Chrome Extensions at Google I/O 2024

Oliver Dunk
Oliver Dunk

Another Google I/O is behind us and we have covered all the exciting extensions updates! Head over to YouTube to check out the full video and read on for some of the highlights.

Manifest V3

We shared an interim update on the transition to Manifest V3 including some additional details about what developers should expect for enterprise or legacy extensions that won't be migrated. We recapped the commitments we made at last year's I/O and spoke about some of the platform improvements we've made since.

New Extensions menu

We shared an update on the new extensions menu we've been working on. The improved menu allows users to better see and control the sites and pages that each extension has access to. Extensions will continue to get access to all requested hosts at install time.

New Chrome Web Store

We recapped the redesigned Chrome Web store we launched last year, to a reception which was overwhelmingly positive. We're planning to do more in the coming months to highlight new and trending extensions on the home page.

Platform improvements

We shared a number of improvements we made to the platform in 2023–including updates to the chrome.cookies API, WebUSB, WebHID, WebGPU, bfcache, and promise support in extension APIs. We also spoke about work in the Web Extensions Community Group.

New documentation and tooling

We launched the revamped site, and tooling like the Extension Update Testing Tool and samples page. We've also been regularly updating our documentation and posting blog posts.

Version rollback

We shared a demo of using the version rollback feature that we recently launched in the Chrome Web Store developer dashboard. Now, if there are issues with the latest version of your extension, you can quickly re-deploy the previously published version without the need to wait for review. Simply go into your developer dashboard and click "Roll back".