DC Database

Certain day, during Wolfe's management of the prison, there was a massive virus outbreak that killed several guards from Iron Heights. The prison went on lockdown until Flash broke inside the place with assistance from Pied Piper, who was t

Iron Heights is a maximum security correctional facility located three miles north of Keystone City. Equipped specifically to deal with threats of a super-powered nature, it is frequently populated by members of the Flash's Rogues Gallery. The current warden of Iron Heights is Gregory Wolfe.


Certain day, during Wolfe's management of the prison, there was a massive virus outbreak that killed several guards from Iron Heights. The prison went on lockdown until Flash broke inside the place with assistance from Pied Piper, who was the only inmate to ever escape the prison. Inside, Flash learned that Wolfe has been treating the meta-human criminals poorly, even using Fallout to power the facility. Later, Flash learned that the water supply of the prison was contaminated with the virus and that it was all part of a plan from the inmate known as Murmur. An antidote was soon developed, but as Flash was busy saving the lives of those infected, the most dangerous inmates of Iron Heights were set free by Blacksmith.[1]


 Main article: Batman: Arkham Knight

Iron Heights Penitentiary was a unique prison-airship - hence the word Heights - that was free to fly around the United States and pick up the country's most dangerous criminals. Secretly though, the prison conducted gross experiments on its prisoners in the pursuit of allegedly protecting the nation.

Sometime before Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight's coordinated attack on Halloween, Iron Heights located and imprisoned Killer Croc. They quickly began experimenting on the man, learning that his unique reptilian condition worsened when exposed to physical trauma. For days, the guards tortured Jones, even cutting off his hand and letting it grow back, to test the extent of his power.

On the night of Scarecrow's attack, Halloween, Killer Croc escaped from his cell and caused a massive engine failure, making the prison-airship crash into the ocean in Gotham City. Nightwing witnessed the crash and called in Batman. The two vigilantes worked together to save its crew and subdue Croc. Along the way, they learned of the warden's illegal experiments and, upon beating Croc, had both he and the warden arrested.



Common Inmates

See Also
