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As one of the greatest leaders in American history, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived a life of service, tirelessly giving his time and talent to make the world better. Since it was first declared a federal holiday in 1983, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day has honored the life and legacy of Dr. King and inspired people to give back through public service.

Today, communities around the country celebrate the January holiday with organized and individual acts of service and volunteerism. This year, AARP is adding its voice to the chorus with its “Continuing a Legacy of Service” campaign, encouraging citizens to give back to people and places in need. Volunteerism not only helps your community, but it can benefit you as well.

Engage in Acts of Service

One of Dr. King’s most famous quotes is, “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.” In that spirit, “Continuing a Legacy of Service” will celebrate Dr. King’s legacy and promote acts of service through an advertising campaign consistent of print, social and radio live reads. Individuals will be encouraged to donate, volunteer, or do something unexpected for someone. There are plenty of opportunities in your community and remotely. Here are some ways to get started:

Use Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to kick off your volunteering efforts. You just might find an organization or cause that you love.

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