Coronation Street Wiki


Part One: Dennis tries to get the fire under control but the curtains catch light. An oblivious Len continues to drink on with Jerry in the Rovers. They hear a fire engine going past but pay little attention to it. The firemen arrive at Len's and deal with the fire. Ken passes the house and goes in to find out what is happening. Jerry thinks they ought to return and see how Dennis is getting on, but Len doesn't think he can do much damage and drinks on. The firemen have to pull up the floorboards to look for any stray sparks under them. Watching the damage being intensified, Dennis bemoans his lot in life. Ken advises him to come clean to Len. Lucille senses that Annie is watching her and is up to something. Ena takes her to task for not being grateful to Annie for looking after her. Ken finds Len in the corner shop and tells him what's happened. He and Jerry rush round to the house where the fire officer is taking down details.

Part Two: The next day, Elsie lectures Dennis about leaving spent matches around. Ken tells Elsie that they've reported her phone for being out of order as Val couldn't get through to her. Dennis resigns from the yard before Len can sack him, even though Len accepts part of the blame. Annie tells Lucille that she wants her to work at Gamma Garments with Emily but she refuses, saying she'd go bonkers. Dennis looks for another job. Ena overhears as Dave Smith tells Irma he's thinking of opening a new betting shop in the area. She refuses to sell the shop to him. Dennis takes up Emily's offer for the Gamma job and, having had doubts due to the fire, she gives it to him. Elsie feeds Percy Bridge a slap-up meal and hears about Dennis's new job. They go for a drink in the Rovers. Dave also goes there where he mistakes Percy for Elsie's new boyfriend. Finding out who he is from Len, Dave tells him it was him who pulled Paul out of the canal and not Percy.


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January 1967 episodes
Mon 2ndMon 9thWed 11thMon 16th
Wed 18thMon 23rdWed 25thMon 30th