Procurement Council


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the Canadian Public Procurement Council

FORUM 2025


Calling all CPPC members and non-members!  Want to influence the content of CPPC’s 2025 Annual Forum?  We’re seeking creative minds to name our Forum theme.  Your idea could shape discussions, presentations, and workshops. Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute.  Submit in English or French by Sept 6.  Special recognition for the winning agency!

CPPC Collaboration Space

We launched a new tool a few weeks ago called the “CPPC Collaboration Space”. This new benefit offered only to CPPC regular members allows them to connect, share and discuss the latest trends and approaches but most importantly they are now able to discuss any public procurement issues or challenges they are facing in their day-to-day activities. With this platform, members will also have access to “GovAI”, an AI solution designed to support the daily tasks while maintaining the highest standards of security and privacy.

If you are not a CPPC member and want to know more about membership benefits including access to the “CPPC Collaboration Space”, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at [email protected].


The Government of Quebec recently announced changes to its legislative framework. Bill 62, an Act mainly to diversify the acquisition strategies of public bodies and increase their agility in carrying out infrastructure projects was announced allowing more flexibility on procurement strategies on major infrastructure projects. This announcement was followed by public consultations on this Bill and as part of this process, the CPPC submitted a document highlighting certain reflections. Beyond these, our brief expressed the fact that public procurement professionals will be important actors in the implementation of the elements provided for in the Bill. Their role and skills will be key success factors to address several of the thoughts expressed in this document. A copy of it is available in French only in the Resources sections of our website.

About us

The Canadian Public Procurement Council (CPPC) was established in September 1999 to be the leading resource for public procurement across Canada.

The mission of the CPPC is to:

  • promote dialogue and networking;
  • facilitate information and knowledge exchange;
  • develop approaches to common issues; and
  • provide leadership for the resolution of shared challenges…
  • …to the benefit of public procurement in Canada and the citizens it serves.

Find out more


Become a member of CPPC today and participate directly to the development of a wide range of initiatives for the support of the public procurement community in Canada.

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Our members are always looking for qualified labor to fill various positions! Check out the career opportunities available!

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