Spry Fox Creator Program Guidelines

At Spry Fox, we understand the significance of supporting creators as the cornerstone of a vibrant gaming community. We are excited to introduce our Spry Fox Creator Program, designed to foster a positive and engaging experience for content creators to share, learn, and grow your craft with each other and with Spry Fox. We truly appreciate the amazing content that you create, and we hope the Spry Fox Creator Program becomes the place to help you become the best creator you can be! 

Respect, integrity, and inclusivity are fundamental values at Spry Fox. We celebrate diversity and encourage all perspectives from our creators. We strive to cultivate an inclusive environment where open dialogue and diverse opinions are valued. While we promote the exchange of ideas, we also expect creators to treat others with respect, fairness, and civility. Any action or behavior that could harm oneself, other players, or the community as a whole is not tolerated. Together, we aim to create a warm and welcoming community for everyone. 

To that end, we expect our creators to uphold our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines (collectively referred to as the “Terms”), both within our community and in their interactions with others. Violations of the Terms may result in consequences such as suspension, removal from the Creator Program, and restricted access to Spry Fox games and services, as well as any other legal remedies available to us. We appreciate your understanding and commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive community.

Creator Program Prerequisites

As a prerequisite to be invited as a participant in the Creator Program, creators must meet each of the following criteria (but please note, meeting this prerequisite is not a guarantee for an invitation):

  • Be at least 18 years old; AND
  • Have an active presence with original content on social media, streaming, and/or original video content platforms; AND
  • At least 100 followers on their primary platform.

That’s it! Original content refers broadly to content created by the creator, featuring significant original voice-over, art, commentary, or other original material. Original content may include but is not limited to shorts, livestreams, crafts, and non-commercial fan art and cosplay. Similarly, platforms may include but are not limited to Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Our goal is to amplify the efforts of authentic and enthusiastic content creators, and we welcome creators of all channel sizes who consistently produce and share content.

Since Spry Fox is passionate about joy and coziness, creators that would make a good fit for our Program are those who consistently host warm, welcoming, and respectful community environments and refrain from: (i) making content related to violence, obscenity, pornography, hate speech, or any other prohibited content as outlined by the applicable game or platform’s guidelines; and (ii) having a pattern of violating applicable laws, regulations, or guidelines, including the FTC’s Guides Concerning Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising, or engaging in bribery, illegal kickbacks, or any other activity that violates anti-corruption laws. 

Please note that selection into the Creator Program is at Spry Fox’s discretion, and meeting the above prerequisite does not guarantee access to the Creator Program.

Creator Program “Seasons”

Spry Fox operates the Creator Program in approximately 3-4 month periods, which we call “Seasons”. Participating content creators will have access to the Creator Program for the duration of the applicable Season, and Season start and end dates will be shared with creators when confirming their participation in the Program. We believe this seasonal model allows our Program to be more accessible and refreshing. 

When a Season ends, all creators will automatically rotate off. When a new Season begins, we encourage all interested creators – regardless of whether they’ve participated in a prior/current Season or if it’s their first time learning about our Program – to submit (or re-submit) an Interest Form to indicate their interest in the Program. When a new Season is planned, Spry Fox will post an announcement on our social media channels. We look forward to sharing our Program resources with both new and repeat participants within this trusted creator community. 

Regardless of the Season, creators are welcome to stay in touch with Spry Fox to discuss future opportunities.

How to Indicate Your Interest in the Creator Program

Creator interest may be submitted at any time through the form found on our Interest Form (https://cozygrovegame.com/creatorform/) as well as our respective game’s website (ex., https://www.cozygrovegame.com).

Interest Form Review Process

The Spry Fox Creator Program Interest Form will remain open, but submissions will only be reviewed on a quarterly basis, allowing us to review submissions in the most efficient and responsible way possible. We wish we had capacity to invite all of our amazing creators and show how much we value you through this Program, but unfortunately space is limited. While we can’t invite all interested creators, and therefore submitting your interest does not guarantee access or participation in our Program, we strive to give all interested creators a fair opportunity. Selected creators will receive an invitation email with further details.

Creator Participation Guidelines

The Spry Fox Creator Program does not require nor expect participating creators to devote a specific amount of content or time to supporting Spry Fox games, and there are no other general obligations to produce a minimum amount of content during a creator’s participation in the Program. It is our hope that we can create a healthy, thriving relationship with content creators where both Spry Fox and the creators can have the opportunity to enjoy, appreciate, and celebrate each other’s art. 

To the extent you are a fan of Spry Fox games and would like to create content around it during your time in our Program, please keep the following things in mind:

  • When creating a piece of content that highlights Spry Fox’s games, stay in touch with us! We can provide behind-the-scenes details, high-resolution assets, answer questions, and signal boost your posts when possible.
  • Be sure to comply with FTC regulations and individual platform requirements, particularly with providing credit to Spry Fox and disclosing the nature of your participation in the Spry Fox Creator Program and any materials or access you’ve received to support your content (see Disclosure section below for examples).
  • Take care not to misrepresent our game content or the nature of your relationship with Spry Fox. 

Disclosure Examples

When posting content resulting from, influenced by, or in connection with your participation in the Spry Fox Creator Program, please make sure to disclose or credit any benefits or incentives you’ve received, including any special access, resources, swag, or other additional support: 

  • If Spry Fox provided any behind-the-scenes support, like a Developer Q&A or Early Access, please mention that you received developer support, and what kind, in your video and description.
  • Use terms like “partnered with” or “collaborating with”.
    • Example for videos: Mention verbally at the start, “Thanks to Spry Fox for giving me early access to this game as part of our collaboration!”
  • Use hashtags like #Partner or #SpryFoxCollab
  • Clearly describe what being partnered involves. If you received free access, merchandise, or other perks, mention these instead of leaving viewers to infer what support you received.
    • Example: “Spry Fox provided me with a game key to share my journey with you all! #Partner”

Creator Program Benefits

Spry Fox is committed to fostering a transparent relationship with our creators. While Program perks may vary over time, benefits of the Creator Program may include:

  • Advanced previews of major game update content.
  • Access to a private Spry Fox Creator Discord.
  • Educational resources to assist and facilitate content creation.
  • Occasional early access reviews of Spry Fox game content.
  • Opportunities to participate in developer roundtables and provide feedback.

The distribution and content of perks may change over time, some perks may be governed under additional terms and conditions, and participation in the Program does not guarantee access to all perks.

Reasons Why A Creator May Be Removed From The Program

While Spry Fox’s main mission is to build happiness through games, there may come some rare times when we need to have difficult conversations to maintain a harmonious community. Some reasons we may remove a creator’s Program benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Violating one of Spry Fox’s community guidelines or other Terms
  • Failing to disclose their relationship with the Spry Fox Program  in creator’s applicable content
  • Misrepresenting Spry Fox or its games in the creator’s content

Except in rare or egregious circumstances, Spry Fox will always make a concerted effort to reach out to the creator to discuss any issues that come to our attention and offer an opportunity to remedy the situation where possible before they are removed from the Program.

Creator Program Terms and Conditions

In addition to the Terms referenced at the beginning of these guidelines, Program participants must also adhere to  Spry Fox Creator Program-specific terms and conditions (“Program T&Cs”), which will be formally provided to the creator at the time of invitation. Some of the Program T&Cs are highlighted below:

  1. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA): Creators must honor contractual obligations, including NDAs.
  1. Inappropriate or Infringing Content: Spry Fox is not liable for content posted by Creators or other users. Creators must refrain from inappropriate conduct or infringing content. Creators may not promote sites or services that violate our Code of Conduct or promote inappropriate activities.
  1. Views Expressed Are Your Own: Creator content reflects the views of the creator, not Spry Fox.
  1. Inappropriate Content of Creators: Creators may not promote sites or services that violate our Code of Conduct or promote inappropriate activities. However, this does not constitute a noncompete clause.
  1. Creator Status: Creators must not exploit their status for personal gain or influence. Violations may result in dismissal from the Program.

Creators must adhere to the Program T&Cs across all platforms under their creator profile used for the Creator Program. Violations may lead to suspension or dismissal from the Program. Spry Fox reserves the right to take necessary actions to maintain Program integrity and safety. These guidelines and the Program T&Cs are subject to change, with notice provided to current Creators.

We believe that by upholding these guidelines within our communities and creating with creators like you, we can create a better space for players from diverse backgrounds. Thank you for joining us in this mission, and we look forward to building together!

Contact information for any questions or report a suspected violation in connection the Spry Fox Creator Program or these Program Guidelines: hello@spryfox.com