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Consumer Alert

Avoid scam websites that offer to help you get or renew your passport

Gema de las Heras
Do you need to apply for or renew your passport? If you search online, the top results might show official-looking websites that say they can renew or get you a passport. Some of these websites are private companies that charge you for services that are free on the U.S. Department of State website…while others are scammers trying to take your money and personal information.
Consumer Alert

Planning a spring break getaway? Don’t let scammers clip your wings

Gema de las Heras
When you’re planning a trip — whether it’s a last-minute spring break vacation or another trip — you might be tempted to jump on an offer for a great deal. Unfortunately, scammers sometimes hide behind those offers. Their goal? To try to steal your money Here’s how it could play out.
Consumer Alert

Want to get rid of your timeshare? Read this before you hire someone to help

Rosario Mendez
Timeshare exit companies advertise a lot. Many "guarantee" they can get you out of your timeshare contract, but sometimes these companies are simply a scam. In a case announced today, the FTC said a company called Consumer Protection Law (one of its many names) didn’t deliver on all its promises. Read on to learn about staying ahead of the scammers.

Rental Listing Scams

When you’re looking for an apartment or vacation rental, you’re probably looking at price, location and amenities.


Buying Alaska Native Art

Alaska is famous for the rugged beauty of its mountains, rivers, and coastlines, as well as for the distinctive arts and crafts produced by Alaska Native artists.

Avoid Scams When You Travel

Before you start your travel plans, learn common tactics scammers use that can ruin your entire trip.
Consumer Alert

COVID-19 ruined my travel plans. Now what?

Namukolo Kasumpa

If COVID-19 canceled your travel plans, you are likely disappointed and wondering about refunds, credits, or vouchers for plane tickets, cruise bookings, tours, and more.

Consumer Alert

Renting a car: Factoring in the fees

Colleen Tressler

Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a cross-country road trip, a rental car may be in your future.