DC Database

Quote1 Boy, you're everything they say, ain'tcha? I guess we both are. Quote2
— The Penguin src

The Penguin (real name Oz Cobb) is the ruthless, smarmy, and insecure head of the Falcone Crime Syndicate and their base, the Iceberg Lounge. Once the lieutenant to Carmine Falcone, he was one of the earliest enemies of the Batman.

Early career

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Oz Cobblepot in the Iceberg Lounge

Oz Cobb started out as a member of infamous crime lord Carmine Falcone's organization in Gotham City, New York, earning the nickname "The Penguin" thanks to his beak-like nose, plump figure, and fancy dress. Oz was a ruthless, cunning man, greedy for power, prideful of his reputation, and with a tendency to tell jokes. He rose up to become Falcone's top lieutenant, but, greedy for more power, he attempted to export military-grade explosives into the city to create a new finance ring for the mob, and rise even further in the criminal underworld. However, in 2020, the vigilante known as the Batman stopped the dealings, driving a wedge between the Penguin and Falcone now that Falcone saw Oz as capable of failure.[1]

Despite this, the Penguin went on to run a tight operation trading the drug "drops", and running the Iceberg Lounge, a club where all the people of power on Falcone's payroll hung out. He grew more ruthless and bitter, but with a pretense of acting friendly and welcoming to others.[2]

The Riddler investigation

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Interrogated by Gordon and the Batman

In 2022, the serial killer known as the Riddler began targeting and slaughtering Gotham's corrupt elite, all tying back to the Falcone Crime Syndicate. While overseeing a shipment of drops, the Penguin was attacked by Batman, who interrogated him, falsely believing him to be the rat who helped Falcone take control of Salvatore Maroni's drug operation. The Penguin helped him solve one of the Riddler's puzzles, revealing Falcone as the rat, and allowing the Batman to get even closer to taking the Riddler down.[2]

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Overlooking his new empire

As the Riddler killed more and more of Falcone's most powerful associates, his criminal empire started to lose its power. When Falcone was apprehended by the police, Oz made an attempt to shoot him, but the Riddler successfully shot Falcone with a sniper rifle from a distance. After the Riddler's followers flooded most of the city, the Penguin took his spot as the leader of the Falcone Crime Syndicate, and now one of the most powerful men in the now lawless Gotham City, more than ready to take what he felt was rightfully his.[2]


Other Characteristics


  • Maserati Quattroporte


  • Micro Uzi

  • Oz has scars on his face around his nose, potentially suggesting his nose was carved into its beaklike shape with a knife.[2]


External Links


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Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."
