تم تحديث هذا المستند.
لم تكتمل الترجمة إلى اللغة ‏العربية‏ حتى الآن.
تاريخ تحديث المصدر باللغة الإنجليزية: ‏٢٣ يوليو
تاريخ تحديث اللغة ‏العربية‏: ‏١٩‏/٠٥‏/٢٠٢٢


Represents a collection of IG Comments on an IG Media object.

Non-Organic Comments

Comments on Ads containing IG Media (i.e. non-organic comments) are of a different type and are not supported. To get non-organic comments, use the Marketing API and request the Ad's effective_instagram_story_id. You can then query the returned ID's /comments edge to get a collection of non-organic Instagram Comments. Refer to the Marketing API's Post Moderation guide for more information.


Instagram API with Instagram LoginInstagram API with Facebook Login

Access Tokens

  • Instagram User access token

Host URL



Login Type

Business Login for Instagram

Facebook Login for Business

  • instagram_business_basic
  • instagram_business_manage_comments
  • instagram_basic
  • instagram_manage_comments
  • pages_read_engagement
  • pages_show_list

If the app user was granted a role via the Business Manager on the Page connected to the targeted IG User, you will also need one of:

  • ads_management
  • business_management


Creating a Comment on a Media Object

POST /<IG_MEDIA_ID>/comments?message=<MESSAGE_CONTENT>

Creates an IG Comment on an IG Media object.


Comments on live video IG Media are not supported.

Query String Parameters

Query string parameters are optional unless indicated as required.

  • <MESSAGE_CONTENT> (required) — The text to be included in the comment.

Example Request

POST graph.facebook.com

Example Response

  "id": "17870913679156914"


Getting Comments on a Media Object

GET /<IG_MEDIA_ID>/comments

Returns a list of IG Comments on an IG Media object.


  • Requests made using API version 3.1 or older will have results returned in chronological order. Requests made using version 3.2+ will have results returned in reverse chronological order.
  • Returns only top-level comments. Replies to comments are not included unless you use field expansion to request the replies field.
  • Returns a maximum of 50 comments per query.


An access token from a User who created the IG Media object, with the following permissions:

  • instagram_basic
  • pages_show_list
  • pages_read_engagement

إذا تم الحصول على الرمز من مستخدم تم منحه دورًا بالصفحة عبر مدير الأعمال، فيلزم أيضًا توفير أحد الأذونات التالية:

  • ads_management
  • pages_read_engagement
  • business_management

Sample Request

GET graph.facebook.com

Sample Response

  "data": [
      "timestamp": "2017-08-31T19:16:02+0000",
      "text": "This is awesome!",
      "id": "17870913679156914"
      "timestamp": "2017-08-31T18:10:30+0000",
      "text": "*Sniff*",
      "id": "17873440459141021"


This operation is not supported.


This operation is not supported.