Threads Use Case

This document shows you how to create and customize a Meta app with the Threads API use case in the App Dashboard.

This guide assumes that you have read and implemented the requirements for creating an app with Meta.

Step 1: Start the app creation process

There are a number of ways to create an app.

  • If you just came from the registration flow, click the Create First App button
  • If you are on the App Dashboard , click Create App in the upper right
  • If you are on the dashboard for an existing app and want to create a new app, select the dropdown menu in the upper left, and click the Create New App button

Step 2: Connect a business (Optional)

If you're building an app for a business you own or manage, you aren't required to connect a business to your app.

If you're a Tech Provider, you're building an app that will be serving clients or other business portfolios, you're required to connect your app to a business that has completed both Access and Business Verification before you can publish your app (Step 11).

However, you can connect a business now or at any time during the development process.

  1. Select an option and click Next.

Learn more about Access and Business Verification.

Step 3: Select your use case

  1. Select the Access the Threads API use case to use the Threads API.
  2. Click Next.

Step 4: Add app details

  1. Add an app name that will appear in the app dashboard.
  2. Add contact email that Meta will use to contact you about your app.
  3. Click Next.

Note: If you connected your app to a business with Access and Business Verification in Step 2, you will see an additional question:

  • Select Yes if your app will serve clients or other business portfolios, or No if you're building your app for a business you own or manage. Click Next.

Step 5. Review details

In this step, you will review:

  • The primary use case you selected for your app
  • Publishing requirements that are required for your app, if applicable
  • Meta Platform Terms and Developer Policies

Click Create app.

When your app is created you will be redirected to your app's dashboard to further customize your app.

App customization and requirements

Settings for your app can be updated at any time on the app dashboard by clicking Dashboard in the left side menu.

Step 6. Add and customize use cases

  1. Click Customize access for the Threads API. – You will see a list of permissions you can add to make your app work the way you want it to. The threads_basic permission is already selected since it is required for the Threads API.
    • threads_content_publish
    • threads_manage_insights
    • threads_manage_replies
    • threads_read_replies
  2. Click + Request for each permission you would like to add.
    After you add a permission to your app, you can see the status for that permission:
    • Ready for live mode – This permission has been approved in App Review and you can publish your app
    • Ready for testing – You can test API calls to endpoints that require this permission and complete App Review permission testing requirements
    • Verification required – This permission requires a verified Meta Business Account added to the app
    You can also see the number of successful API calls you have made to endpoints that require each permission.
  3. (Optional) Click the Ready for testing to learn about the requirements for testing API calls to endpoints that require that permission.

You can add and remove permissions at any time during the development process.

Step 7. Add Settings

  1. In the left side menu, click Settings.
  2. Add the following URLs:
    • Client OAuth Settings – valid OAuth redirect URIs
    • Deauthorize callback URL – the URL Meta will ping when a user deauthorizes your app
    • Data Deletion Requests URL – the URL Meta will ping when someone requests that you delete their data
  3. Click Save.

Step 8. User Tokens for testing

You can get long-lived user access tokens for your test users and follow the link to Add or Remove Threads Test Users.

Step 9. Add use cases

There are additional use cases that you can add to Threads API use case apps.

  1. Click Manage use cases in the upper right-corner.
  2. Click + Add to the right of each use case to add webhooks or app event tracking.
  3. When you add a use case it will appear in the left side menu. Click the Settings under each use case to configure it.
  4. When finished click Dashboard at the top of the left side menu.

If you're a Tech Provider, your app will serve clients or other business portfolios, continue with the ** For Tech Providers** section.

Step 10. Test use cases (Optional)

Click Test use cases to test your configuration.

Step 11. Finish customization

Click Finish customization to acknowledge that you're finished building your app. You're still able to got back and add more use cases to this app.

Click Yes, I'm finished and you will be redirect to the Dashboard which will show App Health with Daily API Calls.

Congratulations on completing your app!

If you would like to become a Tech Provider click Become a Tech Provider.

For Tech Providers

The following steps must be completed if you're a Tech Provider, your app will serve clients or other business portfolios.

Step 10. App Review

  1. Click the chevron next to each requirement listed under Prepare and submit for App Review. You must complete each requirement before publishing your app.

A checkmark within a circle appears when each of these requirements has been completed.

Learn more about App Review.

Step 11. Publish your app

  1. Click the chevron to the right of Check that all requirements are met, then publish your app. If any requirements have not yet been met, messaging will appear and you will need to satisfy those requirements.
  2. Once you have successfully completed all the requirements, click Publish in the lower-right corner.

After your app has been published, the Dashboard will show App Health with Daily API Calls.

See Also

Visit the following to learn more about the app development process: