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Cosmos Episode 21

by Eguana



Artist: Eguana
Title: Cosmos Episode 21
Release: Feb 7, 2024
Format: Album
Tags: Free Download, Ambient, Psybient, Space, Meditation
Label: Cosmicleaf Records
Catalog code: CLCD881DG  

...Guided by the wisdom of the peaceful beings, Eguana uncovers ancient artifacts left behind by a precursor civilization. These artifacts reveal the history of the universe and its cycles of creation and rebirth. Eguana understands that his journey is part of a grand cosmic symphony, and he must share this knowledge with his world...

001. Eguana - Cosmos Episode 21 (58 Minutes)

Cover by Eguana
Mastering by Eguana


released February 7, 2024

more catalog: cosmicleaf.gr/eguana


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