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Dark Patterns
Tip Line

Dark Patterns Tip Line

Every day, we’re exploited for profit through dark patterns: design tactics used in websites and apps to persuade you into doing things you probably would not do otherwise.

We need to take a stand against dark patterns—and you can help by reporting a dark pattern today. It will help us fight back against companies using manipulative dark patterns to take our private information, money, and time. You deserve respect, online and off.

Report a Pattern
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Dark patterns are common in websites and apps we use everyday, but they’re sometimes hard to spot because they’re designed to deceive us. Through secretly obtaining personal information and making us do things we don’t want to do, dark patterns can create inconveniences or even serious harms.

Report a
Dark Pattern

Notice a website or app up to something suspicious? Maybe you’ve felt forced into giving up personal details or discovered hidden fees. Document and share your experience to help prevent other people from also being harmed. Sharing a dark pattern you spotted in the wild helps us learn more about interfaces and designs that impact real people. Your tips will help policymakers and enforcers hold companies accountable for their dishonest and harmful practices, and we may feature your submission on this site.

Important note: The Dark Patterns Tip Line does not provide legal help. Reporting a dark pattern here helps raise public awareness and contributes to a list of examples for policymakers, enforcers and researchers. If you find a dark pattern that you believe violates the law, you can file a complaint with your state Attorney General (AG) who enforces consumer protection statutes against unfair, misleading, and deceptive acts and practices.

Report here

Our Purpose

The Dark Patterns Tip Line is a platform people can use to submit manipulative designs they encounter in everyday digital products and services. Through crowdsourcing human stories of digital manipulation and amplifying people’s voices, we will raise awareness of the real-life harms that result from manipulative design.

The submissions reflect the views of the people who submitted them, and not necessarily those of the Stanford Digital Civil Society Lab.

About Us


Engage and encourage people to submit their stories of dark patterns online.


Inform the public on how to avoid devious design tactics they may encounter in everyday use of online products and services.


Empower policymakers and advocates with evidence that illustrates real-life harms of deception online.


Change the status quo by advocating for stronger consumer protections and holding companies accountable.