DC Database

Thor, also known as Donar or Thunor, is the Asgardian god of thunder and son of Odin.

During World War II, Thor was summoned by Adolf Hitler and mind-controlled with the Spear of Destiny into abducting President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, but this plot was foiled by Justice Society members Doctor Fate and Green Lantern.[2]

Decades later, Thor accompanied his father Odin and the treacherous Loki to the Dreaming to bargain with Dream of the Endless for ownership of the then-vacant throne of Hell.


  • Divine Empowerment
    • Immortality: Thor, like other members of the Norse Pantheon, is ageless and immortal unless physically killed.
    • Superhuman Durability: Thor is able to face powerful beings like Big Barda in armed combat and remain unscathed.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Thor's stamina and endurance are on a godly level, allowing him to go toe to toe with Big Barda.
    • Superhuman Strength: Thor possesses enough physical strength to act as a worthy opponent to the New God Big Barda and match her blow for blow. Big Barda's strength is in the megaton range, nearly on the order of Wonder Woman's, easily able to lift weight well surpassing 100 tons, implying Thor's strength is within the same range if not higher. He has displayed enough raw strength to knock out Loki with a single blow.[3]
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Thor possesses enough reflexes to act as a worthy opponent to the Big Barda
    • Elemental Control: Thor can manipulate patterns of weather on planets and create raging storms of thunder and lightning. Thor's limitations with this ability, if any, are unknown.
      • Weather Manipulation: Able to create a raging thunderstorm on New Genesis.
      • Electrokinesis: As the Nordic God of Thunder, Thor can use his hammer to channel powerful volts of electricity towards his opponents.



  • Thor rides in a flying chariot pulled by two divine goats, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr.[4]


  • This character or object is an adaptation of Thor, a character or object in traditional stories. These include, but may not be limited to religious texts, myth, and/or folk lore. More information on the original can be found at Wikipedia.org.
  • Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.
  • In New Comics Vol 1 9, in the Vikings feature, the character Djorg "threatens the vengeance of the great god Thor" and the longship is overtaken by a terrific storm. If true, that issue is the first appearance of Thor, but behind the scenes.



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