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App Review Deadlines Approaching

We want to remind you of an upcoming App Review submission deadline for Facebook Login permissions, as well as announce an App Review submission deadline for 2 APIs. The summary of deadlines is below, with additional details following.

  • August 1, 2018: deadline to re-request: Facebook Login permissions outside of email and default; access to Pages API, Groups API, Events API, Messenger API, Instagram API, and Business Manager API.
  • February 1, 2019: deadline to re-request access to Lead Ads Retrieval and Marketing APIs

Re-request Permissions by August 1, 2018

An App Review submission is required by August 1, 2018 to re-request permissions to the following functionality:

  • Facebook Login permissions outside of email and default (see the list)
  • Pages API
  • Groups API
  • Events API
  • Messenger API
  • Instagram API
  • Business Manager API

To start the App Review process, visit the App Review tab in your app's dashboard.

We're working hard to reduce wait times across review, and are now completing Messenger bot reviews in 3 business days. App Review for Facebook Login, Pages API, and Groups API is currently taking an average of 7 weeks including Business Verification. We hope to reduce this wait time significantly in the coming weeks.

To minimize the risk of getting rejected, ensure you have a valid use case. We encourage you to provide high quality instructions for us to reproduce the experience, as well as a screencast that clearly demonstrates the end-to-end experience. If your app is server-to-server and has no user interface, refer to our Server-to-Server Apps document for App Review instructions.

Re-Request Marketing API and Lead Ads Retrieval API permissions by February 1, 2019

If you are using our Marketing API or Lead Ads Retrieval API, you have until February 1, 2019 to re-request permission to use them and any related permissions. Read our blog posts for important information on updates to our Marketing API, our Lead Ads Retrieval API, and changes to associated permissions.For some permissions, Business Verification and a contract are necessary in addition to App Review.

Additionally, we are announcing a new permission 'publish_video' for Live Video API. This will replace publish_actions which was deprecated for new apps and will be deprecated for existing apps on August 1st. You can read more information on the Live Video API documentation.

Learn more about the App Review process, including which permissions require Business Verification and supplemental terms in addition to App Review, at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review. For FAQs on App Review, visit https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/faqs.