What is Low Code?

Any novice that's tried their hand at coding knows how complex the process can be. Thanks to Low Code programs, you don't need a degree in computer science to build an application. At its surface, Low Code technology uses drag-and-drop tools rather than complicated coding languages to facilitate the development and delivery of applications. Not only is it a simpler alternative to coding, but it also gets the job done faster. Here are some examples of solutions created with APEX, Oracle's Low Code offering. Now let’s take a closer look at how Low Code platforms work.

What Is a Low Code Platform?

A Low Code stage uses a simplified interface that lets developers build applications and software that is both user-friendly and responsive. Rather than writing several lines of complex code and language structure, you can quickly and easily utilize Low Code to construct total applications with user interfaces, combinations and information.

Low Code can be integrated with most systems, with the exception of extremely sophisticated systems that feature several backends and external data sources. Although Low Code requires some inherent knowledge about coding and software development, it can be practiced by non-professionals. Here are some of the features that can be found in a Low Code platform:

  • Drag-and-Drop Interfaces
    At its core, Low Code platforms rely on drag-and-drop interfaces to encourage the development of projects. This convenient tool lets users select the feature they want and simply drag it into their project.
  • Visual Integrated Development Environment
    A visual integrated development environment (IDE) lets you characterize the user interfaces, work processes and information models of your application. You can also add manually written code where it is needed. The visual modeling tools offered by Low Code platforms can be read by anyone, including professional and non-professional developers.
  • Heightened Functionality
    In regular or heavy coding, the coder has to build core modules from scratch to help guide applications. To quicken the process, Low Code systems simply provide these modules for you. For instance, you can use a service management module for a customer-facing app. Low Code systems also automatically handle information constructions, stockpiling and recovery.
  • Multiple Uses
    The ability to use pre-configured modules to facilitate application building offers more than just added convenience. Because these modules offer core functions that can be implemented across a variety of application types, Low Code platforms let you reuse technology as needed. They also come with multi-device compatibility, which allows you to utilize the same applications across different platforms.
  • Application Lifecycle Manager
    This automated apparatus assists with the building, inspecting, and organizing of applications. It defines the parameters of a product, develops the product, and then conducts a test to assure the quality before deploying it. The application lifecycle manager also maintains and enhances the product over time.
  • Adaptability
    Low Code platforms are scalable, which means they can grow with you. For instance, if you are developing an application for your business and have a sudden surge in employees, you don't have to worry about your technology falling behind—Low Code platforms let you accommodate the increase.
  • Security
    Cyber-security is a serious issue in the United States—in just the first six months of 2020, 36 billion records were exposed. It's important that your Low Code platform comes with security features that protect your application and prevent it from being compromised.

Low Code Versus No-Code

Many software novices mistakenly use "Low Code" and "no-code" interchangeably. While some Low Code platforms can be highly restricted (depending on the types of features you use), they're still fundamentally different from no-code platforms. Both Low Code and no-code use drag-and-drop and visual features to make the coding process easier and quicker. However, no-code is not designed for user-friendly or responsive interfaces. Thus, no-code should only be used when developing extremely simple applications that require minimal customization and coding knowledge.

What Can I Create with Low Code?

Although they have some commonalities, no two Low Code apparatuses are the same. Not only do they vary in purpose, but they also have different levels of functionality. Your final product is dependent on your ultimate goals, as well as the effort you put into the app to achieve those goals. Here are some of the applications you can create using Low Code.

  • Customer-Facing Apps
    Customer-facing applications forge a direct connection between consumers and a brand. Examples include applications that let insurance company clients manage their policies and students access information from their universities. The ultimate goal is a more personalized customer experience.
  • Business Processes Apps
    Companies with multiple departments rely on technology to assist with the organizational elements of their business. These types of applications help you oversee, automate, and optimize your productivity and workflow.
  • Operational Efficiency Apps
    As the name suggests, operational efficiency applications promote your operations and workplace efficiency through technology. Common functions include employee training capabilities, heightened customer service, and the enforcement of high-quality standards on products.
  • User Interface Apps
    Your customer's experience with your website or mobile application is essential to their overall experience with your brand. Low Code lets you plan and configure your user interface (UI), assuring a positive customer experience that translates to a better brand reputation.
  • Data Processing Apps
    Low Code platforms let you incorporate artificial intelligence, which helps efficiently and thoroughly process data. Not only does this encourage productivity, but it also preserves time and resources by automating functions that would otherwise be conducted manually.

Who Is Using Low Code?

According to a study conducted by Gartner, the Low Code market is projected to reach over $13 billion by the end of 2021. The global research and advisory company also projects that, by 2024, 75% of large enterprises will use Low Code platforms to help meet their business needs.

These statistics show that Low Code is a popular option for any business that wants to improve efficiency through automation. Although the majority of Low Code platforms are used by organizations, they are also popular amongst non-professional developers who want to expand on their coding knowledge and practice.

Of course, just because Low Code is surging in popularity doesn't necessarily mean it's the right option for your business. It's important to take a closer look at the factors involved, including the respective advantages and disadvantages of this technology.

Benefits of Low Code

Whether or not a Low Code platform will work for you depends entirely on your project and needs. Here are some of the leading advantages of Low Code platforms.

  • Simplicity
    Thanks to the simplistic nature of Low Code, you don't need to be a professional to navigate it. This increased accessibility helps businesses preserve resources. Low Code lets companies allocate application development jobs to non-professionals, which preserves more complex tasks for skilled IT professionals.
  • Speed
    Low Code saves time and resources by letting you build applications in days, or even just hours. They also let users create applications for different platforms at the same time—you don't have to wait for one project to be completed before you start another. Applications can even be deployed with a single click.
  • Risk Management
    Because Low Code can be implemented so swiftly, it's a useful tool for managing and mitigating your risks. Not only can you meet your requirements and deadlines, but you can also adapt when they change. Low Code proved to be especially useful during the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a growth in the use of these platforms.
  • Affordability
    When compared to traditional software development, 70% of organizations found Low Code platforms to be more cost-friendly. As an added benefit, low-cost platforms can help boost your profits by increasing your productivity and preserving your more valuable resources. Ultimately, they come with low risk and a high potential for a return on your investment.

Disadvantages of Low Code

Along with the pros, it's important to consider the cons of Low Code. Here are some disadvantages of using this type of technology.

  • Simplicity
    What functions as an advantage simultaneously serves as a disadvantage. Low Code platforms are not as complex as heavy coding, which makes their functions more restricted. Low Code typically has lower levels of flexibility, customization and security. They're also better suited for customer-facing apps than entrepreneur apps, or apps designed for organizations rather than individuals.
  • Expertise Requirements
    Although Low Code platforms are designed to facilitate application development for non-experts, it still requires a certain level of knowledge to navigate. In other words, Low Code platforms cannot be used by just anyone—you need to have a fundamental level of developmental expertise to succeed.
  • Limited Integration
    Although Low Code can be integrated with a vast expanse of systems, it is not compatible with more complex or sophisticated software. These include ones that utilize external databases or multiple backends.

Getting Started With Low Code Platforms

A Low Code program is for anyone that lacks professional coding knowledge but still wants to create engaging applications in a quick and efficient manner. Low Code involves more than just building apps—it helps businesses manage everything from their customer service needs to their productivity, all at a cost-effective rate.

Oracle helps empower developers, encouraging the creation of high-quality applications that are both easy to use and make. Our simple page design, consistent user interface and variety of templates help you get the immediate results you're looking for. Learn more by contacting us today!