Decelera Ventures founding partners have been investing in early-stage companies since 2016

Meet some of the most successful companies below

Efficient home diagnostics offering quick, accurate results within 48 hours, all at a reduced cost for enhanced and accessible healthcare solutions.
Innovative biotech firm specializing in early detection and screening of complex diseases, including cancer, through advanced RNA analysis.
A dynamic marketplace for service providers, featuring a gamified algorithm that boosts commissions through client retention and satisfaction.
A software solution designed to enhance restaurant profitability by streamlining and automating administrative tasks.
Edible cutlery made from by-products of the food industry to improve the sustainable impact of companies and improve the consumer experience.
AI computer vision algorithm tracks joints movements that assists patients while doing their exercises from home with their computers, phones or tablets, while physiotherapists can follow the patient evolution remotely
Tracking solution that digitizes waste streams and makes them available to buyers as well as auditors
Autonomous, self-learning farm management company that combines hardware and software to enable real-time farm nutrition and irrigation using AI
Employee impact tracking application that enables ESG reporting according to EU Directive 2014/95/EU and its future update, of companies in an innovative, measurable and fun way
Using RNA technology and a single drop of blood, Exheus can tell which genes are activated at different levels through sequencing
Using molecular cultivation and tricoStimulant technology to accelerate the plant cycle and to increases its biomass 3x
Deepwork platform that offers tools to people who work remotely to improve their performance and recharge batteries in moments of rest
Computer vision software based on Deeptech Learning for smart logistics that can be used on any type of video reconnaissance camera

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Decelera focuses on startups that encompass these 4 areas

Impact Driven

Tech market-ready solutions that actively serve current challenges faced by our planet

Southern Europe

Southern Europe represents ca. 14% of all European Seed VCs, while unicorns are increasing rapidly in the region


Attractive competitive niche in which we can maximize impact / returns through our proprietary start up program and our proactive support

Top of the class serial entrepreneurs

Exceptionally bold, experienced and focused entrepreneurs sharing our purpose to make this a better world


Marcos Martín

Founder and Partner
at Decelera Ventures

  • Founder of Decelera Start-up program
  • Founder of Torret Road Capital
  • Co-founder of BIO-E-Resources

Borja Escalada

Founder and Partner
at decelera Ventures

  • Founder and ex-CEO of Vector Cuatro
  • CEO of RLH Properties
  • MD of Real Estate fund

Jaime Pérez de Laborda

Founder and Partner
at decelera Ventures

  • Co-Head of Renewables PE funds
  • Sancus Capital Partners M&A activities

Jordi Vallejo

Founder and Partner
at decelera Ventures

  • Co-Founder of Vector Cuatro
  • Co-Head of Renewables PE funds
  • Sancus Capital Partners financing activities

Diego Laresgoiti

Founder and Partner
at decelera Ventures

  • Board Member of Dila Capital
  • Board Member and Executive Committee of RLH Properties

Javier Silva

Legal Counsel
at decelera Ventures

Lidia Pineda

Administrative director
at decelera Ventures

Lorenzo Hurtado de Saracho

investment MANAGER at decelera ventures

Valentina VillaGomez 

experience manager

Gorka Etxebeste

Investment analyst

Tim varner

Tim Varner

Advisor at Decelera Ventures

  • Co-founder of Roost
  • Active YC community member
  • Investor and PE Advisor

Carlos Lavilla

Advisor at decelera ventures

  • Chairman at Corpfin Capital
  • Former Telefonica and Société Générale
  • Advisor and Investor

Jason Eckenroth

Advisor at decelera ventures

  • Founder of Shipcompliant
  • Mentor at Techstars
  • Advisor and Investor

LJ Erwin

Advisor at decelera ventures
San francisco

  • Former a16z partner
  • Chief of staff at Youtube TV
  • Advisor and Investor

Gennaro Bifulco

Advisor at decelera ventures

  • Former General Manager of Apple Iberia
  • Former Manager at SABMiller
  • Advisor and Investor

Our values dictate the way we understand business


We invest in people and trust them blindly. In exchange, we ask for this trust to be mutual, so as to work together and achieve ambitious goals.


We believe that providing value to investors is also compatible with being committed to helping our communities and help create a more sustainable and humanized environment.


We want to empower entrepreneurs by giving them opportunities to create and grow disruptive tech solutions that will shape the future.


We aim to have a positive social impact on the world, but in order to do so, we need to be fully confident that what we invest in makes sense, both financially and environmentally. We believe in numbers.