How creator can login their Instagram without facebook page

We have created an app called SocioCreator (Influencer Marketing app) here creators are facing issue when they are clicking on the connect Instagram button it is asking for the business manager and Facebook page selection, several people do not have Facebook page and they do not intent to create one so in this error can we have any direct way where an creator or influencer can signup and link their Instagram account with any facebook page.

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Hi! If you intend to use the Instagram Graph API, your IG account must be linked to your Facebook Page. To operate on Instagram Graph API endpoints, like /media, you must have the Instagram user ID.

Currently, the only way to obtain it is through the call /me/accounts?field=instagram_business_account, which returns the collection of the Facebook Pages from a given user, from which you can get the Instagram User ID. If there is no Facebook Page linked to the IG account, you cannot get the required ID for further calls on behalf of that IG account. You can read more about the process here -

I am unsure what kind of information you are trying to extract, but if these are only the basic reads for simple data, you might try to use

You can also try the Basic Display API (, which does not require a Facebook Page.

20 de junio a la 1:41 a.m.