country: 0 to request that we determine the location
  • State: 0 to request that we determine the location
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:0 state:0];

To enable LDU and manually specify the location, use:

  • Country: 1 to indicate USA
  • State: 1000 to indicate California, 1001 for Colorado, 1002 for Connecticut, 1003 for Florida, 1004 for Oregon, 1005 for Texas
[FBAdSettings setDataProcessingOptions:@[@"LDU"] country:1 state:1000];

After setting the LDU for the event, generate the bidder token:

NSString *token = [FBAdSettings bidderToken];


如果您想要在 2023 年 6 月 1 日當日/之後透過顧客名單自訂廣告受眾,針對加州用戶啟用「限制資料使用」,您必須上傳新的廣告受眾,或更新帶有「限制資料使用」標示的現有廣告受眾。視需求定期更新及維護廣告受眾及用戶的「限制資料使用」狀態。



   "payload": {
       "schema": [
       "data": [

若要明確啟用LDU 並由 Meta 指定地理位置(方法為不包括指定記錄的州 / 省及國家 / 地區),請為各記錄指定包含 LDU 的陣列:

   "payload": {
       "schema": [
       "data": [

若要啟用 LDU 並手動指定位置:

    "customer_consent": true,
    "payload": {
        "schema": [
        "data": [