How to resolve "message":"(#135000) Generic user error"

I have encountered difficulties in sending messages via the API. Specifically, I am receiving the following error message:

Error Response: {"error":{"message":"(#135000) Generic user error","type":"OAuthException","code":135000,"error_data":{"messaging_product":"whatsapp","details":"Generic user error"},"fbtrace_id":"A1waaM6nHFNACvy0TmQySEo"}}

I have thoroughly reviewed our integration setup and confirmed that all parameters are correctly formatted and that our access token is valid. Additionally, we are adhering to WhatsApp's template policy, and our custom templates have been approved.

We were able to successfully send messages using the default template (Hello_world). However, we are unable to send any messages other than the default template.

I have mentioned the details bellow:

Business ID: 926486109278796 APP ID: 2139742859716726 WhatsApp account ID: 308550739016328

Despite our efforts to seek assistance through the Developer Community Forum, we have not received any response for the past 15 days. You can find the post detailing our issue here: Community Thread Link.

Additionally, I've observed that other users have reported a similar "Generic user error" (#135000) on the bugs page reference: Bug Report Link , where the Meta team successfully resolved the same issue. This leads me to believe that our error or the situation that we are in is also the same.

Upon reviewing these forums and bug reports, it appears that there might have been a misunderstanding or misclassification, as our WhatsApp Business Account might have been mistakenly flagged as engaging in spam activity. Please note that we are in the testing phase internally at Ernst & Young LLP and have not used this for production purposes.

I assume that you have flagged our account as spam by mistake, so i kindly request you to consider removing or lifting the restriction of our account.

Therefore, we kindly request the Meta team to review and lift any restrictions that might have been placed on our account in error. This restriction is significantly impacting our operations, and we urgently need to resolve this issue.

Asked about a month ago
Selected Answer

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Hello everyone,

I've noticed that many of us are facing difficulties in getting timely and satisfactory responses to our queries on this forum. To address this issue, I have created a WhatsApp group specifically dedicated to discussing and solving these problems. This group is a non-profit initiative, strictly prohibiting any marketing activities.

Our aim is to provide a space where we can collaboratively troubleshoot issues and share solutions. We have also invited experts with relevant experience who can provide timely and accurate answers to your questions.

Feel free to join us and be part of a supportive community that helps each other. Here is the link to join theWhatsApp Support Group:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

8 hours ago
Bin WU

I have given the Saved session link please help me in resolving this error.

July 3 at 9:39 PM